Releases: NKI-AI/dlup
Releases · NKI-AI/dlup
v0.3.36 - bug fixes
What's Changed
- Fix annotation order of WsiAnnotations when sorting is None by @BPdeRooij in #215
New Contributors
- @BPdeRooij made their first contribution in #215
Full Changelog: v0.3.35...v0.3.36
v0.3.35 - Removing untested functionality. Extend behavior of TiffWriter
A few small breaking changes and an update
Breaking changes
Removed utilities to move towards version 1.0, which should have only tested functionality. The masking utility will be replaced by ahcore as the FESI methods are, in general, not very good.
- Remove mask utility by @jonasteuwen in #209
- Remove multiscale dataset by @jonasteuwen in #211
What's New
Full Changelog: v0.3.34...v0.3.35
v0.3.34 - ICC profiles, code streamlined, improved HaloXML parsing
What's Changed
- Improve logic of
together withrois
by @jonasteuwen in #201 - Added complete tests for convert_annotations by @jonasteuwen in #199
- Bug/fix annotation sorting by @jonasteuwen in #203
- Implement offset for HaloXML by @jonasteuwen in #204
- Implement ICC profile in the pyvips backend by @jonasteuwen in #206
New Contributors
- @moerlemans made their first contribution in #198
Full Changelog: v0.3.32...v0.3.34
v0.3.33 - bug fixes, minor enhancements
What's Changed
- Improve logic of
together withrois
by @jonasteuwen in #201 - Added complete tests for convert_annotations by @jonasteuwen in #199
- The behavior of annotations has changed. An empty annotation list from a
with an annotation basedWsiAnnotations.read_region()
means that the are no annotations for this tile, while None means no annotations are given. This is also encapsulated in the exceptions raised.
New Contributors
- @moerlemans made their first contribution in #198
Full Changelog: v0.3.32...v0.3.33
v0.3.32 - bug fixes and improve tests
This release is a bug fix release. Tests to catch those bugs have also been added.
What's Changed
- Initial work to support OpenSlide 4.0.0, implement ICC profiles in OpenSlide Backend #185
- Fix the
which was accidentally removed (#191, #193) by @AjeyPaiK in #192 - GeoJSON annotations were not properly sorted by @jonasteuwen in #194
- Bug/fix slide bounds in TiffFile by @jonasteuwen in #196
Full Changelog: v0.3.31...v0.3.32
v0.3.31 - improve exceptions
What's Changed
- Improve exceptions by @jonasteuwen in #181
- Fix update script @jonasteuwen in #181
Full Changelog: v0.3.30...v0.3.31
v0.3.30 - minor bug fixes, small enhancements
What's Changed
- Add
and added .pre-commit-config.yaml by @jonasteuwen in #173 - add CITATION.cff file with main contributors by @YoniSchirris in #159
- Fix bug in by @jonasteuwen in #178
- Implement functional interface for RenameLabels by @jonasteuwen in #176
Full Changelog: v0.3.29...v0.3.30
v0.3.29 - dlup is now strongly typed
dlup now passed mypy --strict
v0.3.28 - minor bugfixes, update mypy parsing
What's Changed
- Minor bug fixes
- Increase test coverage by @jonasteuwen in #165
- Improve mypy by @jonasteuwen in #166
Full Changelog: v0.3.27...v0.3.28
What's Changed
- Fix rename labels by @jonasteuwen in #164
- Small bug fixes
Full Changelog: v0.3.26...v0.3.27