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Appendix A: Additional Material

The below additions are not offically part of OED but may be useful to Judges.

Spell Duration Limits

While it's traditional to have some spells without durations (or listed as permanent or "until dispelled"), for world-building purposes we usually interpret all spells as having some limited duration. In general, we assume the following maximum durations for any level of spell:

Level Max Duration
1 One day
2 One week
3 One month
4 One year
5 One decade
6 One century

Of course, for the highest-level spells, PCs will likely not be aware of any distinction between these limits and actual permanent effects. As noted elsewhere, the DM should presume some secret variation in scale with these limits (say, 1d20%), so characters can't ever anticipate the exact moment when they terminate.

Arcana Obscura

Below is a summary of Cleric, Druid, and Magic User spells not included in OED Book of Spells. They can be used for Judges who wish to include other kinds of spell-casters, or diversify their villains.

Level 1 Name Range Duration Description
1 Cause Light Wounds Touch Instant By placing their hand on the intended creature's body, this spell instantly inflicts 1d6+1 HP damage to the target. Sapping the target's Vigor.
1 Cure Light Wounds Touch Instant By placing their hand on the intended creature's body, this spell instantly restores 1d6+1 HP to the target. Restoring the target's Vigor.
1 Detect Good 15' 12 Turns The caster can sense the presence of beneficial intent within creatures, objects, and locations. Stronger good will radiate more intensely.
1 Hold Undead 60' 6 Turns This spell causes Undead creatures within a 10' radius sphere to be frozen in place. It affects 2d6 HD worth of Undead with 4HD or less, lowest HD creatures are affected first.
1 Purify Food & Water 30' Instant This spell will transmute enough food and water for 12 people from spoiled and/or poisoned to a consumable state.
1 Putrefy Food & Water 30' Instant This spell will spoil and taint enough food and water for 12 people, rendering it unsafe for consumption.
1 Ventriloquism 30' 3 Turns (C) Allows the caster to cause a familiar sound, equivalent intensity to a human voice, to emanate from any location in range. The sound can move to a new location in range once per round. Concentration is required throughout the spell's duration.
1 Predict Weather Personal Instant You are able to forecast the natural weather in the local area with 100% accuracy for the next 12 hours.
1 Locate Animals 120' 3 Turns The caster senses the direction of a well-known or clearly visualized animal. The caster can search for general animals such as a bear, dog, or snake, in which case he or she locates the nearest one of its type. Attempting to find a specific animal requires an accurate mental image.
1 Faerie Fire 30' 6 Turns This spell causes any creatures in a 10' radius globe to be outlined by lights as if by torchlight, they then remain so illuminated for the duration of the spell.
Level 2 Name Range Duration Description
2 Bless Touch 6 Turns This spell bolsters the resolve of all creatures in the area (10' radius globe). The subjects gain a +1 to morale and +2 to attack rolls.
2 Blight Touch 6 Turns This spell saps the resolve of all creatures in the area (10' radius globe). The targets suffer a -1 to morale and -2 to attack rolls.
2 Find Traps 30' 3 Turns The caster will become aware of the presence of mechanical or magical traps.
2 Silence 15' Radius 120' 12 Turns One focus Creature or Object and everything nearby (10' radius globe) will be prevented from emanating sound. Creatures within the sphere can hear themselves and one another. The sound dampening will end for any recipient if they move over 10' from the focus.
2 Snake Charm 30' 1 Day The caster is able to charm and command 1 HD worth of snake(s) per caster level.
2 Speak with Animals 30' 6 Turns The caster can converse with animals as they would another person and understand their replies. Further, the animal initial reacts towards the caster as if succeeding on morale/reaction check.
2 Obscurement 60' 3 Turns A mist forms within a 10' radius globe that obscures all forms of vision within the area.
2 Heat Metal 15' 3 Turns This spell will cause a volume of metal equivalent to 1 suit of plate, 2 shirts of chain, or 6 shields/weapons/helms (withing a 10' radius globe) to become hot to the touch. Crearures in conact with any number of such items will suffer 1d6 points of heat/fire damage per round of contact. Targets can attempt to drop/remove items to avoid further damage.
2 Warp Wood 30' Instant This spell will cause a volume of wood equivalent to a door or 6 weapon-shafts/ammo containers (within a 10' radius globe) to swell and warp becoming useless.
Level 3 Name Range Duration Description
