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Doorways API Reference

Nicolas Suarez edited this page Nov 14, 2022 · 13 revisions



The Doorways Assembly-wide attribute signals to doorways that the assembly should be loaded as a doorways plug-in. Regardless of what the DLL does, if it does not have this assembly attribute it will not be loaded by Doorways.

Full Specification

[assembly: Doorways(Name = string, Prefix = string, Init = MethodInfo)]


  • string Name: This is the display name Doorways will use for your mod when emitting log messages and error reports. If left unspecified, Doorways will use your Assembly Title.
  • string Prefix: This is the ID of your mod. All your mod's content will be prefixed with this string, so it should be kept short. These must be unique - Doorways will not load your mod if another previously loaded Doorways mod has the same prefix.
  • MethodInfo Init: This is a handle to the static method for Doorways to call when it begins to load your mod. For more information see


On Init

This event is different from all other events in that it cannot be subscribed to. Instead, tell Doorways about your desired Initialization method using the Doorways assembly attribute.

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