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Chat FAQ

xDashh edited this page Jul 6, 2018 · 19 revisions

Chat rules

  • Be civil. Do not cause a nuisance in the community, e.g. by spoiling other's experience1, or having overly long / heated discussions.
  • Do not post content including: racism/discrimination, "revenge-porn", lolicon (any mainstream anime is probably fine).
  • Do tag content appropriately as NSFW or NSFL. Gore or content most would find "disgusting" is NSFL.

Extended "common sense" rules

  • No spamming, in particular NSFW/NSFL content and Bot commands.
  • No malicious impersonation, e.g. by registering someone else's username and acting like them.
  • No baiting others into breaking rules.
  • No advertisement without approval.
  • If you want to run a bot in chat, ask staff first.

1: E.g. by posting spoilers of a current movie. If in doubt tag links as spoiler. If multiple streams with the same content are being streamed, the one with most viewers takes precedence.

Breaking rules will cause you to be notified by mods and/or muted/banned. Repeated or deliberate violations will result in longer mutes/bans.


Q: Where are the logs? Why doesn't /mentions work?

A: There are no public logs of this chat. For moderation purposes there are some time-limited private logs. Be aware that in principle anyone could log this chat privately. If you find publicly accessible logs of this chat online, let some mod/staff know.

Q: Where are my sub-icons / colored names / $paid_bonus_meme?

A: We might add some of that in the future. For now we focus on building a stable website with all of the basic functionality. Flairs etc. might get re-added some time later.

Q: My profile doesn't work as I expect it! Also how can I change my username?

A: You may message any mod/staff listed below for help.


As issues are discovered, they will be included below.

  • Save settings to profile setting currently functions in unexpected ways, we recommend you don't enable it for now.
  • In order to read PMs you receive, you have to enable the In-line messages option. Additionally, PMs are not stored anymore, so once you reload chat, they are gone.
  • If you are trying to log in to destinygg chat through the chat window will be blank; we cannot fix this. Please log in through and then reload. Related issue:


Chat moderation and appeals

  • Bot
  • RightToBearArmsLOL
  • Dashh
  • Slugalisk
  • Tensei
  • dbc


  • ILiedAboutCake
  • Overpowered ( streaming service)

Staff (report technical issues to us)

  • blushies (website/chat frontend)
  • Dashh (chat)
  • dbc (hosting)
  • SgtMaximum (website frontend)
  • Slugalisk (any website/profile)
  • Tensei (hosting)
Everyone is reachable on the Discord server listed on the bottom of the website. Staff discretion will be used and abused as necessary.
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