3 Cause Disease Touch Permanent When this spell is cast the target becomes diseased, losing 1d6 Strength immediately. Each week the target must make a save vs breath or lose another 1d6 Strength. This remains the case until naturally healed, Dispel Magic, or Remove Disease is used to cancel the effect.
3 Continuing Darkness 60' 1 Week This spell extinguishes all light sources in range (60' radius globe), up to large campfire size, and dispels any magic light sources. Further, it prevents re-ignition of any light sources during the duration, save for a Continual (Continuing) Light spell, or similar effect.
3 Cure Disease Touch Instant By placing their hand on the intended creature's body, this spell instantly cures any form of disease (Lycanthropy and Mummy Rot are Curses).
3 Prayer 60' 6 Turns This spell places a Hex on creatures in the area (10' radius globe). The targets suffer a -2 to all Saves.
3 Speak with Dead 30' 6 Turns This spell allows the caster to ask 3 questions of the departed spirit of a recently dead body. The age of the body that can be questioned is determined by the caster level. Caster level 1+ = 1 day / level; Caster level 10+ = 1 week / level; Caster level 20 = No Limit.
3 Explosive Runes Touch 1 Week These visible, hand written, runes can be placed on a surface in order to trap it. When passed over they explode in a 10' radius sphere causing 4d6 fire damage. Concealed runes can be discovered by searching, and may be removed by the caster when desired or Dispel Magic.
3 Protection from Fire Touch 6 Turns This spell wards all creatures in the area (10' radius globe) from the effects of normal fire and heat. The subjects gain a +4 bonus to saves against magical fire, such as from spells and dragon’s breath, etc.
3 Hold Animal 60' 6 Turns One or more animals in a 10' radius golbe the size of a Polar Bear or smaller are frozen in place. The caster can opt to target a single animal (save vs Stone at –2 penalty), or up to four total (at normal saves).
Level 4 Name Range Duration Description
4 Create Water 30' Instant The caster creates a day's mass of potable water, the amount conjured is determined by caster level. Caster level 1+ = 2 People and 2 Mounts / level; Caster level 10+ = 10 People and 10 Mounts / level; Caster level 20 = 100 People and 100 mounts / level.
4 Neutralize Poison Touch Instant This spell instantly renders poison in an object or affected creature inert.
4 Cause Serious Wounds Touch Instant By placing their hand on the intended creature's body, this spell instantly inflicts 2d6+2 HP of damage to the target. Sapping the target's Vigor.
4 Cure Serious Wounds Touch Instant By placing their hand on the intended creature's body, this spell instantly restores 2d6+2 HP to the target. Restoring the targets Vigor.
4 Speak with Plants 30' 6 Turns The caster can converse with plants as they would another person and understand their replies. Further, the plants will obey the commands of the caster, parting to allow passage, inhibiting the movement of opponents, etc.
4 Turn Sticks to Snakes 60' 6 Turns The caster can turn a number of sticks in a 10' radius globe into snakes that perform actions as they command. The caster can transmute 2d6+2 sticks into common snakes or 1d6+2 sticks into venomous snakes.
4 Protection from Lightning Touch 12 Turns This spell wards all creatures in the area (10' radius globe) against lightning and electricity. Electricity that does 1 die of damage is ignored, and they receive a +4 bonus to saves against magical lightning and electricity, such as from spells and dragon’s breath, etc.
Level 5 Name Range Duration Description
5 Commune Personal 3 Turns ( C ) This spell puts the caster in contact with an entity of the Outer Planes, allowing them to ask of it three "yes or no" questions. The being will always answer truthfully, or respond that is does not know. The entity has a 2 in 6 chance of knowing the answer. Concentration is required throughout the spell's duration. If it has been over a year since the caster's last use of the spell, 6 questions are allowed. The Judge may rule that frequent castings may be less effective.
5 Create Food 30' Instant The caster creates a day's mass of nutritious, if plain, food. The amount is determined by caster level. Caster level 1+ = 2 People and 2 Mounts / level; Caster level 10+ = 10 People and 10 Mounts / level; Caster level 20 = 100 People and 100 mounts / level.
5 Dispel Evil (Good) 30' 6 Turns This spell drives off undead and summoned creatures of 8HD or less within range, causing them to withdraw for 6 Turns.
5 Finger of Death 60' Instant This spell will reduce a living creature of 8HD or less to 0HP unless a Save vs Death is made.
5 Insect Plague 240' 12 Turns ( C ) The caster conjures up a vast cloud of insects taking up a 60' by 60' square that can be directed where needed within range. The cloud can obscure vision, disrupt concentration, and cause creatures of less than 4 HD to flee. Concentration is required on rounds that the user is moving the cloud.
