- Typescript 5.7
- Republished against Meteor 3.1
- Republished against Meteor 3.1-rc.0 for TLA fixes in babel-compiler
- Republished against Meteor 3.1-beta0 for TLA fixes in babel-compiler
Typescript bug fix update 5.6.3
Republished against Meteor 3.0.4
Since meteor publish
stores a copy of all compiler dependencies, it is necessary to re-publish to
get updates to dependencies.
This time, this was done to get the TLA-detection fixes in the npm package @meteorjs/[email protected] that were brought in by the npm package [email protected] by the meteor package [email protected].
- Typescript upgraded to 5.6.2
- Typescript upgraded to 5.5.2
- Trying to create a dual (Meteor 2+3) published package
- Typescript upgraded to 5.4.5
- Sample app upgraded to Meteor 2.15
- Separate sample app upgraded to Meteor 3 RC0
- Typescript upgraded to 5.4.5
- Sample app upgraded to Meteor 2.15
- Typescript upgraded to 5.3.2
- Typescript upgraded to 5.2.2
- Typescript upgraded to 5.1.3
- No longer enforces source maps and adds support for an environment variable TYPESCRIPT_SOURCEMAP for overriding the setting in tsconfig.json
- Upgrade because I aborted the previous deploy which seems to have made it corrupt and I don’t know how to upgrade it.
- Typescript upgraded to 5.0.2
- Adding support for environment variable TYPESCRIPT_FAIL_ON_COMPILATION_ERRORS
- Typescript upgraded to 4.9.3
- Typescript upgraded to 4.8.2
- Typescript upgraded to 4.7.3
- Typescript upgraded to 4.6.2
- Typescript upgraded to 4.5.2
- Typescript upgraded to 4.4.2
- Typescript upgraded to 4.3.2
- Broken publish
- Typescript upgraded to 4.2.2
- Relax the meteor core typescript dependency so the compiler works with meteor 1.12
- Use cache path relative source directory also in test mode to be able to reuse incremental cache
- Major rewrite to use incremental watching compiler for much faster (re)compiles
- Typescript upgraded to 4.1.2
- Turned on strict ts mode in tsconfig and adapted compiler code accordingly
- Add back setting of disk cache directory for BabelCompiler
- Typescript upgraded to 4.0.2
- Output caching is now enabled by default but can be disabled through by setting METEOR_TYPESCRIPT_CACHE_DISABLED to a truthy value
- Cache files are now stored in .meteor/local/pluginCache/refapp_meteor-typescript/[version]
Added experimental output caching, enabled if TYPESCRIPT_CACHE is set to any truthy value. The javascript and source maps produced by Typescript will then be stored under .meteor/local/.typescript-incremental/v1cache and updated based on the incremental build support.
Reinstated change to make watch mode work during meteor test by sending in source path as "path" to addJavaScript.