Patrice Y. Simard, Dave Steinkraus, John C. Platt Microsoft Research
Neural networks are a powerful technology for classification of visual inputs arising from documents. However, there is a confusing plethora of different neural network methods that are used in the literature and in industry. This paper describes a set of concrete best practices that document analysis researchers can use to get good results with neural networks. The most important practice is getting a training set as large as possible: we expand the training set by adding a new form of distorted data. The next most important practice is that convolutional neural networks are better suited for visual document tasks than fully connected networks. We propose that a simple “do-it-yourself” implementation of convolution with a flexible architecture is suitable for many visual document problems. This simple convolutional neural network does not require complex methods, such as momentum, weight decay, structure-dependent learning rates, averaging layers, tangent prop, or even finely-tuning the architecture. The end result is a very simple yet general architecture which can yield state-of-the-art performance for document analysis. We illustrate our claims on the MNIST set of English digit images.
神经网络是文档图像输入分类的很好技术。但是,在文献和工业中,有很多不同种类的神经网络在使用。本文描述了一些最好的做法,文档分析研究者用这些,可以在神经网络上得到很好的结果。最重要的是得到一个尽可能大的训练集:我们通过增加一种新形式的变形数据,对训练集进行拓展。也很重要的是,卷积神经网络比全连接网络更适合视觉文档任务。我们提出了一种简单的卷积的DIY实现,有着灵活的架构,适合于很多视觉文档问题。这种简单的CNN不需要复杂的方法,比如动量,权重衰减,依赖于结构的学习速率,平均层,tangent prop,或甚至是精调架构。最终结果是一种非常简单但通用的架构,对文档分析可以得到目前最好的结果。我们在英文数字图像的MNIST上,阐述我们的结果。
After being extremely popular in the early 1990s, neural networks have fallen out of favor in research in the last 5 years. In 2000, it was even pointed out by the organizers of the Neural Information Processing System (NIPS) conference that the term “neural networks” in the submission title was negatively correlated with acceptance. In contrast, positive correlations were made with support vector machines (SVMs), Bayesian networks, and variational methods.
In this paper, we show that neural networks achieve the best performance on a handwriting recognition task (MNIST). MNIST [7] is a benchmark dataset of images of segmented handwritten digits, each with 28x28 pixels. There are 60,000 training examples and 10,000 testing examples.
Our best performance on MNIST with neural networks is in agreement with other researchers, who have found that neural networks continue to yield state-of-the-art performance on visual document analysis tasks [1, 2].
The optimal performance on MNIST was achieved using two essential practices. First, we created a new, general set of elastic distortions that vastly expanded the size of the training set. Second, we used convolutional neural networks. The elastic distortions are described in detail in Section 2. Sections 3 and 4 then describe a generic convolutional neural network architecture that is simple to implement.
We believe that these two practices are applicable beyond MNIST, to general visual tasks in document analysis. Applications range from FAX recognition, to analysis of scanned documents and cursive recognition (using a visual representation) in the Tablet PC.
Synthesizing plausible transformations of data is simple, but the “inverse” problem – transformation invariance – can be arbitrarily complicated. Fortunately, learning algorithms are very good at learning inverse problems. Given a classification task, one may apply transformations to generate additional data and let the learning algorithm infer the transformation invariance. This invariance is embedded in the parameters, so it is in some sense free, since the computation at recognition time is unchanged. If the data is scarce and if the distribution to be learned has transformation-invariance properties, generating additional data using transformations may even improve performance [6]. In the case of handwriting recognition, we postulate that the distribution has some invariance with respect to not only affine transformations, but also elastic deformations corresponding to uncontrolled oscillations of the hand muscles, dampened by inertia.
Simple distortions such as translations, rotations, and skewing can be generated by applying affine displacement fields to images. This is done by computing for every pixel a new target location with respect to the original location. The new target location, at position (x,y) is given with respect to the previous position. For instance if ∆x(x,y)=1, and ∆y(x,y)=0, this means that the new location of every pixel is shifted by 1 to the right. If the displacement field was: ∆x(x,y)= αx, and ∆y(x,y)= αy, the image would be scaled by α, from the origin location (x,y)=(0,0). Since α could be a non-integer value, interpolation is necessary.