5 Quest Touch 1 Year A Quest spell places a magical command on a creature to carry out some service or to refrain from some activity, language permitting. If the subject does not undertake the Quest, then he or she loses one point of Charisma per day (Minimum 1). It cannot be dispelled, and remove curse is ineffective. The Judge should assess the strength of the Quest (it cannot result in certain death), and ways of possibly ending one.
5 Raise Dead Touch Instant This spell brings a deceased humanoid of man-size or smaller back to life, provided it has been dead for less than 1 day per caster level. The creature must succeed at a Save vs Death in order to come back to life, at which point is has 1 HP. The Judge may rule that repeated castings on the same creature are less effective.
Level 6 Name Range Duration Description
6 Repulsion Personal 6 Turns This spell causes selected creatures and objects surrounding the caster to withdraw from the caster by the safest means possible. Inanimate objects will move at a rate of 30’ per round. If trapped or cornered, creatures will cower.
6 Animate Objects 30' 6 Turns This spell can animate an object up to twice the size of a man (16HD), two man-sized objects (8HD each), or 2d6 smaller objects (2 HD each) that act on behalf of the caster as a creature of the given HD. Items made of Stone or Metal would have an AC of 3, movement of 30'. -Objects made of Wood or Hide would have an AC of 5, movement of 45'. -Objects of Fragile materials would have an AC of 7, movement of 60'. -Items like rugs or tapestries, may blind, trip, or bind targets instead of inflicting damage at Judge's discretion.
6 Find the Path Personal 12 Turns (C) The caster senses the most direct, safest physical route to a specified location, indicating the exact path to follow. Where a danger can not be bypassed the caster receives an intense sensation warning them of the type of threat.
6 Blade Barrier 30' 12 turns An immobile area of mystic whirling blades, up to 20' in diameter and height, springs into existence. Creatures in or passing through the barrier suffer 1d6 damage per caster level for each round in the barrier.
6 Word of Recall Personal Instant This spell instantly transports the caster to a sanctuary they prepare ahead of time with no chance of mishap. To prepare a sanctuary, the caster must spend a day in meditation at the location.
6 Speak with Monsters Touch 12 turns This spell allows the target to speak with any creature as they would another person and understand their replies, even those that are not typically able to communicate via language.
6 Conjure Animals 30' 12 turns This spell allows the caster to conjure a number of (real world) animals whose total HD do not excede twice the caster’s level. The animals so brought will obey the caster’s basic commands.
Level 7 Name Range Duration Description
7 Earthquake 1 mile 1 turn This spell causes the ground to shake in a 40' by 40' area. This shaking will cause even sturdy stone to collapse (palisades, an earth rampart, a portion of a cliff, etc.) Creatures in the area have a 1 in 6 chance to fall into cracks in the earth as they appear, suffering 1d6 damage per round.
7 Aerial Servant 30' Permanent This spell conjures an Aerial Servant (an extraplanar creature) in order to retrieve an object or creature the caster desires. The creature avoids combat, instead using its stealth, strength, and speed to grab its prey by surprise and whisk it back to the caster. It cannot be dispelled, although it can be driven off in combat. Treat the servant as a 16HD and AC 2. It is silent and invisible, flies at a speed of 360'. If frustrated from its purpose the Aerial Servant will turn on its sender, attacking them. The spell ends when the servant retrieves the object or is killed.
7 Wind Walk Personal 1 day (c) When uttered, this spell causes the caster and adjacent creatures to become insubstantial and cloudlike. In this form they fly as directed by the caster at a speed of 360'. The caster must maintain concentration for the duration of the spell.
7 Holy Word 120' 6 Turns The pronouncement of this spell will affect creatures in a 20' by 20' area up to 12HD. Up to 4HD: Reduce to 0 Hp, 5 – 8HD: frozen in place (as hold person), 9 -12 HD: deafened
7 Raise Dead Fully Touch Instant This spell brings a deceased humanoid of man-size or smaller back to life, provided it has been dead for less than 1 week per caster level. The creature must succeed at a Save vs Death in order to come back to life, at which point it is at full HP. The Judge may rule that repeated castings on the same creature are less effective.
7 Restoration Touch Instant This spell will restore 1 level drained from the target, such as those caused by undead. The targets' XP will be set to the midpoint of the restored level. Note the caster must Save vs Death or be incapacitated for 24 hours.
7 Slay Living Touch Instant This spell will reduce a living creature to 0HP.
7 Level Drain Touch Instant This spell will drain the target of 1 level, placing them at the midway point of experience points.

