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FALCON cortical surface extraction tool

DOI Example Thickness map

Preliminary results


Using conda

conda install -c vfonov falcon - will work on linux

Compiling from the source

Prerequisites: minc-toolkit-v2 (, libtiff, povray, imagemagick

cmake <source_dir> \
 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<install prefix> \
 -DMINC_TOOLKIT_DIR:PATH=/opt/minc/1.9.17 \

make && make install

Included higlevel scripts

  • - execute FALCON surface extraction pipeline <input.mnc> <output_base> -brain <brain_mask.mnc>

  -help                          :  show this usage

  ---- Required parameters ---
  -brain <brain mask.mnc>        :  brain mask

  --- Recomended parameters ---
  -nl <nl.xfm>                   :  nonlinear registration to icbm [default = None, will run ANTs]
  -omp <omp>                     :  change number of processors [default=1]
  -use_icbm                      :  use mesh from ICBM for initialization , default - use shrink-wrap
  -anlm                          :  apply anlm filter to input t1w scan (if not done before)
  -postprocess                   :  apply post-procesiing: resample mesh to atlas, calculate thickness

  --- Optional parameters  ---
  -vent <vent.mnc>               :  ventricle mask [default = None]
  -cerebellum <cerebellum.mnc>   :  cerebellum mask [default = None]
  -brainstem <brainstem.mnc>     :  brainstem mask [default = None]
  -cls <cls.mnc>                 :  tissue classification map
  -priors <WM> <GM> <CSF>        :  tissue priors, ( default: none )
  -nopriors                      :  don't use tissue priors, for surface fitting

  --- Optional parameters (don't touch, if you don't know what you are doing)   ---
  -gwimask <mask.mnc>            :  gray matter - white matter interface mask [default = None]
  -cerebellummask <mask.mnc>     :  cerebellum mask [default = None]
  -wmmask <mask.mnc>             :  white matter mask [default = None]
  -csfmask <csf.mnc>             :  CSF mask [default = None]
  -left <left.mnc>               :  left hemisphere mask [default = None]
  -right <right.mnc>             :  right hemisphere mask [default = None]
  -sides <left.mnc> <right.mnc>  :  left and right hemisphere masks [default = None]
  -variant  <var>                :  for debugging
  -trace                         :  produce traces of intermediate surfaces
  -hr                            :  produce high-resolution thickness measurement in ICBM space
  -smooth <fwhm>                 :  smooth thickness maps (in addition)
  -noremesh                      :  don't remesh initial mesh (for DEBUGGING only)
  -debug                         :  run in debug mode (keep temp, echo commands)
  -verbose                       :  echo commands
  • - generate surface QC image for two hemispheres <input_lt.ply> <input_measurement_lt.csv> <input_rt.ply> <input_measurement_rt.csv> <output.png>   [foreground] [background] 
  --- Optional parameters  ---
  -min <m>  - minimal value for the measurement (default: minimum)
  -max <m>  - maximal value for the measurement (default: maximum)
  -title <title> - plot title
  -spectral - use spectral colour map (default)
  -atrophy  - use atrophy colour map
  -summer   - use summer colour map
  -jacobian - use jacobian colour map
  -gray     - use gray colour map
  -sphere   - output on the spherical map, using spherical coordinates instead of x,y,z
  -column  <n> - specify column name from csv file to use (default will use the first column)
  • - generrate surface QC image for one hemisphere <> <input_measurement.txt> <output.png> [foreground] [background]
  --- Optional parameters  ---
  -min <m>  - minimal value for the measurement (default: minimum)
  -max <m>  - maximal value for the measurement (default: maximum)
  -title <title> - plot title
  -spectral - use spectral colour map (default)
  -atrophy  - use atrophy colour map
  -summer   - use summer colour map
  -jacobian - use jacobian colour map
  -gray     - use gray colour map
  -sphere   - output on the spherical map, using spherical coordinates instead of x,y,z
  • - generate QC image showing intersection of surface and volume <input.mnc> <ics.ply> <ocs.ply> <output.jpg/png/tiff>
  --- Optional parameters  ---
  --min <f> - set image min (default: minimum)
  --max <f> - set image max (default: maximum)
  --pct <f> - set image max using percentile

