There is a docker image for REST tests, just run the following command:
$> make tests-rest
It will execute all REST tests in a docker container. This container is stopped and removed once the tests are finished. If you need to run tests manually, do the following instead:
$> make tests-rest SETUP_ONLY=1
$root@d4601e92ca3f> /opt/remi/php82/root/usr/bin/php \
/usr/share/tuleap/tests/rest/vendor/bin/phpunit \
--configuration /usr/share/tuleap/tests/rest/phpunit.xml \
--do-not-cache-result \
/usr/share/tuleap/plugins/testmanagement/tests/rest/TestManagement/ExecutionsTest.php # Optional path
In case of failure, you may need to attach to this running container in order to parse logs for example:
$> docker exec -ti <name-of-the-container> bash
$root@d4601e92ca3f> tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log
And if you need to run queries on the database, look at the password
in /etc/tuleap/conf/
and connect directly in the db container:
$> docker exec -ti <name-of-the-database-container> bash
bash-4.4# mysql -h -u tuleapadm -p tuleap