The workbook is used to document the generation of geospatial (GIS) metadata for the ModelE Land Ice (LIME) effort. It includes
- RGI regions for ModelE land ice regions
- Rignot basins for ModelE Greenland and Antarctic land ice
- Nearby ocean cells (shoreface) for RGI regions and Rignot basins
- Various ocean depth metrics at ModelE resolution. For example,
- Median depth from BedMachine
- Maximum depth
- All of the above on a global lat/lon map at 4x5 or 2x2.5 degree resolution
- All of the above converted to PISM Greenland and Antarctic projections and resolution
rm -fR G_ModelE
grass -c EPSG:4326 -e G_ModelE
grass ./G_ModelE/PERMANENT
ncdump -h $fgice
ncdump -v lat,lon $fgice
# lon=144, lat=90
# 2x2.5 = +- 1 lat and +- 1.25 lon -o input=NETCDF:"${DATADIR}/ModelE_Support/prod_input_files/":fgice output=fgice -o input=NETCDF:"${DATADIR}/ModelE_Support/prod_input_files/":focean output=focean
g.region raster=fgice
g.region -ps
r.mapcalc "x = x()"
r.mapcalc "y = y()"
g.mapset -c RGI input=${DATADIR}/RGI/RGI2000-v7.0-o1regions.shp output=RGI
v.db.addcolumn RGI col="region integer"
v.db.update RGI col=region qcol="o1region" input=RGI output=RGI use=attr attribute_column=region
# Force all of Antarctica to be Region 19
r.mapcalc "landice = if((fgice > 0) & (y() > 0), RGI) + if((fgice > 0) & (y() < 0), 19)"
r.null map=landice setnull=0
r.grow.distance input=landice value=dist maximum_distance=2.5
r.mapcalc "shoreface = if(focean, dist)" --o
r.null map=shoreface setnull=0
g.mapset -c Rignot
g.region -p
v.import input=${DATADIR}/IMBIE/Rignot/GRE_Basins_IMBIE2_v1.3.shp output=GRE
v.import input=${DATADIR}/IMBIE/Rignot/ANT_Basins_IMBIE2_v1.6.shp output=ANT
v.db.droprow input=GRE where='SUBREGION1 == "ICE_CAP"' output=GRE_nocaps
g.rename vector=GRE_nocaps,GRE --o input=ANT output=ANT use=cat input=GRE output=GRE use=cat
# ModelE land ice is a bit larger, so we grow these outward
r.grow.distance input=GRE value=GRE_grow
r.grow.distance input=ANT value=ANT_grow
r.mapcalc "GRE_Rignot = if(landice@RGI == 5, GRE_grow, null())"
r.mapcalc "ANT_Rignot = if(landice@RGI == 19, ANT_grow, null())"
r.patch -s input=GRE_Rignot,ANT_Rignot output=landice
# Ocean basins for each ROI
r.grow.distance input=landice value=dist maximum_distance=2.5
r.mapcalc "shoreface = if(focean, dist)" --o
r.null map=shoreface setnull=0
d.mon wx0
d.rast landice@RGI
d.rast shoreface@RGI
d.rast landice@Rignot
d.rast shoreface@Rignot
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from grass_session import Session
from grass.script import core as gcore
import grass.script as gscript
# import grass.script.setup as gsetup
# import grass python libraries
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import temporal as t
from grass.script import array as garray
# define where to process the data in the temporary grass-session
ds = xr.Dataset()
with Session(gisdb=".", location="G_ModelE", mapset="PERMANENT", create_opts=None):
x = garray.array("x", null=np.nan)
y = garray.array("y", null=np.nan)
ds['lon'] = x[0,:]
ds['lat'] = y[:,0]
tmp = garray.array("landice@RGI", null=np.nan)
ds['landice_RGI'] = (('lat','lon'), tmp)
tmp = garray.array("shoreface@RGI", null=np.nan)
ds['shoreface_RGI'] = (('lat','lon'), tmp)
tmp = garray.array("landice@Rignot", null=np.nan)
ds['landice_Rignot'] = (('lat','lon'), tmp)
tmp = garray.array("shoreface@Rignot", null=np.nan)
ds['shoreface_Rignot'] = (('lat','lon'), tmp)
# Support drag-and-drop to QGIS
ds['crs'] = True
