This is the backend microservice for the creation of test users in the API Platform for the External Test Environment. Test users and organisations are stored in mongo.
It exposes endpoints as documented on the Developer Hub.
Unit and integration tests can be run with the following bash script:
Note that integration tests require a running version of Mongo 3.2, listening on localhost:27017. A simple way to achieve this is to run with a docker image:
docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo -d mongo:3.2
In order to view changes locally you will need to add the following to your ~/.hmrc/api-services-stub.conf
api-platform-test-user = api-platform-test-user/resources/public/api
Or create a file ~/.hmrc/api-services-stub.conf containing
workspace: <path-to-your-projects-folder>
services {
api-platform-test-user = api-platform-test-user/resources/public/api
run the following in your projects folder
You should be able to see your changes at
Though it may take a minute to boot.
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License