- Update config/global_config.json to include related credentials.
- Update uri, public_key and secret_key for your own s3 bucket
- Add your mobilitydatabase token
- Make sure the implementation and metadata json of the feed you want to scrape is under src/scraper/feeds/
- Install docker compose in order to run via docker compose (make sure docker daemon is started)
We have created 2 make command to help you run both scraper and normalizer easily against any feed:
pwd # make sure you are at repo root directory
make local-prod-generate-compose FEEDS="YOUR_FEED_1 YOUR_FEED_2 YOUR_FEED_3" # this will generate the docker-compose.yml against requested feeds
# To run for all avilable feeds:
# make local-prod-generate-compose FEEDS="*"
make local-prod-run # this will start containers defined in docker-compose.yml
python3 src/scraper/scrape.py --help # help for optional flags
python3 src/scraper/scrape.py -f YOUR_FEED
python3 src/normalize/normalize.py --help # help for optional flags
python3 src/normalize/normalize.py -f YOUR_FEED