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Releases: MindFlavor/AzureSDKForRust

CosmosDB: Client traits Send + Sync

20 Jun 18:20
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CosmosDB: client traits Sync + Send (#295)

* Added Send + Sync to client traits

* Updated README

Storage Core: Client to be Send + Sync

19 Jun 12:12
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This minor release should help using Box<dyn Client> to be more ergonomic.

Support for Bearer Token for storage crates

16 Jun 15:25
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This release adds the support for Bearer Token to Azure Storage crates. This means you can use Azure AAD tokens instead of using the access keys or the SAS keys.
The API is the same so you just have to instantiate the Client with the with_bearer_token new function in order to use this new functionality.

let client = client::with_bearer_token(account, bearer_token);

Provided you have the necessary privileges your calls will succeed.


In order to make the switch possible I switched the Client from struct from trait. The only breaking change is that you can no longer create a new instance of the client with Client::new - that is the new function of the struct Client - with client::new - the new function of the module client. In other words just de-capitalize the Client word (and remove the unnecessary unwrap at the end).

AAD - v2.0 endpoints support

12 Jun 15:01
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Migrated to v2.0 endpoints and added storage blob bearer auth (#285)

* Migrated to v2.0 endpoints and added storage blob bearer auth

* fixed refs

CosmosDB - Implemented stream for ListAttachmentsBuilder

10 Jun 18:12
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Merge pull request #283 from MindFlavor/issue/278

Implemented stream for ListAttachmentsBuilder

CosmosDB - Refactor as trait

10 Jun 18:01
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This is a major refactor of the CosmosDB crate. Every client is now exposed as a trait. In practice there are just a few breaking changes (such renaming with_database with with_database_client) but the crate now supports both owning clients and reference ones. This means you can choose either depending of the circumstances with no penalty.
There are still a few of rough edges but the overall user experience should be good.

Storage - Connection string support && CosmosDB - Trigger support

25 May 08:13
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This release adds two important functionalities:

Azure Storage

Azure CosmosDB

  • Support for triggers. PR #274.

CosmosDB: Support for User Defined Functions

19 May 20:54
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This release adds support for user defined functions (UDFs) to the CosmosDB crate.


This is a breaking version as it changes how the Document is created and defined. Previously the Document had the notion of id field, treated separately from the rest of the serialized struct. This made for good APIs but, in practice, clashed with the fact that not every query returns a Document (as seen in the UDFs example). Now the Crate does not force any id so it's up to you to include it if you want. Be mindful that Azure CosmosDB will add an id field even if you do not (as of now a GUID but it can change) so I suggest you to handle it.

CosmosDB: Support for GetPartitionKeyRanges

14 May 11:47
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Maintenance release

13 May 11:41
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This release includes:


  • PR #263: Include list options if string not empty. Thanks to Tim Lee.
  • PR #266: Add client encryption keys resource quota. Thanks to neshanthan.
  • PR #268: x-ms-global-committed-lsn 0 if == -1.