Included low level tools

  • falcon_math - mathematical operations
    • primitive operations

      • typeconvert -converts the image data type
      • info -displays image stats
      • infodiff -displays difference image stats
      • infoabsdiff -displays absolute difference image stats
      • clear -clears an image
      • setone -sets one for an image
      • setval -sets voxel value
      • calcvol -calculates volumes
      • labelvol -calculates volumes of label file
    • voxel-wise comparisons

      • voxel-gt -greater than comparison
      • voxel-ge -greater than or equal to comparison
      • voxel-lt -less than comparison
      • voxel-le -less than or equal to comparison
      • voxel-eq -equal to comparison
      • voxel-ne -not equal to comparison
    • arithmetic operations

      • maskimg -mask image with a mask
      • maskout -mask-out image with a mask
      • resample -resamples image with new voxel spacing or image size
      • avgimgs -average multiple images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • mulimgs -multiply multiple images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • maximgs -maximize multiple images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • addimgs -add multiple images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • subimg -subtract two images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • absdiffimg -absolute difference of two images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • divimg -subtract two images (voxel-by-voxel)
      • ksub -subtract image voxel value from a constant
      • heavisideF -heaviside function
      • map-spectral -put spectral colors to an image
      • map-jacobian -put jacobian colors to an image
      • log -natural log
      • avgimgs-fov -average multiple images with field-of-view correction
      • kmul -multiply a constant (-val=)
      • iscale -intensity scaling
      • gaussPDF -gaussian normal PDF
      • histo -creates histogram
      • binimg -binarize image
      • gaussnoise -image of Gaussian random
      • fill-lesion -fill lesions as NAWM mean/stdv
      • tiffimg -creates tiff of a slice
      • bimodalfit -fits the intensity histogram to bimodal Gaussian distributions
      • brainhistofit -fits intensity histogram to brain tissues (GM,WM,CSF)
      • pseudoT2 -calculates T2 map from dual echo images
    • changing image size

      • montage -image montage
      • cropimg -crop image
      • cropmask -crop image according to mask
      • padimg -pads image with zeros
    • threshold operations

      • thresh -threshold image
      • otsu -threshold image using Otsu's algorithm
      • ridler -threshold image using Ridler's algorithm
      • maskthresh -threshold image and mask image (output is an image)
    • segmentation operations

      • bseg -brain segmentation
      • vseg -ventricle segmentation
      • segcolor -write colored segmentation results
    • intensity normalization (and related functions)

      • iscale -intensity scaling
      • inorm -intensity normalization
      • inorm2 -intensity normalization using histograms -registration is not required
      • inorm3 -intensity normalization using linear regression -registration is required
      • dbc -differential bias correction [Lewis and Fox 2004 NeuroImage]
    • boundary images

      • bounds -creates a boundary image
      • bounds-inc -creates a boundary image (boundary within mask)
      • bounds-color -creates a boundary image with colors
    • create maps

      • laplacemap -creates laplace map
      • distancemap -creates signed distance map
      • xdirimg -x-directional map (voxel intensity for voxel position)
      • ydirimg -y-directional map (voxel intensity for voxel position)
      • zdirimg -z-directional map (voxel intensity for voxel position)
      • adirimg -directional maps (voxel intensity for voxel position, 3D)
    • image permutation

      • permute-norm -converts to more or less RAS directions
      • permute-left -turns left [x'=-y; y'=x; z'=z]
      • permute-right -turns right [x'=y; y'=-x; z'=z]
      • permute-cor2sag -rotates [x'=z; y'=y; z'=x]
      • permute-cor2axi -rotates [x'=x; y'=z; z'=y]
      • permute-sag2cor -rotates [x'=z; y'=z; z'=x]
      • permute-sag2axi -rotates [x'=y; y'=z; z'=x]
      • permute-cor2axi -rotates [x'=x; y'=z; z'=y]
      • permute-axi2sag -rotates [x'=y; y'=z; z'=x]
      • permute-axi2cor -rotates [x'=x; y'=z; z'=y]
      • permute-flipxyz -flips in all x,y,z directions [x'=-x; y'=-y; z'=-z]
    • morphologic operations -uses -radius= to set the kernel radius

