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Problem setup
Serialization interface



AdaStress is a software package that implements and extends the adaptive stress testing (AST) framework, which determines the likeliest failures for a system under test.

AdaStress provides three primary services:

  • Interfaces between user simulations and the AST framework
  • Reinforcement learning-based solvers
  • Analysis and visualization tools


AdaStress is written in the Julia programming language. If you do not have Julia on your computer, follow the official instructions to download the latest version. For information on using Julia, see the language documentation. To download and build the latest version of AdaStress, open the Julia REPL, and type

using Pkg

or type ] to enter the interactive package mode and enter the command

add AdaStress


AdaStress is designed with an emphasis on speed and modularity. The architecture is partitioned into several high-level modules that interact through common interfaces. This allows the software to be extended with new modules offering additional functionality without altering the base code. In particular, this modularity allows for external plugins to be developed outside the purview of NASA.

At a high level, a custom simulation interacts with the Interface module to product an ASTMDP (adaptive stress testing Markov decision process) representing the AST formulation of the problem. The MDP interacts with the Solver module to produce a Result. A result object can optionally be passed into the Analysis module to produce various artifacts.

Problem setup

To effectively make use of AdaStress, you must have a system under test (SUT) and a simulation in which the SUT interacts with a semi-stochastic environment. This means that there should be variables in your simulation that are random and behave according to a modeled probability distribution. The system should have an identifiable failure criterion and you should preferably be able to specify a measure of distance to failure, a scalar quantity which achieves its minimum at a failure event.

For instance, if you are stress-testing an aircraft collision avoidance system, your simulation might involve an encounter scenario with multiple random variables, such as pilot intent, wind, and sensor noise. The failure criterion might be the condition of two aircraft coming within a certain distance of each other. The distance to failure would then be the instantaneous distance between the aircraft. For an involved implementation of this problem, see the example in examples/cas.

AdaStress provides two basic simulation interfaces, blackbox and graybox. The type of simulation determines which solvers are may be used.

  • A blackbox simulation does not reveal its environment variables and performs all updates internally. AdaStress interacts with the simulation by setting a random seed.
  • A graybox simulation makes its environment available to the solver, which can sample the random variables directly and/or return values for the simulator to use in its update step.

Your simulation must inherit from the BlackBox or GrayBox type and implement the methods found in src/interface/BlackBox.jl or src/interface/GrayBox.jl. These methods are

  • AdaStress.reset! Resets simulation.
  • AdaStress.observe Returns observation of simulation (optional).
  • AdaStress.step! Steps simulation. If simulation is a graybox, the function takes an additional EnvironmentValue argument. If simulation is a blackbox, the function returns the log probability of the environment in its current state.
  • AdaStress.isterminal Checks whether simulation has finished, independent of SUT failure.
  • AdaStress.isevent Checks whether SUT is in a failure state.
  • AdaStress.distance Returns distance to failure.

By Julia convention, functions ending in exclamation marks (!) modify their inputs. If simulation is a graybox, it must additionally implement

  • environment Returns Environment object constructed in simulation.

The Environment type is an alias of Dict{Symbol, Sampleable}, i.e., a dictionary mapping symbols to sampleable objects, typically probability distributions. The environment contains the stochastic variables in your simulation that you intend for AdaStress to recognize. This can be simple, as in

using Distributions
AdaStress.environment(sim::ExampleSim) = AdaStress.Environment(:wind => Normal(0.0, 0.05))

or arbitrarily complicated and constructed programmatically, as in

function AdaStress.environment(sim::ExampleSim)
    env = AdaStress.Environment()
    for i in eachindex(sim.vehicles)
        v = sim.vehicles[i]
        env[Symbol("v$i")] = TruncatedNormal(v.mean, v.stdev, v.low, v.high)
    return env

To avoid unnecessary reallocation, it is much preferable for the environment to be constructed a single time and stored in the simulation object, where it can be updated as necessary. In this way, the environment function simply references the variable, as in

AdaStress.environment(sim::ExampleSim) = sim.environment

The EnvironmentValue type is an alias of Dict{Symbol, Any}. An environment value object corresponds to an environment object in which each variable has been sampled. These objects are never constructed by the user; rather, they are generated by AdaStress and passed into your simulation for the update step, as in the following example:

function AdaStress.step!(sim::ExampleSim, x::AdaStress.EnvironmentValue)
    system_reponse = system_under_test(sim.state, x[:wind])

For simple examples of blackbox and graybox simulations, see the notebooks examples/walk1d and examples/walk2d, respectively.