简单的形变,比如平移,旋转,和扭曲可以通过将仿射偏移场应用到图像中生成。这是通过将对每个像素计算一个相对于原始位置的新目标位置。这种新的目标位置,在(x,y)位置上,是相对于之前的位置给出的。比如,如果∆x(x,y)=1, ∆y(x,y)=0,这意味着每个像素的新位置都向右平移了1。如果偏移场是∆x(x,y)= αx, ∆y(x,y)= αy,图像可能从原始位置(x,y)=(0,0)缩放了系数α。由于α可能是一个非整数值,那么就需要进行插值。
Figure 1 illustrates how to apply a displacement field to compute new values for each pixel. In this example, the location of A is assumed to be (0,0) and the numbers 3, 7, 5, 9 are the grey levels of the image to be transformed, at the locations (1,0), (2,0), (1,-1) and (2,-1) respectively. The displacements for A are given by ∆x(0,0) = 1.75 and ∆y(0,0) = -0.5 as illustrated in the figure the arrow. The new grey value for A in the new (warped) image is computed by evaluating the grey level at location (1.75,-0.5) from the original image. A simple algorithm for evaluating the grey level is “bilinear interpolation” of the pixel values of the original image. Although other interpolation schemes can be used (e.g., bicubic and spline interpolation), the bilinear interpolation is one of the simplest and works well for generating additional warped characters image at the chosen resolution (29x29). Interpolating the value horizontally, followed by interpolating the value vertically, accomplishes the evaluation. To compute the horizontal interpolations, we first compute the location where the arrow ends with respect to the square in which it ends. In this case, the coordinates in the square are (0.75, 0.5), assuming the origin of that square is bottomleft (where the value 5 is located). In this example, the new values are: 3 + 0.75 × (7-3) = 6; and 5 + 0.75 × (9-5) = 8. The vertical interpolation between these values yields 8 + 0.5 × (6-8) = 7, which is the new grey level value for pixel A. A similar computation is done for all pixels. All pixel locations outside the given image are assumed to have a background value (e.g. 0).
图1描述了怎样对每个像素应用一个偏移场,计算像素的新值。在这个例子中,位置A假设为(0,0),数字3, 7, 5, 9是要变换的图像灰度值,所在位置分别为(1,0), (2,0), (1,-1)和(2,-1)。A点在新的(变形)图像中的新灰度值,是通过计算在相对于原始位置(1.75, -0.5)上的灰度值得到的。一个简单的计算灰度值的算法是原始图像灰度值的双线性插值。虽然其他的插值方法也可以使用(如,双三次和样条插值),双线性插值是最简单的一种,在给定的分辨率(29x29)上生成额外形变的数字图像效果很好。水平方向的插值,然后进行垂直方向的插值,这样就完成了整个计算。为计算水平方向的插值,我们首先计算箭头指向的位置,相对于其结束时的方形。在这种情况下,在这个方形中的坐标是(0.75, 0.5),假设这个方形的原点是左下(值5所在的位置)。在这个例子中,新的值是3 + 0.75 × (7-3) = 6; 和5 + 0.75 × (9-5) = 8。这两个值之间垂直方向的插值得到,8 + 0.5 × (6-8) = 7,这就是像素A的新灰度值。对所有像素进行类似的计算。在给定图像之外的所有像素位置假设是背景值(如0)。
Affine distortions greatly improved our results on the MNIST database. However, our best results were obtained when we used elastic deformations. The image deformations were created by first generating random displacement fields, that is ∆x(x,y) = rand(-1,+1) and ∆y(x,y)=rand(-1,+1), where rand(-1,+1) is a random number between -1 and +1, generated with a uniform distribution. The fields ∆x and ∆y are then convolved with a Gaussian of standard deviation σ (in pixels). If σ is large, the resulting values are very small because the random values average 0. If we normalize the displacement field (to a norm of 1), the field is then close to constant, with a random direction. If σ is small, the field looks like a completely random field after normalization (as depicted in Figure 2, top right). For intermediate σ values, the displacement fields look like elastic deformation, where σ is the elasticity coefficient. The displacement fields are then multiplied by a scaling factor α that controls the intensity of the deformation.
仿射形变极大的改进了在MNIST数据集上的结果。但是,我们最好的结果是当我们使用弹性形变得到的。图像形变的创建,首先是生成随机偏移场,即∆x(x,y) = rand(-1,+1)和∆y(x,y)=rand(-1,+1),其中rand(-1,+1)是一个在-1和+1之间的随机数,用均匀分布生成。场∆x和∆y然后和一个标准差σ的高斯函数进行卷积。如果σ很大,得到的值非常小,因为随机值的均值为0。如果我们对偏移场进行归一化(归一到范数为1),那么场就接近于常数,方向随机。如果σ很小,这个场在归一化后就会像一个完全随机的场(如图2右上所示)。对于中间的σ值,偏移场看起来很像弹性形变,其中σ是弹性系数。偏移场然后乘以一个缩放系数α,控制形变的强度。
Figure 2 shows example of a pure random field (σ=0.01), a smoothed random field corresponding to the properties of the hand (σ=8), and a smoothed random field corresponding to too much variability (σ=4). If σ is large, the displacements become close to affine, and if σ is very large, the displacements become translations.
