This plugin makes it possible to issue tickets and impose fines. It's great for roleplay servers!
--You can issue tickets to players.ticketfines.demand
-- You can demand the payment of a ticket.ticketfines.close
-- You can close tickets.ticketfines.edit
-- You can edit the fine or the note of a ticket.
-- Shows all possible commands.fine list
-- List all your unpaid tickets.fine list <playerName>
-- List all unpaid tickets of given player (requires permissionticketfines.demand
).fine pay <ticketID>
-- Pays the fine of the ticket with given ID. You can only pay your own tickets.fine issue <playerName> <fine> <optional:note>
-- Issues a ticket to given player. You can add a note if you want. Fine can be 0.fine demand <ticketID>
-- Demands the payment of the ticket with given ID. The player who got the ticket, has to be within the range, defined in the config.fine close <ticketID>
-- Closes the ticket with given ID.fine edit <ticketID> <field> <newValue>
-- Sets the field of ticket with given ID to newValue. Possible fields areFINE
"Enable fines (requires Economics OR Server Rewards OR custom currency item)": true,
"Use 'Economics' plugin for payment (requires Economics)": false,
"Use 'Server Rewards' plugin for payment (requires Server Rewards)": false,
"Use custom currency for payment": true,
"Custom Currency Item (requires 'Use custom currency' to be true. Use item shortname)": "scrap",
"Enable automatic withdraw of fines (requires 'Enable fines' to be true)": false,
"The demandent will receive a paid fine. (if false, the fine amount will just be deleted)": true,
"Maximum fine per ticket (default 1000.0)": 1000.0,
"Currency (requires 'Use custom currency' to be true)": "Scrap",
"Enable notes (descriptive note attached to a ticket)": true,
"Tickets require note (tickets won't be issued without a note)": false,
"Maximum note length (0 = unlimited)": 200,
"Maximum distance in which you are able to demand a ticket (0 = unlimited)": 20
/fine issue McJackson164 1337 "Grand Theft Auto"
-- Issues a ticket toMcJackson164
with a fine of1337
and the noteGrand Theft Auto
./fine list McJackson164
-- Lists all unpaid tickets of playerMcJackson164