写的一个简单的脚本实现 在 L 下的公式证明, 有兴趣的同学可以看看, 算是抛砖引玉吧
it's a formal logic deduction based on system-L
, ->
(in the script, i use > to repr it)
The basic three axioms:
- L1:
- L2:
(p->(q->r)) -> ((p->q)->(p->r))
- L3:
~q->~p -> (p->q)
{p,p->q} |- q
you can read the professional book or click here to see more details
To prove one proposition:
- Firstly, I use deduction theorem(演绎定理) to de-level the formula and finally get a prop varible or a prop in form of
. let's mark it as p or ~p - Next, I create a set
and fill it with some generated formulas using the three axioms(公理),some theorem and conclusions. - Then, I search p or ~p in `garma, or further, using modus ponent(MP) to deduct p or ~p.
- Finally, if using mp can't prove it, I will use
Proof by contradiction
(反证法) to prove it.
python modules
- sympy
- 将证明过程对象化,便于处理,打印(英文版,中文版),
- 其他连接词的转换
- 处理简单的, 有一定模式的自然语言, 形成命题推理
- mail: [email protected]
- QQ : 414313516