- update zh_cn translation thanks to @0Starocean0
- rarity for artifacts can now be accessed by kubejs. The identifier is
- change color values for artifact rarity and artifact description
- change artifact spawn rates slightly
- item stands can now display block items
- item stands no longer display armor items as their models, and instead render the item model
- item stands now use the item's rarity color for rendering the item name
- add quark chest textures
- fix missing translation for petrified sign, hanging sign and amber fluid
- fix server crash on startup
- fix crash with amber
- fix entities flickering through all variant textures added by quark when the entity is in amber
- fix entities thinking they're in amber when picked up with carry on
- fix some recipe advancements
- fix potions being disabled by our selection system by default
- fix not all amber blocks being able to fill cauldron
IMPORTANT: This version removes the compat features we had and removes several jade blocks. Please back up your worlds.
- Removed some Jade Blocks
- Renamed all remaining Jade Blocks/Items
- Updated Jade and Lanternfish textures
- Updated the builtin mob_retextures pack. (now includes skeleton horse and spider)
- Several language files were updated
- Removed geckolib as a dependency
- Added Selection System:
- Almost all features can be enabled or disabled through our config now. Please reload the game after changing the config!
- Added Amber:
- Amber is found in Petrified Trees and can be used to trap entities or items inside when heated up.
- When amber is broken it drops rough amber, which can be used to craft several decoration blocks. These blocks can also be heated up, but you cannot freeze entities inside them.
- When amber is heated up, it will spawn amber particles, which can be collected in a cauldron. When the cauldron is full, you can take the fluid out with a bucket and place it in the world.
- As long as the amber fluid is not being heated it will slowly start to turn into the normal amber blocks (the ones that can be used to trap mobs)
- Added Petrified Trees:
- They spawn underground together with patches of amber.
- They can only be mined and stripped with a pickaxe and suspicious gravel can be found around it, which can contain several items one of which is a petrifed sapling.
- This sapling can only be placed on gravel and can grow without light.
- The wood can be crafted into their wood variants, but you cannot craft a boat with it.
- something echoes from up here
- Added Piranha:
- The Piranha is a new fish spawning in Jungles and Mangrove Swamps.
- It attacks in groups and is only aggressive to small mobs and mobs that were hurt (only organic mobs count). Additionally, it can attack boats.
- When the piranha kills a mob that would drop meat, the meat is consumed and only the other loot will drop.
- Zombies that are killed by the piranha will turn into skeletons.
- When killed it can sometimes drop a piranha tooth, which can be crafted into throwing knifes.
- Added Throwing knife:
- The throwing knife is a new stackable weapon that can be thrown. It deals extra damage to any mob that is currently in the air.
- Added Tortoise Workstations:
- It is now possible to place a crafting table or a jukebox on top of a tortoise or a tortoise shell.
- Added Item Stand:
- Can be used to display items in your world. It is similar to an armor stand. When looking at an item stand it will also display the name of the item it's holding.
- Added Artifacts:
- Artifacts can be found all around the world buried in suspicious gravel.
- Different artifacts have different rarities
- They can be collected and displayed, or they can be sold the Wandering Trader for a good amount of emeralds.
- We also added several advancements for collecting the artifacts.
- Added Ancient Skulls:
- Ancient Skulls are a specific type of artifact. They are big skulls of partly extinct animals which can be worn.
- Some skulls can be placed on a note block to make the note block play a sound of this animal.
- Ancient Skulls count as Skeleton heads so they reduce detection range for skeletons.
- Added Gem Lanterns: (experimental)
- Gem Lanterns are lantern blocks made from gems like diamonds or emeralds. They are purely for decoration.
- This feature is currently disabled by default and needs to be enabled in the config to use. Please tell us if you like this feature.
- Added config option to make wolves consume the meat that would drop when they kill an entity (disabled by default)
- something watches from below
- Added a new music disc called 'Sunken Past' which can drop from the Elder Guardian
- Added a bunch of new paintings. (Some were made in a community event)
- Added the ability to brew resistance potions with a Tortoise Scute
- Added sound for clicking copper buttons
- Added Dev and Contributor Capes as part of MosaicCosmetics
- Fixed projectile impact actions being processed when hitting a Flinger Totem (e.g. egg spawns chicken, splash potions splash)
- Fixed Crash with the Bouldering Zombie Spawner
- Fixed Jade not being tagged as gemstone
- Fixed Bouldering Zombie not rendering armor or items
- Fixed Bouldering Zombie spawning on mushroom island
- Fixed audio files