ds['crs'].attrs['spatial_ref'] = 'EPSG:4326'
ds['crs'].attrs['grid_mapping_name'] = 'latitude_longitude'
for var in ds.data_vars:
ds[var].attrs['grid_mapping'] = 'crs'
ds = xr.open_dataset('')
_ = ds['landice_Rignot'].plot()
- Set up PISM domains
- Reproject ModelE do PISM domains
- This would be easier if we used EPSG:3413 data, but the historic domain from
is not EPSG:3413 - PISM projection is
+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=71 +lon_0=-39 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs
- More details available from
gdalinfo landcover.tif
after extracting that from the NetCDF file withgdal_translate
(see below)
gdal_translate NETCDF:"":landcover landcover.tif
grass -c landcover.tif G_GL
# make some sub-mapsets
g.mapset -c PISM input=NETCDF:"":landcover output=mask
r.mapcalc "x = x()"
r.mapcalc "y = y()"
# 1 is ice, 0 is land
r.mapcalc "mask = if((mask >= 3), 1, if(mask >= 2, 0, null()))" --o
g.mapset -c basins
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:4326 -t_srs "$(g.proj -wf)" -f GPKG rignot.gpkg ${DATADIR}/IMBIE/Rignot/GRE_Basins_IMBIE2_v1.3.shp input=rignot.gpkg output=basins input=basins output=basins use=cat
- Visual debug
d.mon wx0
d.rast mask
d.vect basins
d.rast basins
- Remove islands from the mask.
- If they’re islands interior to ice shelves, call it ice ‘ice shelf’.
r.mapcalc "islands = if((mask@PISM == 1) & (not(isnull(basins))), 1, null())"
# now remove unattached islands
r.clump input=islands output=clumps --o
# d.rast clumps
main_clump=$(r.stats -c -n clumps sort=desc | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f1)
r.mask raster=clumps maskcats=${main_clump} --o
r.mapcalc "basins_badclass = if(mask@PISM == 1, basins, null())"
r.reclass.area input=basins_badclass output=basins_clean value=1000000 method=rmarea mode=lesser
r.mask -r
- Provide a 1, 10, and 100 km buffer into the ocean to define ‘ocean basins’
- The ocean side of a coastline is called the ‘shoreface’
r.grow.distance input=mask@PISM distance=dist
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_1 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 1000), 1, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_10 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 10000), 1, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_100 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 100000), 1, null())"
r.grow.distance input=basins_clean value=basins_clean_grow
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_1 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 1000), basins_clean_grow, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_10 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 10000), basins_clean_grow, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_100 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 100000), basins_clean_grow, null())"
d.mon wx0
d.rast shoreface_basins_100
grass -c EPSG:3031 G_AQ -o input=NETCDF:"":mask output=mask
g.region raster=mask -pas
r.mapcalc "x = x()"
r.mapcalc "y = y()"
g.mapset -c PISM
r.mapcalc "mask = int(mask@PERMANENT)" --overwrite
r.null map=mask setnull=0
g.mapset PERMANENT
g.remove -f type=raster name=mask
g.mapset -c basins
v.import input=${DATADIR}/IMBIE/Rignot/ANT_Basins_IMBIE2_v1.6.shp output=basins input=basins output=basins use=cat
- Visual debug
d.mon wx0
d.rast mask
d.vect basins
d.rast basins
- Remove islands from basins
r.mapcalc "basins_noislands = if(basins == 1, null(), basins)"
- Remove islands from the mask.