For even more spells, a Judge can reference the Wizard's Spell Compendium, using the above spells as a guideline for streamlining the entry.

Class Abilities

Unarmed Attacks

When striking without a weapon (including strikes with just a gauntlet/brass knuckles), the character suffers a -4 to hit and deals 1 point of damage, plus half the Strength bonus, as a subdual attack (Target unconcious at 0HP, crits = lethal damage).

Fighter Feats

Beast-master: Gain a +4 to reaction/moral checks with animals and may treat one animal at a time, of a lower Hit Die, as a Hireling. It does not take a share of treasure, but you do need to pay upkeep costs. It takes a share of XP and gains levels as a Fighter.

Blind Fight: You avoid penalties in melee combat against unseen opponents (invisibility, darkness, etc.). Note this does not allow spotting at a distance.

Pugilist: You do not suffer a -4 to hit when making unarmed attacks, which now do 1d4 base damage, plus your full Strength bonus. On an attack roll of 20, opponents must Save vs Death or be stunned (unable to move/act) for 1 round.


If thou must...

Armor: Light (Leather), Medium (Chain), Heavy (Plate), Shields

Weapons: Blunt Weapons (Crude Club, Staff, Sling, and weapons with the "club" type)

Level XP HP To Hit Class Abilities
1 0 1d6 +0 Turn Undead
2 1,500 2d6 +1 Spells: 1
3 3,000 3d6 +2 Spells: 2
4 6,000 4d6 +2 Spells: 2 1; Potion and Scroll Creation
5 12,000 5d6 +3 Spells: 2 2
6 25,000 6d6 +4 Spells: 2 2 1 1
7 50,000 7d6 +4 Spells: 2 2 2 1 1
8 100,000 8d6 +5 Spells: 2 2 2 2 2; Magic Wands/Staves & Weapon Creation
9 200,000 9d6 +6 Spells: 3 3 3 2 2
10 300,000 10d6 +6 Spells: 3 3 3 3 3
11 400,000 11d6 +7 Spells: 4 4 4 3 3
12 500,000 11d6+1 +8 Spells: 4 4 4 4 4 1; All Other Magic Item Creation
13+ +100,000 (+1) (+2/3) Spells: Alternate +1 spells of levels 1-3, then +1 spells of levels 4-6

Turn Undead: A Cleric may brandish their Holy Symbol in order repel the Undead. When doing so, the player rolls 1d6 + (Cleric Level -5), with the result being the highest Hit Die of Undead affected. Up to 2d6 such creatures are affected (lowest Hit Die first). If the Cleric's level exceeds the Undead's Hit Dice by 4 or more, the Undead is reduced to 0 HP instead. Such an ability works to a range of 60', once per day per given creature(s).

An Example Notation for a Cleric 10: "Turn Undead: HD = d6+5; 2d6 creatures, destroy 6HD or below."

Spell Casting: Standard "Vancian" magic; Only 1 instance of a spell can be prepared at a time (no duplicates). To cast a spell a Cleric must brandish their holy symbol with a free hand.

Spells known: Clerics start with knowledge of all the standard Cleric spells in Vol 1.

Learning Spells: Should the Cleric encounter a new spell, it will require a roll of d20 + Cleric Level + Wis modifier ≥ 20. Requires 1 day per spell level (3 tries per spell)

Magic Item Creation: Takes 1 day and 100 sp per spell level/charge/use and the ability to cast the relevant spell(s). The Judge will secretly roll a 1 in 20 chance for a mishap/cursed item.



A Familiar is a spirit that takes on the form of a small animal to provide magical knowledge to a mortal. In practice, they function as a special sort of “hireling” for magic users. Statistics are the same as the animal form except:

Alignment: d6; 1 (Lawful), 2-3 (Neutral), 4-6 (Chaotic).

Intelligence: d6+12.

Saves: As owner.

Languages: Understands/Speaks Owner's racial language + bonus languages, per Int score. Only the Magic User can understand the familiar. When the familiar is present, it permits the Magic User to speak to animals of its kind and any other languages it knows. On addition, the Familiar adds its Intelligence Bonus to owner’s Learn Spells, Spell Research, and Magic Item Creation checks.

Slime Splitting

Assume that slimes are roughly spherical, and their hit dice are proportional to their volume, but their damage output is proportional to their surface area. Assume that the splitting stops at 1 HD.

Ochre Jelly Black Pudding
Start 5HD, 1d6 damage 10HD, 3d6 damage
1st Split 2HD, 1d4 damage 5 HD, 2d6 damage
2nd Split 1 HD, 1d3 damage 2HD, 1d6+2 damage
3rd Split N/A 1 HD, 1d6 damage

Equipment Options


Using prohibited Armor: Double encumbrance, halve bonus, negate any Thief or Wizard abilities.

Using prohibited Weapons: -4 to hit and reduce damage die by 1 step.


