diff --git a/target_postgres/sinks.py b/target_postgres/sinks.py
index f2f9e420..c5f65444 100644
--- a/target_postgres/sinks.py
+++ b/target_postgres/sinks.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
 import datetime
 import typing as t
 import uuid
+from io import StringIO
 import sqlalchemy as sa
 from singer_sdk.sinks import SQLSink
@@ -14,7 +15,6 @@
     from singer_sdk.connectors.sql import FullyQualifiedName
-    from sqlalchemy.sql import Executable
 class PostgresSink(SQLSink):
@@ -145,35 +145,90 @@ def bulk_insert_records(  # type: ignore[override]
             True if table exists, False if not, None if unsure or undetectable.
         columns = self.column_representation(schema)
-        insert: str = t.cast(
-            str,
-            self.generate_insert_statement(
-                table.name,
-                columns,
-            ),
-        )
-        self.logger.info("Inserting with SQL: %s", insert)
+        copy_statement: str = self.generate_copy_statement(table.name, columns)
+        self.logger.info("Inserting with SQL: %s", copy_statement)
         # Only one record per PK, we want to take the last one
-        data_to_insert: list[dict[str, t.Any]] = []
+        data_to_insert: tuple[tuple[t.Any, ...], ...]
         if self.append_only is False:
-            insert_records: dict[tuple, dict] = {}  # pk tuple: record
+            copy_values: dict[tuple, tuple] = {}  # pk tuple: values
             for record in records:
-                insert_record = {
-                    column.name: record.get(column.name) for column in columns
-                }
+                values = tuple(record.get(column.name) for column in columns)
                 # No need to check for a KeyError here because the SDK already
                 # guarantees that all key properties exist in the record.
                 primary_key_tuple = tuple(record[key] for key in primary_keys)
-                insert_records[primary_key_tuple] = insert_record
-            data_to_insert = list(insert_records.values())
+                copy_values[primary_key_tuple] = values
+            data_to_insert = tuple(copy_values.values())
-            for record in records:
-                insert_record = {
-                    column.name: record.get(column.name) for column in columns
-                }
-                data_to_insert.append(insert_record)
-        connection.execute(insert, data_to_insert)
+            data_to_insert = tuple(
+                tuple(record.get(column.name) for column in columns)
+                for record in records
+            )
+        # Prepare to process the rows into csv. Use each column's bind_processor to do
+        # most of the work, then do the final construction of the csv rows ourselves
+        # to control exactly how values are converted and which ones are quoted.
+        column_processors = [
+            column.type.bind_processor(connection.dialect) or str for column in columns
+        ]
+        # Make translation table for escaping in array values.
+        str_translate_table = str.maketrans(
+            {
+                '"': '""',
+                "\\": "\\\\",
+            }
+        )
+        array_translate_table = str.maketrans(
+            {
+                '"': '\\""',
+                "\\": "\\\\",
+            }
+        )
+        def process_column_value(data: t.Any, proc: t.Callable) -> str:
+            # If the data is null, return an unquoted, empty value.
+            # Unquoted is important here, for PostgreSQL to interpret as null.
+            if data is None:
+                return ""
+            # Pass the Python value through the bind_processor.
+            value = proc(data)
+            # If the value is a string, escape double-quotes as "" and return
+            # a quoted value.
+            if isinstance(value, str):
+                # escape double quotes as "".
+                return '"' + value.translate(str_translate_table) + '"'
+            # If the value is a list (for ARRAY), escape double-quotes as \" and return
+            # a quoted value in literal array format.
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                # for each member of value, escape double quotes as \".
+                return (
+                    '"{'
+                    + ",".join(
+                        '""' + v.translate(array_translate_table) + '""' for v in value
+                    )
+                    + '}"'
+                )
+            # Otherwise, return the string representation of the value.
+            return str(value)
+        buffer = StringIO()
+        for row in data_to_insert:
+            processed_row = ",".join(map(process_column_value, row, column_processors))
+            buffer.write(processed_row)
+            buffer.write("\n")
+        buffer.seek(0)
+        # Use copy_expert to run the copy statement.
+        # https://www.psycopg.org/docs/cursor.html#cursor.copy_expert
+        with connection.connection.cursor() as cur:  # type: ignore[attr-defined]
+            cur.copy_expert(sql=copy_statement, file=buffer)
         return True
     def upsert(
@@ -261,23 +316,24 @@ def column_representation(
         return columns
-    def generate_insert_statement(
+    def generate_copy_statement(
         full_table_name: str | FullyQualifiedName,
         columns: list[sa.Column],  # type: ignore[override]
-    ) -> str | Executable:
-        """Generate an insert statement for the given records.
+    ) -> str:
+        """Generate a copy statement for bulk copy.
             full_table_name: the target table name.
             columns: the target table columns.
-            An insert statement.
+            A copy statement.
-        metadata = sa.MetaData()
-        table = sa.Table(full_table_name, metadata, *columns)
-        return sa.insert(table)
+        columns_list = ", ".join(f'"{column.name}"' for column in columns)
+        sql: str = f'copy "{full_table_name}" ({columns_list}) from stdin with csv'
+        return sql
     def conform_name(self, name: str, object_type: str | None = None) -> str:
         """Conforming names of tables, schemas, column names."""