Zcwpw1 is co-expressed with Prdm9 and has domains that bind to both H3K4me3 and H3K36me3 (which are desposited by Prdm9 and required for its role in recombination.)
Software dependencies are managed as a Conda environment detailed in setup.sh
Details of the original FASTQ files, and ID-to-description mappings are included in Sample_Manifest.Rmd
To find the code for a specific figure see the Figure_Manifest.Rmd
The directory containing fastq files for each group and the genome specification is contained in the file config.yml
Most of the analyses are arranged as snakemake pipelines for reproducibility:
# Map reads to genome etc.
# Add FASTQ dir path & genome type to config.yml first
snakemake --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --dag --forceall --config GROUP="Dmc1_r1" | dot -Tpdf > Map_Reads_dag.pdf
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="659233"
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="538916"
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="594404"
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="NA15"
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="Dmc1_r1"
snakemake --cores 13 --snakefile pipelines/Map_Reads.py -npr --config GROUP="733693"
# Call Peaks
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Call_Peaks.py -npr
# make enrichment profile plots (& center/strand by motif if possible)
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Plot_Profile2.py -npr
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Plot_Heatmap.py -npr
# force-call
# specify sample pairs to force call in sample_pairings.py
# specify locations to call at in config.yml
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/Force_Call_Peaks.py -npr
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/wgs.py -npr
# Perform analysis of DMC1 data
cd dmc1
snakemake --cores 15 --snakefile pipelines/dmc1.py -npr
# plot profile over gene
snakemake --cores 10 --snakefile pipelines/analyse_peaks.py -npr
snakemake --cores 3 --snakefile pipelines/non_chip_analysis.py -npr
Other analyses are Rnotebooks, and require the preprocess.sh script to be run to generate the required files.