The GosWebSocketBundle contains a system loosely similar to Symfony's Messenger component which allows you to send and receive messages with third party systems.
Supported integrations include:
- AMQP (pusher & push handler)
- WAMP (pusher)
The AMQP Pusher allows you to send and receive messages using an AMQP compliant system, such as RabbitMQ.
- The
extension for PHP (pecl install amqp
) - The
Composer package (composer require gos/react-amqp
To use the AMQP pusher, you will need to enable it in the bundle's configuration. For an application based on the Symfony Standard structure, you will need to update your app/config/config.yml
file. For an application based on Symfony Flex, use the config/packages/gos_web_socket.yaml
enabled: true # Flag to enable this pusher
host: # Host address for the AMQP server
port: 5672 # Port the AMQP server is listening on
login: ~ # Required, the login for the AMQP server
password: ~ # Required, the password for the AMQP server
vhost: / # The virtual host on the host, default `/`
read_timeout: 0 # Timeout for incoming activity in seconds, default 0
write_timeout: 0 # Timeout for outgoing activity in seconds, default 0
connect_timeout: 0 # Connection timeout in seconds, default 0
queue_name: gos_websocket # The name of the queue for messages, default `gos_websocket`
exchange_name: gos_websocket_exchange # The name of the exchange for messages, default `gos_websocket`
The WAMP pusher allows you to push a message to your websocket server using the gos/websocket-client
To use the WAMP pusher, you will need to enable it in the bundle's configuration. For an application based on the Symfony Standard structure, you will need to update your app/config/config.yml
file. For an application based on Symfony Flex, use the config/packages/gos_web_socket.yaml
enabled: true # Flag to enable this pusher
host: # This will probably be the same as your `` value
port: 80 # This will probably be the same as your `gos_web_socket.server.port` value
ssl: false # Flag to enable SSL connections to the websocket server, default false
origin: null # The origin domain for the pusher, default null (if origin checking is enabled on your websocket server, this value must be allowed)
Note the bundle only provides a Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\PusherInterface
implementation for WAMP, the equivalent for Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\ServerPushHandlerInterface
on WAMP is your websocket server. Also be aware that when the pusher is used to send a message to a Topic, your topic's onPublish
method is triggered versus onPush
for WAMP connections.
Depending on the integration(s) in your application, you will need to retrieve the appropriate service from the service container.
- AMQP -
- WAMP -
The below example demonstrates pushing a message using the WAMP pusher from a controller after updating a record in the database.
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\PusherInterface;
use Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\Wamp\WampPusher;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\AbstractController;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
final class PostController extends AbstractController
public function update(Request $request)
// Do stuff...
/** @var PusherInterface $pusher */
$pusher = $this->get('gos_web_socket.pusher.wamp');
$pusher->push($messageData, $routeName, $routeParameters, $context);
public static function getSubscribedServices()
return array_merge(
'gos_web_socket.pusher.wamp' => WampPusher::class,
The following data is required when calling Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\PusherInterface::push()
is the data to be sent with the message$routeName
is the name of the route which should receive the message$routeParameters
is an array of parameters required to route the message to the$routeName
is an array of extra context information for the pusher (presently only the AMQP pusher uses this)
The server push handlers will dispatch events when a message succeeds or fails, allowing your application to hook these handlers with extra logic.
When pusher send message or fail to send it, we dispatch event to allow you to plug your own logic.
is dispatched when a server push succeedsgos_web_socket.push_fail
is dispatched when a server push fails
For both events, a Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Event\PushHandlerEvent
object is sent to event listeners.
For advanced use cases, you can also create your own integrations.
For a custom pusher, your service must implement Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\PusherInterface
and be tagged with the gos_web_socket.pusher
service tag.
For a custom server push handler, your service must implement Gos\Bundle\WebSocketBundle\Pusher\ServerPushHandlerInterface
and be tagged with the gos_web_socket.push_handler
service tag.