If your distribution is uncommon or custom-written, you must implement functions to allow the flattening and unflattening of samples. The flattening process should pseudo-normalize the samples if possible, as in the following example:

struct CustomDistribution <: Distribution{Multivariate, Continuous}

struct CustomValue

Base.rand(d::CustomDistribution) = [...] # complicated sampling scheme; returns a CustomValue

AdaStress.flatten(d::CustomDistribution, v::CustomValue) = [v.c / d.a, v.d / d.b]
AdaStress.unflatten(d::CustomDistribution, v::Vector{Float64}) = CustomValue(v[1] * d.a, v[2] * d.b)

For a less contrived example of flattening, see the example in examples/cas. For typical univariate continuous distributions, AdaStress attempts to automatically infer the flattening scheme; this can be overridden in your code if desired.

If you require a custom addition to the AST reward function, you may optionally implement the function AdaStress.reward, which takes the same arguments as AdaStress.step! and returns a scalar value or a callback to include the post-step simulation. However, use of this function is discouraged, as the built-in reward options are typically sufficient, and improperly constructed reward functions can destabilize learning and/or negate the AST formulation. This is discussed further in the next section.


Once a simulation adheres to the graybox or blackbox interface, it can be converted into a fully-defined problem to interface with solvers. This is accomplished by wrapping an instance of the simulation in an ASTMDP, as in

problem = ASTMDP(ExampleSim())

Various AST parameters can be specified and changed during construction.


In additional to wrapping the simulation, the ASTMDP holds a reward object, which specifies the reward structure to be used. Several parameters define the reward:

Parameter Type Default Description
marginalize Bool true Determine whether environment distributions are automatically marginalized when log probabilities are computed. Marginalization requires that the distribution implement Distributions.mode, which is typically the case.
heuristic AbstractDistanceHeuristic GradientHeuristic() Determines how distance metric is interpreted.
event_bonus Float64 0.0 Reward bonus for encountering a failure.
reward_function AbstractCoreObjective WeightedObjective() Defines how probability, distance heuristic, and event bonus are combined. Alternative values are experimental.

It is common to specify reward parameters, and the ASTMDP constructor allows mixing keyword arguments from different levels, automatically assigning them to the inner Reward object if they do not match a field in the outer ASTMDP object. Therefore, the event bonus can be set via explicit modification, as in

problem = ASTMDP(ExampleSim())
problem.reward.event_bonus = 1000.0

or, more concisely, as in

problem = ASTMDP(ExampleSim(); reward_bonus=1000.0)

A general rule of thumb is that the event bonus should be high enough to "outweigh" the maximum cumulative unlikeliness. In the case of a normally distributed environment disturbance, a 5-sigma value corresponds to a marginal log probability of -12.5. If your simulation is 30 steps, the cumulative log likelihood is -375. Therefore, setting the event bonus to 375.0 could be roughly interpreted as permitting up to 5-sigma of unlikeliness at every possible timestep if it leads to a failure event. Since the theoretical AST framework views failure as a constraint, rather than a cost, it is preferable to permit a high degree of unlikeliness to achieve failure, within reason.


Different distance heuristics can also be set, depending on the problem:

  • GradientHeuristic: Gradient of distance metric. Default and recommended.
  • MinimumHeuristic: Minimum distance across episode. Non-Markovian.
  • FinalHeuristic: Distance at episode termination. Recommended (and automatically inferred) for episodic problems.

Episodic and non-episodic problems

Another parameter of the ASTMDP is the Boolean value episodic, which defaults to false. Episodic problems constitute a relatively rare case in which the condition of failure and the distance to failure can only be evaluated after a set number of steps. In this case, the simulation interface changes slightly: isevent should check whether failure occurred at any point during the episode and distance should return the minimum distance to failure seen across the entire episode (i.e., the "miss distance"). This may require additional simulation-side bookkeeping.

