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Console Compute Tutorial

Windows (DirectX 12)       
Linux (Vulkan)             
MacOS (Metal)              
ConsoleCompute on Windows ConsoleCompute on Linux ConsoleCompute on MacOS

Tutorial implements Conway`s Game of Life in a Compute shader running in a pure Console application without graphics. The GPU Compute pipeline is programmed using Methane Kit, and the console UI is implemented with the amazing FTXUI library:

The tutorial demonstrates the following techniques:

  • Using ComputeContext for GPU-accelerated compute operations from a console application without a GUI Window.
  • Using ComputeState with a compute program for dispatching compute operations on the GPU.
  • Using ComputeCommandList for recording commands for dispatching compute operations and executing them in the compute command queue.
  • Using a 2D Texture both as Input and Output of compute program data (bound as UAV, Unordered Access View).
  • Transferring texture data both to the GPU and from the GPU for read-back on the CPU for presenting results in the console UI.
  • Using the FTXUI library for creating GUI-like user interfaces in the console.

Game of Life Rules

The universe of the Game of Life is an infinite, two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states: live or dead (or populated and unpopulated, respectively). Every cell interacts with its eight neighbors, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:

  • Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
  • Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
  • Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
  • Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

Compute Initialization

GPU compute initialization using Methane Kit includes creating ComputeContext, ComputeState, and ComputeCommandList. The compute state duplicates the compute thread group size from the HLSL compute shader due to API differences between DirectX, Vulkan (define thread group size in shader), and Metal (defines thread group size in dispatch command arguments).

void ConsoleComputeApp::Init()
    const rhi::Device* device_ptr = GetComputeDevice();
    m_compute_context = device_ptr->CreateComputeContext(m_parallel_executor, {});
    m_compute_context.SetName("Game of Life");

    m_compute_state = m_compute_context.CreateComputeState({
                rhi::Program::ShaderSet { { rhi::ShaderType::Compute, { data::ShaderProvider::Get(), { "GameOfLife", "MainCS" } } } }
        rhi::ThreadGroupSize(16U, 16U, 1U)
    m_compute_state.GetProgram().SetName("Game of Life Program");
    m_compute_state.SetName("Game of Life Compute State");
    m_compute_cmd_list = m_compute_context.GetComputeCommandKit().GetQueue().CreateComputeCommandList();
    m_compute_cmd_list.SetName("Game of Life Compute");
    m_compute_cmd_list_set = rhi::CommandListSet({ m_compute_cmd_list.GetInterface() });

Buffer is created to keep game rule index for rule-set selection in the shader constant buffer:

    m_constant_buffer = m_compute_context.CreateBuffer(
        rhi::BufferSettings::ForConstantBuffer(sizeof(Constants), false, true));
    m_constant_buffer.SetName("Constant Buffer");

Finally, a 2D image texture is created with the R8Uint pixel format, which is used for ShaderRead, ShaderWrite, and Readback of texture data after the compute iteration. A ProgramBindings instance is created for binding the texture to the compute shader argument g_frame_texture defined in the HLSL shader. The texture is initialized with random cell data on the CPU and uploaded to the GPU using the transfer queue.

void ConsoleComputeApp::Init()
    rhi::TextureSettings frame_texture_settings = rhi::TextureSettings::ForImage(
        std::nullopt, gfx::PixelFormat::R8Uint, false,
    m_frame_texture = m_compute_context.CreateTexture(frame_texture_settings);
    m_frame_texture.SetName("Game of Life Frame Texture");

    m_compute_bindings = m_compute_state.GetProgram().CreateBindings({
        { { rhi::ShaderType::Compute, "g_constants"     }, m_constant_buffer.GetResourceView() },
        { { rhi::ShaderType::Compute, "g_frame_texture" }, { { m_frame_texture.GetInterface() } } },
    m_compute_bindings.SetName("Game of Life Compute Bindings");


    // Complete bindings and texture initialization

Compute Iteration

On each iteration, compute commands are recorded in the ComputeCommandList. The dispatch command performs the execution of the compute shader from the compute state. Then, the recorded command list is executed in the compute command queue. After the compute execution is completed, the frame texture data is read back on the CPU for presentation in the console UI.

void ConsoleComputeApp::Compute()
    const data::FrameSize&       field_size        = GetFieldSize();
    const rhi::CommandQueue&     compute_cmd_queue = m_compute_context.GetComputeCommandKit().GetQueue();
    const rhi::ThreadGroupSize&  thread_group_size = m_compute_state.GetSettings().thread_group_size;
    const rhi::ThreadGroupsCount thread_groups_count(data::DivCeil(field_size.GetWidth(), thread_group_size.GetWidth()),
                                                     data::DivCeil(field_size.GetHeight(), thread_group_size.GetHeight()),

    META_DEBUG_GROUP_VAR(s_debum_group, "Compute Frame");
    m_compute_cmd_list.ResetWithState(m_compute_state, &s_debum_group);

    m_frame_data = m_frame_texture.GetData(compute_cmd_queue);

HLSL Compute Shader

Compute shader implements compute iteration of cells data in texture g_frame_texture (bound for read and write), updated according to Game of Life rules.

RWTexture2D<uint> g_frame_texture;

[numthreads(16, 16, 1)]
void MainCS(uint3 id : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    uint2 frame_texture_size;
    g_frame_texture.GetDimensions(frame_texture_size.x, frame_texture_size.y);
    if (id.x > frame_texture_size.x || id.y > frame_texture_size.y)

    // For a cell at id.xy compute number live neighbours,
    // which are 8 cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent.
    uint alive_neighbors_count = 0;
    for (int x = -1; x <= 1; x++)
        for (int y = -1; y <= 1; y++)
            if (x == 0 && y == 0)

            uint2 neighbor_pos = uint2(id.x + x, id.y + y);
            if (g_frame_texture[neighbor_pos.xy] > 0)

    if (g_frame_texture[id.xy] > 0)
        // Any live cell with two or three live neighbours survives.
        // All other live cells die in the next generation.
        g_frame_texture[id.xy] = (alive_neighbors_count == 2 || alive_neighbors_count == 3) ? 1 : 0;
        // Any dead cell with three live neighbours becomes a live cell.
        // All other dead cells stay dead.
        g_frame_texture[id.xy] = (alive_neighbors_count == 3) ? 1 : 0;