      • open -morphologic opening
      • close -morphologic closing
      • dilate -morphologic dilation
      • erode -morphologic erosion
      • closeholes -morphologic closing by seed-filling background from image edge
      • closebrain -series of morphologic operations to find brain ROI: (1) dilation, (2) close holes, and (3) erosion
    • simple filters

      • gauss -gaussian filter
      • median -median filter
      • sobelx -x-directional sobel filter
      • sobely -y-directional sobel filter
      • sobelz -z-directional sobel filter
      • sobelm -sobel filter magnitude sqrt(x^2+y^2+z^2)
      • sobel -sobel filter for all directions
      • sobelvoxel -sobel filter for a voxel
    • more than 3 dimensions -v (6th)-dimension is used as color in this set of programs

      • mergetdim -merges images in t(4th)-dim
      • mergeudim -merges images in u(5th)-dim
    • swap routines assume the largest dimension is unused

      • swaput -swaps u and t dimensions
      • swapuv -swaps u and v dimensions
      • swapvt -swaps v and t dimensions
    • changing header info

      • qformradio -puts arbitrary qform with center in middle
      • removesqform -removes sform and qform
      • copysqform -copies sform and qform to output image
      • addsform -adds sform to an image
      • modify-header-scl_slope -changes scl_slope
      • modify-header-dz -changes dz
    • matrix operations

      • invmatrix -inverts matrix
      • multiplymatrix -multiplies (multiple) matrix(matrices)
      • affine-decompose decompose-affine -decomposes matrix into affine parameters
      • affinematrix -creates affine matrix
      • halfway-matrix -calculates halfway matrix
      • avgmatrix -calculates average of matrices (approximate)
      • determinant -calculates determinant of a matrix
    • affine registration / transformation

      • aregmni -affine registration to MNI152 in FSL
      • aregmni-sform -affine registration to MNI152 in FSL -output matrix is put into image header sform
      • applysform -applies affine transformation using sform
      • writesform -writes sform affine transformation
      • NBCSR -non-brain constrained symmetric registration
      • NBCR -non-brain constrained registration (non-symmetric)
      • NBCSR-rigid -non-brain constrained symmetric registration rigid (6-dof) version
      • applyaffine -applies affine transformation using input matrix
      • aregimg -affine registration
      • aregimg2 -multi-seed/multi-resolution affine registration
    • nonlinear registration / transformation

      • applywarp -nonlinearly transforms images
      • nregimg -nonlinearly registers images (under construction)
      • intratemplate -nonlinearly registers images from the same subject and create a template
    • OFF object processing

      • cuberille -creates a surface model from a binary image
      • applyaffine-obj -applies affine transformation using input
      •                  matrix on an off object
      • fsasc2off -converts FreeSurfer's ASCII format to off object
      • shrinkwrap -shrink-wraps a mask image (not well validated)
      • sphere-off -creates a sphere
      • obj2img -creates boundary at the object surface
      • avgobjs -averages objects, same object config required
      • obj2pts off2pts -creates point file with a list of 3d coordinates for each vertex
      • make-offe -write complete off file with offe file
      • combine-obj -combine multiple off files
      • add-off-color
      • add-obj-color -adds one color to an object
      • add-off-color-curvature
      • add-obj-color-curvature -adds colors to an object based on curvatures
      • add-off-color-sphere-theta -creates a color-map of spherical coordinates (theta)
      • add-off-color-sphere-psi -creates a color-map of spherical coordinates (psi)
      • offinfo -displays off information
      • vertexinfo -displays vertex information
      • edgeinfo -displays edge information
      • faceinfo -displays face information
    • Cortex object processing (niikcortex)