For an example of an episodic problem, see the notebook examples/fms.

Serialization interface

In certain situations, it may be useful to run the testing and simulation as separate independent processes. AdaStress supports this mode of operation via an optional serialization interface between the simulation and the solver. There are three major use cases for this feature:

Restricting information flow

In some cases, it may be required to keep a separation between the simulation and tester. The serialization interface can be used to enforce the restriction of information from the simulation to the tester.

Distributed computing

The serialization interface also permits distributed computing, allowing stress testing to scale across multiple processors.

Cross-language support

The serialization capabilities also make it easier to interact with other programming languages in cases where there does not exist a robust Julia interface. Instead of reimplementing the full package in another language, it is only strictly necessary to implement the interface side. A related use case is bridging incompatible versions of Julia.


An ASTServer and ASTClient can be created separately and configured to exchange a minimal amount of information to enable stress-testing. This exchange can be further encrypted in various ways, in order to obscure the system under test from the stress-testing agent. For an example of serialized stress-testing, see the notebooks in examples/pedestrian.


A solver object is a standalone entity representing an algorithm and its parameters. A solver can be applied to an ASTMDP or a function that generates an ASTMDP, producing a Result object, as in

mdp = ASTMDP(ExampleSim())
solver = ExampleSolver(kwargs...)
sol = solver(mdp)

AdaStress offers two families of solvers: local and global solvers.

Local solvers

Local solvers aim to produce discrete failure examples. The output of the solver is a set of likely action traces that lead to failure. The system is typically reset with a fixed initialization at the beginning of each episode.

Monte Carlo search

Monte Carlo search (MCS) is a simple, uninformed local solver. It samples the environment randomly and maintains a set of best-performing action traces. It is generally not advisable to use this solver for actual stress testing, but it is useful as a baseline against other solvers, in terms of runtime performance and overall efficacy. MCS offers the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
num_iterations Int64 1000 Number of episodes to test
top_k Int64 10 Number of best-performing episodes to store

Monte Carlo tree search

Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) is a reinforcement learning algorithm that attempts to balance exploration and experience, constructing a partially-ordered search tree over actions to efficiently perform its search. It is a robust and versatile solver which can be applied to nearly any problem. MCTS offers the following parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
num_iterations Int64 1000 Number of episodes to test
top_k Int64 10 Number of best-performing episodes to store
k Float64 1.0 Tree expansion coefficient
α Float64 0.7 Tree expansion exponent
c Float64 1.0 Exploration balance coefficient

For an example of a problem solved with MCTS, see the notebook examples/walk1d.

Global solvers

Global solvers aim to produce an adversarial policy mapping from simulator state to environment instance. The output of the solver is a function that takes as input an observation of the system and returns an action. In this way, failure trajectories can be produced from any given initialization. This opens the door to a richer analysis of the system's weaknesses.


Q-learning is a classic reinforcement learning algorithm that uses a table-based policy to map states to optimal actions. Exploration is driven by an epsilon-greedy action selection approach. The simplicity of the QL algorithm makes it a useful baseline for more advanced methods.

Parameter Type Default Description
state_mins Vector{Float64} [0.0] Minimum values of state vector
state_maxs Vector{Float64} [1.0] Maximum values of state vector
state_divs Vector{Int64} [10] State space grid size
act_mins Vector{Float64} [-3.0] Minimum values of actions (normalized)
act_maxs Vector{Float64} [3.0] Maximum values of actions (normalized)
act_divs Vector{Int64} [10] Action space grid size
num_episodes Int64 1000 Number of episodes
alpha Float64 0.1 Learning rate
gamma Float64 1.0 Discount factor
eps Float64 0.25 Exploration parameter
reverse_update Bool true Update table in time-reverse order

Soft actor-critic

Soft actor-critic (SAC) is a deep reinforcement learning algorithm that simultaneously learns a value function and a policy for the ASTMDP. Both take the form of neural networks, which can be used to generate failures online in real-time or analyze system properties offline. SAC offers the following tunable parameters:

