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Frontend Note |
::: block
- Shell
- Command Line Interface(CLI)
- Git
- Nodejs
- JavaScript Engine & Runtime
- Runtime API
- ECMAScript
- Coding Time{style=color:yellow}
- JavaScript :::
::: block{style=text-align:left;font-size:36px}
In computing, a shell is a computer program that exposes an operating system's services to a human user or other programs.
In general, operating system shells use either a command-line interface (CLI)
{style=color:yellow} or graphical user interface (GUI)
{style=color:yellow}, depending on a computer's role and particular operation.
Windows OS: CMD, PowerShell, Git Bash
MacOS: Bash, Zsh :::
::: block{style=text-align:left;} CLI is a means of interacting with a device or computer program with commands from a user or client.
- shell (cd, cat, echo...)
- package (brew, git, node...) :::
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system
{style=color:yellow} designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
- Github
- Git Flow
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime
{style=color:yellow} built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine
The runtime environment is the environment in which a program or application is executed.{style=width:100%}
:::block{style=text-align:left;} npm (Node Package Manager)
- the website
- the CLI
- the registry
Node School :::
A program or interpreter that understands and executes JavaScript code.{style=width:100%}
ex: V8, SpiderMonkey :::
The runtime provides
the host objects
{style=color:yellow} that JavaScript can operate on and work with. {style=width:100%}
- Nodejs: path, filesystem
- Browser: DOM(Document Object Model) :::
APIs are mechanisms that enable two software components to communicate with each other using a set of definitions and protocols.{style=width:100%}
:::block{style=text-align:left} The specification defined in ECMA-262 for creating a general purpose scripting language.
A transpiler that can convert ES6 code to ES5 code.{style=width:100%}
- Shell
- MacOS: Zsh or Bash
- WindowsOS: Git Bash
- Git
git -v
- Node
node -v
{style=color:yellow}npm -v
- Sourcetree
- VSCode
code frontend-note
- Data Types
- Build-in Objects
- Function
- Synchronous & Asynchronous
- Promise
- String
- Number
- Bigint
- Boolean
- Undefined
- Null
- Symbol
- Object
- Call by sharing
- Immutable
The term "global objects" (or standard built-in objects) here is not to be confused with the global object. Here, "global objects" refer to objects in the
global scope
- Assigning a function to a variable
- Passing a function as an argument
- Returning a function
Arrow Function
Callback Function
Blocking methods execute synchronously and non-blocking methods execute asynchronously.{style=width:100%}
- Single thread
- Event loop
- states
- pending: initial state, neither fulfilled nor rejected.
- fulfilled: meaning that the operation was completed successfully.
- rejected: meaning that the operation failed.
- prototype