put additions json in data/[namespace]/tnt_frame_additions, use artoftnt namespace and a same file name to overwrite.
//the texture or the model file(if specialRenderer is true and is not built in) should be put in
//assets/[namespace]/textures/tnt_frame_additions or
//assets/[namespace]/models/tnt_frame_additions with a same name
"type": "range",
//the addition type, see @AdditionType
"item": "minecraft:gunpowder",
//the registry name of the item to add, shouldn't duplicate
//some need item data, don't change
"increment": 1.0,
//the increment to the addition type, may be negative when type is instability
"minTier": 0,
//the min level of the tnt frame to put, 0-3, 4+ to ban
"maxCount": 8,
//max count of the addition, will also be restricted by the max count of type and slot
"weight": 0.0,
//weight added to the tnt frame
"instability": 0.0,
//instability added to the tnt frame, should be 0 when type is instability
"specialRenderer": false
//whether to use special renderer, some have built in models, or you can add models