I have stopped working on this project and am currently working on something new. Check out Taro and easygc, which are the new projects I am working on.
Ochre is a stack-based programming language with a combination of both high-level and low-level features. It aims to have the simplicity of a Forth-like language, while still possessing the modern features that allow an ease of development.
- Finish assembly optimizations
- Cond (if/switch statement)
fun fizzbuzz(Int)
(dup 15 modulo 0 =) pop "Fizzbuzz\n" print ;
(dup 3 modulo 0 = ) pop "Fizz\n" print ;
(dup 5 modulp 0 = ) pop "Buzz\n" print ;
else dump ;
fun fib(Int) {Int}
cond (dup 1 >)
dup 1 - fib
swp 2 - fib + ;
- While Loops
fun main()
0 while (dup 100 <)
dup fizzbuzz 1 + ;
- Type Cast
fun mmap_string(Int) {^Char}
# mmap syscall
0 swp # item on stack is size
3 33 1 neg 0
9 call6
cast ^Char # syscalls push integer, so cast to ^Char
- Generics
fun alloc[T](Int) {T}
# mmap syscall
0 swp
3 33 1 neg 0
9 call6 cast T
fun main()
^Char str
20 alloc[^Char] @str