In our MNIST experiments (29x29 input images), the values that yielded the best results were σ=4 and α=34. 在我们的MNIST试验中(输入图像为29x29),得到最好结果的值为σ=4和α=34。
We considered two types of architectures neural network architectures for the MNIST data set. The simplest architecture, which is a universal classifier, is a fully connected network with two layers [4]. A more complicated architecture is a convolutional neural network, which has been found to be well-suited for visual document analysis tasks [3]. The implementation of standard neural networks can be found in textbooks, such as [5]. Section 4 describes a new, simple implementation of convolutional neural networks.
To test our neural networks, we tried to keep the algorithm as simple as possible, for maximum reproducibility. We only tried two different error functions: cross-entropy (CE) and mean squared error (MSE) (see [5, chapter 6] for more details). We avoided using momentum, weight decay, structure-dependent learning rates, extra padding around the inputs, and averaging instead of subsampling. (We were motivated to avoid these complications by trying them on various architecture/distortions combinations and on a train/validation split of the data and finding that they did not help.)
Our initial weights were set to small random values (standard deviation = 0.05). We used a learning rate that started at 0.005 and is multiplied by 0.3 every 100 epochs.
As described in Section 5, we found that the convolutional neural network performs the best on MNIST. We believe this to be a general result for visual tasks, because spatial topology is well captured by convolutional neural networks [3], while standard neural networks ignore all topological properties of the input. That is, if a standard neural network is retrained and retested on a data set where all input pixels undergo a fixed permutation, the results would be identical.
The overall architecture of the convolutional neural network we used for MNIST digit recognition is depicted in Figure 3. 我们用于MNIST数字识别的CNN的总体架构如图3所示。
The general strategy of a convolutional network is to extract simple features at a higher resolution, and then convert them into more complex features at a coarser resolution. The simplest was to generate coarser resolution is to sub-sample a layer by a factor of 2. This, in turn, is a clue to the convolutions kernel's size. The width of the kernel is chosen be centered on a unit (odd size), to have sufficient overlap to not lose information (3 would be too small with only one unit overlap), but yet to not have redundant computation (7 would be too large, with 5 units or over 70% overlap). A convolution kernel of size 5 is shown in Figure 4. The empty circle units correspond to the subsampling and do not need to be computed. Padding the input (making it larger so that there are feature units centered on the border) did not improve performance significantly. With no padding, a subsampling of 2, and a kernel size of 5, each convolution layer reduces the feature size from n to (n-3)/2. Since the initial MNIST input size 28x28, the nearest value which generates an integer size after 2 layers of convolution is 29x29. After 2 layers of convolution, the feature size of 5x5 is too small for a third layer of convolution. The first feature layer extracts very simple features, which after training look like edge, ink, or intersection detectors. We found that using fewer than 5 different features decreased performance, while using more than 5 did not improve it. Similarly, on the second layer, we found that fewer than 50 features (we tried 25) decreased performance while more (we tried 100) did not improve it. These numbers are not critical as long as there are enough features to carry the information to the classification layers.
The first two layers of this neural network can be viewed as a trainable feature extractor. We now add a trainable classifier to the feature extractor, in the form of 2 fully connected layers (a universal classifier). The number of hidden units is variable, and it is by varying this number that we control the capacity, and the generalization, of the overall classifier. For MNIST (10 classes), the optimal capacity was reached with 100 hidden units.
Convolutional neural networks have been proposed for visual tasks for many years [3], yet have not been popular in the engineering community. We believe that is due to the complexity of implementing the convolutional neural networks. This paper presents new methods for implementing such networks that are much easier that previous techniques and allow easy debugging.
Fully connected neural networks often use the following rules to implement the forward and backward propagation: 全连接神经网络使用下面的规则来实现前向和反向传播:
This is easy to see on Figure 4, where all the units labeled
For each unit j in the upper layer, we update a fixed number of (incoming) units i from the lower layer (in the figure, i is between 0 and 4). Because in convolution the weights are shared, w does not depend on j. Note that pushing is slower than pulling because the gradients are accumulated in memory, as opposed to in pulling, where gradient are accumulated in a register. Depending on the architecture, this can sometimes be as much as 50% slower (which amounts to less than 20% decrease in overall performance). For large convolutions, however, pushing the gradient may be faster, and can be used to take advantage of Intel's SSE instructions, because all the memory accesses are contiguous. From an implementation standpoint, pulling the activation and pushing the gradient is by far the simplest way to implement convolution layers and well worth the slight compromise in speed.
