For you to understand this filter, it's best to look at the context in which it runs. The widgets bundle passes the widget instance to the get_template_variables
function. This function is the one your plugin should override to return an array of variables that the Widgets Bundle will pass through extract
to make them available for your widget template.
$template_vars = $this->get_template_variables($instance, $args);
$template_vars = apply_filters( 'siteorigin_widgets_template_variables_' . $this->id_base, $template_vars, $instance, $args, $this );
extract( $template_vars );
This filter mainly comes in useful if you want to modify the template variables of another widget. You could technically just modify the frontend instance, but this filter gives you a way to modify the variables in a way that doesn't change the instance for the LESS templates.
The filter takes the form 'siteorigin_widgets_template_variables_' . $this->id_base
. The Widgets Bundle passes it 4 arguments.
* @param array $template_vars The Template variables array
* @param array $instance The widget instance
* @param array $args The widget instance
* @param SiteOrigin_Widget $widget The main widget instance.
function wbe_filter_template_variables( $template_vars, $instance, $args, $widget ){
// Strictly this isn't correct, but we'll use it as an example
$template_vars['text'] = __( $instance['text'], 'test-domain' );
add_filter( 'siteorigin_widgets_template_variables_sow-button', 'wbe_filter_template_variables', 10, 4 );