      • niikcortex-initocs - creates initial pial surface

      • niikcortex-thick-color -assigns colour according to the cortical thickness -objlist=<>,<> -out=<>,<> -omin= minimum thickness for color range [default=auto] -omax= maximum thickness for color range [default=auto]

    • inter-packet (interleave) processing

      • interpacket-correction -corrects interpacket patient motion by registering
      • interpacket-split -splits interpacket (interleave) images by specified number
      • interpacket-merge -merges interpacket (interleave) images
    • Other (less common)operations:

      • grid-lines -creates image with grid-lines e.g. to show nonlinear deformation fields
      • offinfo
    • general optional usage

      • -u -help -help and general usage
      • --version -version info
      • -list -list of operations
    • common options

      • -in=<img.nii> -set input image
      • -out= -set output filename
      • -obj=<> -set input object filename
      • -imglist=<in1.nii>,<in2.nii>,... -list of input images
    • matrix options The matrix format is same as FSL The matrix is in ascii format and should not have empty rows

      • -matrix= -set input matrix
      • -matrixlist=,,...
      •             -list of of input matrices
      •             -separate by comma
      • -invmatrix= -set and use inverse of input matrix
    • XFM options The transformation format is linear MINC XFM with single transform

      • -xfm=<trans.xfm> -set input matrix
      • -invxfm=<trans.xfm> -set and use inverse of input matrix
    • interpolation options

      • -nn -nearest neighbor
      • -linear -trilinear
      • -bspline -b-spline
    • data types

      • -uint8 -unsigned 8-bit integer
      • -uint16 -unsigned 16-bit integer
      • -uint32 -unsigned 32-bit integer
      • -uint64 -unsigned 64-bit integer
      • -int8 -8-bit signed integer
      • -int16 -16-bit signed integer
      • -int32 -32-bit signed integer
      • -int64 -64-bit signed integer
      • -float32 -32-bit floating point
      • -float64 -64-bit floating point
  • falcon_cortex_shrinkwrap - create initial surface, starting from a sphere using fast marching shrink-wrap algorithm
  • falcon_cortex_initics - create initial inner surface , from an initial one
  • falcon_cortex_initocs - create initial outer surface by expanding inner surface
  • falcon_cortex_check_off - check two surfaces self-intersections and correct it
  • falcon_cortex_refine - refine inner and outer mesh simultaneously
  • falcon_cortex_calc_thickness - calculate distance between two meshes
  • falcon_cortex_smooth - smooth two surfaces simultaneously
  • falcon_cortex_measure - calculate surface parameters (mostly for debugging)
  • falcon_surface_check - check surface for self-intersections
  • falcon_surface_refine - modify surface
  • falcon_surface_colour - colorize surface using measurements from another file
  • falcon_surface_signals - extrace values along the surface from a volume
  • falcon_surface_split - split surface into disconnected components
  • falcon_transform_surface - apply transformation (.xfm file) - to a surface
  • falcon_field_smooth - apply blurring along the surface
  • falcon_obj2off - convert MNI .obj to .off or .ply file
  • falcon_off2asc - convert .off or .ply file to .asc file
  • falcon_off2ply - convert .off to .ply file
  • falcon_ply2off - convert .ply to .off
  • falcon_slice_extract - extract slices from a 3D volume with intersection lines from surfaces
  • falcon_midsag - split white matter mask into hemishpheres

Environment variables

  • Verbosity (and generation of debug files) is controlled by environment variable FALCON_VERBOSE, set to integer to specify verbosity level, default is 0
  • Prefix fox post-mortem files: FALCON_POSTMORTEM_PREFIX
  • Location of debugging files (prefix): FALCON_DEBUG_PREFIX
  • Base of FALCON installation: FALCON_HOME , default use MINC_TOOLKIT
  • FALCON binaries: FALCON_BIN, default : ${FALCON_HOME}/bin
  • FALCON data: FALCON_DATA, default : ${FALCON_HOME}/share/falcon
  • FALCON scripts: FALCON_SCRIPTS, default: ${FALCON_HOME}/bin
  • If OpenMP is used, OMP_NUM_THREADS specifies maximum number of concurrent threads, default is number of CPU cores