- If they’re islands interior to ice shelves, call it ice ‘ice shelf’.
r.reclass.area input=mask@PISM output=mask_noislands value=100000 mode=lesser method=reclass
r.mapcalc "mask_noislands = if(mask_noislands, 2)" --o # all islands are ice shelves
# now remove unattached islands
r.patch input=mask_noislands,mask@PISM output=mask_islands
r.mapcalc "mask_islands = if(mask_islands, 1, 0)" --o
r.clump input=mask_islands output=clumps --o
d.rast clumps
main_clump=$(r.stats -c -n clumps sort=desc | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f1)
r.mask raster=clumps maskcats=${main_clump} --o
r.patch input=mask_noislands,mask@PISM output=mask
# mask@PISM has main ice (1) and ice shelves (2).
# There are no islands. All main ice is contiguous.
- Rignot basins don’t cover ice shelves.
- Give each ice shelf the value of the majority upstream basin
# grow basins over shelves (and ocean). Note that some shelves will be split. We want each shelf to have 1 upstream basin
r.grow.distance input=basins_noislands value=basins_grow
# Make vector of just ice shelves, and
r.mask raster=mask maskcats=2 --o input=mask output=shelves type=area # ice shelf only vector
# Assign each shelf a value of whatever basin covers the most (median) of that shelf
v.rast.stats map=shelves raster=basins_grow column=basin method=median
r.mask -r input=shelves output=shelves use=attr attribute_column=basin_median # rasterize shelves with median value
r.patch input=basins_noislands,shelves output=merged
# fill in all the little nulls
r.mask raster=mask --o
r.grow.distance input=merged value=basins_clean
r.mask -r
- Provide a 1, 10, and 100 km buffer into the ocean to define ‘ocean basins’
- The ocean side of a coastline is called the ‘shoreface’
r.grow.distance input=mask distance=dist
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_1 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 1000), 1, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_10 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 10000), 1, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_dist_100 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 100000), 1, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_1 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 1000), basins_clean, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_10 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 10000), basins_clean, null())"
r.mapcalc "shoreface_basins_100 = if((dist > 0) & (dist < 100000), basins_clean, null())"
d.mon wx0
d.rast shoreface_basins_100
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from grass_session import Session
from grass.script import core as gcore
import grass.script as gscript
# import grass.script.setup as gsetup
# import grass python libraries
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import general as g
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import raster as r
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import vector as v
from grass.pygrass.modules.shortcuts import temporal as t
from grass.script import array as garray
for loc in ['GL','AQ']:
ds = xr.Dataset()
with Session(gisdb=".", location="G_"+loc, mapset="PERMANENT", create_opts=None):
x = garray.array("x", null=np.nan)
y = garray.array("y", null=np.nan)
ds['x'] = x[0,:]
ds['y'] = y[:,0]
tmp = garray.array("shoreface_basins_1@basins", null=np.nan)
ds['shoreface_basins_1'] = (('y','x'), tmp)
tmp = garray.array("shoreface_basins_10@basins", null=np.nan)
ds['shoreface_basins_10'] = (('y','x'), tmp)
tmp = garray.array("shoreface_basins_100@basins", null=np.nan)
ds['shoreface_basins_100'] = (('y','x'), tmp)
# Support drag-and-drop to QGIS
for var in ds.data_vars:
ds[var].attrs['grid_mapping'] = 'crs'
ds['crs'] = True
if loc == 'GL':
ds['crs'].attrs['spatial_ref'] = '+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lat_ts=71 +lon_0=-39 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +type=crs'
ds['crs'].attrs['grid_mapping_name'] = 'polar_stereographic'
elif loc == 'AQ':
ds['crs'].attrs['spatial_ref'] = 'EPSG:3031'
ds['crs'].attrs['grid_mapping_name'] = 'polar_stereographic'
ds = xr.open_dataset('')
_ = ds['shoreface_basins_100'].plot()