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Running Emby Server as a Windows Service

Luke edited this page Sep 15, 2017 · 18 revisions

Important: This applies to new server installations of version 3.2.31 or greater. If you are running an older installation that embeds a Windows Service, please continue using that.

To setup a Windows Service, we'll be using a program called NSSM that can turn any app into a Windows Service. To begin, download NSSM.

Follow this guide to create your Windows Service, but incorporate the following changes:

  • Application path: path to mediabrowser.serverapplication.exe
  • Startup directory: folder containing mediabrowser.serverapplication.exe
  • Arguments: -service
  • Service name: Emby Server (or other name of your choice)

Then, on the exit actions tab, make sure to configure the exit action to not automatically restart:

This is important because without this, using the Shutdown button inside Emby Server will cause NSSM to automatically restart Emby Server.

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