git checkout upstream
git pull /path/to/cordova-app-harness master
git checkout master
git merge upstream
git push origin master upstream
- Double check the status of upstream
to see if we should update (instructions above). - Update version of cca-manifest-logic to be the latest (if applicable)
npm install --save cca-manifest-logic
- Update release notes (bottom of
git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --no-merges $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD
- Trim them down liberally & reword them.
- Should also look at MCA logs: `git log --pretty=format:'* %s' --no-merges --since "FOO days ago"
- Where FOO is found here:
- Update the version in
vim package.json www/cdvah/js/app.js
- Build apks with release plugins:
(cd ChromeAppDevTool && cordova build android)
- Double check:
- Signed correctly:
jarsigner -verify -keystore template-overrides/CCAHarness-debug.keystore PATH/android-armv7-debug.apk
- Can push from CDE with "Live deploy"
adb install -r PATH/android-armv7-debug.apk
- Can push via
cca push --watch
- Signed correctly:
- Commit Changes
git commit -am "Releasing chrome-app-developer-tool v$(npm ls --depth=0 | head -n1 | sed -E 's:.*@| .*::g')"
- Tag release
git tag -m "Tagged v$(npm ls --depth=0 | head -n1 | sed -E 's:.*@| .*::g')" chrome-app-developer-tool-$(npm ls --depth=0 | head -n1 | sed -E 's:.*@| .*::g')
git push origin master refs/tags/chrome-app-developer-tool-$(npm ls --depth=0 | head -n1 | sed -E 's:.*@| .*::g')
- Upload apk to GitHub's releases page
- Attach the apks
- Copy in release notes (follow the format of previous releases)
- Update the version with
vim package.json www/cdvah/js/app.js
git commit -am "Setting chrome-app-developer-tool version to $(npm ls --depth=0 | head -n1 | sed -E 's:.*@| .*::g')"
git push origin master