27/05/2020: Minor Update
- Updated the neutrino-electron interaction cross sections so as to include EW radiative corrections to the SM neutral current as relevant for E < 10 MeV. Neutrino-electron interaction rates are now 1.8% stronger than in the previous version.
- We still find Neff^SM = 3.045.
- We have now set m0 = me. It was previously m0 = 1 MeV. This does not change any result but only rescales the scale factor a.
10/01/2020: Major Update
- Included spin-statistics and the electron mass in the nu-e and nu-nu interaction rates
- We find Neff^SM = 3.045
- Additonal BSM models have been coded up
- Code is now in both Mathematica and Python (2 and 3) versions
20/08/2019: Major Update
- Corrected an error in the neutrino-electron interaction rates.
- We find Neff^SM = 3.053
19/12/2018: First Release
- We find Neff^SM = 3.034