Parameter Type Default Description
obs_dim Int64 none Dimension of observation space
act_dim Int64 none Dimension of action space
act_mins Vector{Float64} none Minimum values of actions (normalized)
act_maxs Vector{Float64} none Maximum values of actions (normalized)
gamma Float64 0.999 Discount factor
max_buffer_size Int64 100000 Maximum number of timesteps in buffer
hidden_sizes Vector{Int} [100,100,100] Dimensions of hidden layers
num_q Int64 2 Size of critic ensemble
activation Function SoftActorCritic.relu Activation after each hidden layer
q_optimizer Any AdaBelief(1e-4) Optimizer for value networks
pi_optimizer Any AdaBelief(1e-4) Optimizer for policy network
alpha_optimizer Any AdaBelief(1e-4) Optimizer for alpha
batch_size Int64 64 Size of each update to networks
epochs Int64 200 Number of epochs
steps_per_epoch Int64 200 Steps of simulation per epoch
start_steps Int64 1000 Steps before following policy
max_ep_len Int64 50 Maximum number of steps per episode
update_after Int64 300 Steps before networks begin to update
update_every Int64 50 Steps between updates
num_batches Int64 update_every Number of batches per update
polyak Float64 0.995 Target network averaging parameter
target_entropy Float64 -act_dim Target entropy (default is heuristic)
rng AbstractRNG Random.GLOBAL_RNG Random number generator
num_test_episodes Int64 100 Number of test episodes
displays Vector{<:Tuple} Tuple[] List of tuples containing name and callback evaluated at trajectory termination
save Bool false Enable checkpointing
save_every Int64 10000 Steps between checkpoints
save_dir String DEFAULT_SAVE_DIR Directory to save checkpoints
max_saved Int64 0 Maximum number of checkpoints; set to zero or negative for unlimited
use_gpu Bool true Whether to utilize GPU if available

For an example of a problem solved with SAC, see the notebooks examples/walk2d and examples/cartpole.


After a global or local result has been found, it can be applied to the MDP via the replay! function to recreate the corresponding failure. Alternately, a RandomPolicy or NullPolicy object can be passed into the function to replay episodes where disturbances are sampled randomly or zero. This is useful for establishing a baseline system failure rate.


The analysis module provide methods to further analyze results.

Policy-value verification

Policy-value verification (PVV) is an experimental method of analyzing the output of a global solver. It assembles the policy network and value network (or ensemble of value networks) into a single value function over the state space. Then, given a set condition on the value function, the algorithm uses an adaptive refinement process to classify regions of state space that provably satisfy the condition, violate the condition, or are unprovable at the given tolerance.

As a matter of ongoing research, requirements concerning the safety of the system can be linked to conditions on the value function. For instance, a requirement that the possibility of failure not exceed $10^{-9}$ from a set of initial states (given some modeled environmental stochasticity) translates to a constraint on the value function. The validity and practicality of this analysis is largely dependent on the learning process and is still uncertain. Nonetheless, the approach can currently generate approximate artifacts that may be useful for casual and nonrigorous analysis of system performance.

To use PVV, a global result object is passed into the mean_network or spread_network functions to generate composite neural networks representing statistics of the learned value ensemble. A CrossSection or LinearCrossSection can be defined to reduce the dimensionality of the input space for the purposes of visualization and reduced computational burden. Finally, a BinaryRefinery or IntervalRefinery object is created to specify the condition imposed on the value function. The function analyze initiates the analysis algorithm. Multiple processes are efficiently leveraged to speed up the analysis.

For an example of a problem analyzed with PVV, see the notebook examples/pvv.


The adaptive stress testing framework was proposed and developed by Ritchie Lee during his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Mykel Kochenderfer (Stanford University). Ritchie directed the creation of AdaStress and was instrumental in shaping our particular approach to this problem.

Some of the basic nomenclature in AdaStress is borrowed from the package POMDPStressTesting.jl, namely the GrayBox and BlackBox terminology. Note that the usage and interpretation of these terms differs between the packages. Code that is compatible with one package cannot immediately be used with the other without modification.