Alternative rule for helmets, in case the save vs. criticals is undesirable:

Helmets: For each armor type, the listed AC assumes the use of a helmet. If a helmet is not worn, then a 1 point penalty to AC is applied.

Upkeep Costs

Should calculating and tracking 1% of XP prove troublesome, you can instead opt charge at level up, as a form of deferred upkeep. This charge is equal to 5% of the XP needed for the level, in Silver. Ex: 100 SP to become a 2nd level Fighter, 480 SP to become an 5th level Thief, 5,000 SP to become a 9th level Wizard, etc.

Grievous Wounds

When a character reaches or goes below 0 hit points, the character has suffered a grievous wound and must roll on the tables below. Once for location, and again for severity.

d% Location Severity Row
01-02 Foot A
03-07 Shin A
08-10 Knee A
11-20 Thigh A
21-22 Groin B
23-33 Gut C
34-40 Hip A
41-50 Shoulder A
51-70 Chest D
71-73 Hand A
74-78 Lower Arm A
79-81 Elbow A
82-91 Upper Arm A
92-93 Neck E
94-96 Face F
97-00 Head G
Severity d8 1-4 5-7 8
A Broken (will heal in 1d4+2 weeks Maimed (Can only be healed magically) Severed
B Broken and Stunned for 1 round Maimed and Unconscious Severed and Unconscious
C Broken and Bleeding, death in d6 rounds* Maimed and Internal Bleeding death in d3 rounds* Severed and Death in d6 rounds*
D Broken and Broken Ribs, -2 to hit and damage Maimed and Punctured Lung, -4 to hit and damage Severed and Death in d6 rounds*
E Broken and Death in d6 rounds* Maimed and Dead Death in d6 rounds*
F Broken and Unconscious Maimed and Death in d6 rounds* Severed and Dead
G Broken and Unconscious Maimed and Death in d6 rounds* Severed and Dead

*unless they receive appropriate care/magical healing.

Language and Literacy

The original game presumes a binary approach to languages. The below is intended to add some granularity to how languages are handled while still fitting into the base rules.

Familiarity with a spoken language is broken into three levels.

Basic: You know words for basic concepts (food, shelter, surrender, help, etc.).

Proficient: You can easily carry on a conversation in this language, albeit with an accent.

Fluent: You can pass as a native speaker

  • Every creature is Fluent in their native language and Proficient in their other starting languages.
  • When a creature is literate in a language, it is at the same level of familiarity as their speaking ability.
  • All Characters are presumed to be literate in their starting languages. It is left to the Judge to decide the literacy and languages of creatures types in general.

In place of the standard 1 extra “language” per point of Intelligence above 10, grant 2 “language points” which can be spent on basic familiarity with a new language and/or improve a known language one step.

Should a creature find themselves immersed in a new language (and have no spare language slots/points) they can pick up the language for “free” with the following considerations.

  • They can only have 1 such language at a time.
  • It takes a week to gain Basic familiarity, a Month for Literacy, and a Season for Proficiency.
  • You can never become a Fluent speaker in this manner.
  • You will lose this language if you leave immersion for a Season or more (the Judge may allow you to “pick it up” again at an accelerated rate).

Tournaments and Contests


Each participant gets to take 6 shots at a dish sized target 30 feet away backed by an earthen "butt". The target itself is AC 10, and some targets will have inner rings of AC 5 and AC 0. Each hit on the target scores 1 point. Inner rings are worth 2 or 3 points respectively. A critical failure misses the butt entirely.

In head-to-head competition, participants alternate shots. On a critical hit, there is a 1 in 6 chance to strike and split the opponent's arrow.


In a proper tournament joust, riders must wear plate armor and shield with no enchantments. They make use of blunted lances (subdual damage).

Each ride, the participants roll their standard melee attack. On a hit, the target must save vs stone. If the save is successful, the attacker's lance breaks. If the save fails, the target is unhorsed. Participants take rides until one is unhorsed.


Up to 50 participants per side line up across a field in equal armor, no enchantments, and blunt clubs (subdual damage). Melee proceeds as normal; the event ends when one side is entirely down or surrenders. This can also be resolved quickly using Book of War.

War Machine, Book of

The War Machine is a system of game rules designed to resolve large battles released in the Rules Cyclopedia. As an alternative to the complex calculations presented in those rules, one can use the point cost values of units as presented in OED Book of War as the Battle Rating.

To determine the outcome of the engagement, each side of engagement rolls a d% and adds this to their Battle Rating. The force with the highest result wins.

For a list of conditions that can modify Battle Rating (ratio of troops numbers, environmental and terrain factors, etc.) see chapter 9 of the Rules Cyclopedia.