Releases: NCAR/fire-indices
Releases · NCAR/fire-indices
Fire Index Collection in NCL
This release includes code for SPI3, KBDI, mFFWI, CFWI, ERC, BI, and SFDI. Major errors in ERC and BI were identified and corrected since the initial release, and version numbers are now appended to releases.
This code is designed for use on gridded datasets (usually time x lat x lon arrays). It has been applied to gridMET observations and NA-CORDEX climate model simulations.
Fire Weather Index Collection in NCL
Initial release to support citation. Fire indexes included in this
release: SPI3, KBDI, mFFWI, CFWI, FM100, FM1000, ERC, and BI.
This code is designed for use on gridded datasets (usually time x lat x
lon arrays). It has been applied to gridMET observations and NA-CORDEX
climate model simulations.