Back-propagation has a good property: it allows neural networks to be expressed and debugged in a modular fashion. For instance, we can assume that a module M has a forward propagation function which computes its output M(I,W) as a function of its input I and its parameters W. It also has a backward propagation function (with respect to the input) which computes the input gradient as a function of the output gradient, a gradient function (with respect to the weight), which computes the weight gradient with respect to the output gradient, and a weight update function, which adds the weight gradients to the weights using some updating rules (batch, stochastic, momentum, weight decay, etc). By definition, the Jacobian matrix of a function M is defined to be
反向传播有一个很好的性质:它可以使神经网络以模块化的方式进行表示和调试。比如,我们可以假设一个模块M有一个前向传播函数,计算其输出M(I,W)为其输入I和其参数W的函数。它也有一个反向传播函数(对输入来说),将输入梯度计算为输出梯度的函数,一个梯度函数(对权重),对输出梯度计算的权重梯度,一个权重更新函数,使用一些更新规则将权重梯度加入到权重上(批次,随机,动量,权重衰减,等)。从定义上来说,一个函数M的Jacobian矩阵定义为$J_{ki} = \frac {∂M_k}{∂x_i}$。使用反向传播函数和梯度函数,计算两个Jacobian矩阵$\frac {∂I}{∂M(I,W)}$ and
where F is a function which takes a matrix and inverts each of its elements, one can automatically verify that the forward propagation accurately corresponds to the backward and gradient propagations (note: the backpropagation computes F(∂I/∂M(I,W)) directly so only a transposition is necessary to compare it with the Jacobian computed by the forward propagation). In other words, if the equalities above are verified to the precision of the machine, learning is implemented correctly. This is particularly useful for large networks since incorrect implementations sometimes yield reasonable results. Indeed, learning algorithms tend to be robust even to bugs. In our implementation, each neural network is a C++ module and is a combination of more basic modules. A module test program instantiates the module in double precision, sets ε=10^−12 (the machine precision for double is 10^−16), generates random values for I and W, and performs a correctness test to a precision of 10^−10. If the larger module fails the test, we test each of the sub-modules until we find the culprit. This extremely simple and automated procedure has saved a considerable amount of debugging time.
For both fully connected and convolutional neural networks, we used the first 50,000 patterns of the MNIST training set for training, and the remaining 10,000 for validation and parameter adjustments. The result reported on test set where done with the parameter values that were optimal on validation. The two-layer Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) in this paper had 800 hidden units, while the two-layer MLP in [3] had 1000 hidden units. The results are reported in the table below:
There are several interesting results in this table. The most important is that elastic deformations have a considerable impact on performance, both for the 2 layer MLP and our convolutional architectures. As far as we know, 0.4% error is the best result to date on the MNIST database. This implies that the MNIST database is too small for most algorithms to infer generalization properly, and that elastic deformations provide additional and relevant a-priori knowledge. Second, we observe that convolutional networks do well compared to 2-layer MLPs, even with elastic deformation. The topological information implicit in convolutional networks is not easily inferred by MLP, even with the large training set generated with elastic deformation. Finally, we observed that the most recent experiments yielded better performance than similar experiments performed 8 years ago and reported in [3]. Possible explanations are that the hardware is now 1.5 orders of magnitude faster (we can now afford hundreds of epochs) and that in our experiments, CE trained faster than MSE.
We have achieved the highest performance known to date on the MNIST data set, using elastic distortion and convolutional neural networks. We believe that these results reflect two important issues.
Training set size: The quality of a learned system is primarily dependent of the size and quality of the training set. This conclusion is supported by evidence from other application areas, such as text[8]. For visual document tasks, this paper proposes a simple technique for vastly expanding the training set: elastic distortions. These distortions improve the results on MNIST substantially.
Convolutional Neural Networks: Standard neural networks are state-of-the-art classifiers that perform about as well as other classification techniques that operate on vectors, without knowledge of the input topology. However, convolutional neural network exploit the knowledge that the inputs are not independent elements, but arise from a spatial structure.
Research in neural networks has slowed, because neural network training is perceived to require arcane black magic to get best results. We have shown that the best results do not require any arcane techniques: some of the specialized techniques may have arisen from computational speed limitations that are not applicable in the 21st Century.