diff --git a/HMS_species_distribution.html b/HMS_species_distribution.html index 123af36..8677207 100644 --- a/HMS_species_distribution.html +++ b/HMS_species_distribution.html @@ -213,8 +213,8 @@
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
; Definition: SAV area in the Oligohaline Zone; Units: acres. 4) Name: Mesohaline Total; Definition: SAV area in the Mesohaline Zone; Units: acres. 5) Name: Polyhaline Total; Definition: SAV area in the Polyhaline Zone; Units: acres. 5) Name: Baywide Total; Definition: Total SAV area in Chesapeake Bay; Units: acres.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Catch - definition: total landings and dead discards; units - metric tons (MT)
Acceptable biological catch (ABC) - the annual catch level recommended for a stock or stock complex by the Scientific and Statistical Committee that could be equal to or less than the Overfishing Limit (OFL); units - metric tons (MT)
Annual Catch Limit (ACL) - sector specific total catch limits which can be equal to or less than the ABC; units - metric tons (MT)
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: Guild Management Body managed species - Season Biomass Index - inshore; Description: Variance associated with the stratified mean biomass index of an aggregate group of managed species using only strata designated as inshore. Guilds include Benthivore, Benthos, Other, Piscivore, and Planktivore. Season is either Spring or Fall. Management bodies include Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC), New England Fisheries Management Council (NEFMC), jointly managed by MAFMC and NEFMC (JOINT), and species managed by other entities (Other). For example “Benthivore MAFMC managed species - Spring Standard Error - inshore”; Units: kg tow^-1
Name: Guild Management Body managed species - Season Biomass Index - offshore; Description: Variance associated with the stratified mean biomass index of an aggregate group of managed species using only strata designated as offshore. Guilds include Benthivore, Benthos, Other, Piscivore, and Planktivore. Season is either Spring or Fall. Management bodies include Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC), New England Fisheries Management Council (NEFMC), jointly managed by MAFMC and NEFMC (JOINT), and species managed by other entities (Other). For example “Benthivore MAFMC managed species - Spring Standard Error - inshore”; Units: kg tow^-1
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Pieces: number of oysters produced (all regions)
Shellfish lease Acres: area used for shellfish production (New England states only), acres
Production/Acre: Pieces divided by Shellfish lease acres (New England states only)
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Price Indicator (PI): Change in Revenue compared to the base time period in deflated dollars attributed to changes in prices for species harvested.
Bennet Indicator (BI): The Sum of a Volume Indicator (VI) and Price Indicator (PI) in inflation adjusted dollars, which is equal to the change in revenue.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::bottom_temp
Variable definitions
Tbot_anom; Definition: Bottom temperature anomaly; Units: degree Celsius
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Source: ROMS (bias-corrected ROMS-NWA bottom temperature [59]), GLORYS (CMEM’s GLORYS12V1 global reanalysis bottom temperature), PSY (CMEM’s PSY global forecast bottom temperature)
bt_temp : mean bottom temperature for each year/season across entire EPU ref_bt: bottom temperature climatology for season/EPU based on 1990-2020
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
sst_climatol: sea surface temperature climatology 2007-2022, Celsius
sst_anomaly: sea surface temperature anomaly 2023 minus 2007-2022, Celsius
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
DC-DO: Estimated attainment of the dissolved oxygen criterion for the deep channel designated use OW-CHLA: Estimated attainment of the chlorophyll-a criterion
SW-Clarity/SAV: Estimated attainment of the bay grasses / water clarity criterion for the shallow water designated use
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Picoplankton chlorophyll; Concentration of chlorophyll a in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from the picoplankton (0.2-2 µm) fraction; mg m^-3
Annual summed primary production - TBD
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
extent_index: measure of spatial extent of cold pool
se_extent_index: standard error of extent_index
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: Guild Revenue; Definition: Total revenue for an aggregate group within a region. Guilds include Benthivore, Benthos, Other, Piscivore, and Planktivore. For example “Benthivore Revenue”; Units: US dollars
Name: Guild Management Body managed species - Revenue; Definition: Total revenue for an aggregate group of managed species within a region. Guilds include Benthivore, Benthos, Other, Piscivore, and Planktivore. Management bodies include Mid-Atlantic Fisheries Management Council (MAFMC), New England Fisheries Management Council (NEFMC), jointly managed by MAFMC and NEFMC (JOINT), and species managed by other entities (Other). For example “Benthivore MAFMC managed species - Revenue”; Units: US dollars
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: Fleet diversity in revenue; Definition: Diversity of revenue across fleet segments; Units: effective Shannon.
Name: Fleet count; Definition: Number of active fleets; Units: number of fleets.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
EPU: Ecological Production Unit YEAR: year of condition data
MeanCond: annual mean by EPU and species of relative condition (unitless)
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::energy_density
Variable definitions
Energy Density (kJ/g) for each species.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: Season Region Expected Number of Species - Vessel; Definition: The expected number of species per 1000 randomly sampled individuals from a region for a given season on either the Albatross or Bigelow. For example “FALL GB Expected Number of Species - Albatross”; Units: n species per 1000 ind.
Name: Season Region Expected Number of Species Standard Deviation - Vessel; Definition: The variance around the expected number of species per 1000 randomly sampled individuals from a region for a given season on either the Albatross or Bigelow. For example “FALL GB Expected Number of Species Standard Deviation - Albatross”; Units: n species per 1000 ind.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Spring Eastward Forage Fish Center of Gravity SE = Spring Northward Forage Fish Center of Gravity =
Spring Northward Forage Fish Center of Gravity SE =
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
GoM Salmon Total = number of documented Atlantic salmon returns to Gulf of Maine rivers in number of animals
PSAR -2SW = return rates for 2 sea winter returns from hatchery smolt stockings in percentage.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
total5yUCI= Upper 95% confidence interval of totalest5y. Unit = n (number of animals)
Ratio1ytoPBR = ratio of the total bycatch of 1 year annual estimate relative to the corresponding annual pbr.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::gsi
Variable definitions
Name: GSI; Definition: Gulf Stream North Wall Index (T200-based using EN4 datasets); Units: None.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: N_Rows; Definition: Number of sample events represented; Units: integer.
Name: PSP_Exceed_Threshold_Pct; Definition: Percentage of samples exceeding PSP threshold; Units: decimal number, 0-100.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
total5yUCI= Upper 95% confidence interval of totalest5y. Unit = n (number of animals)
Ratio1ytoPBR = ratio of the total bycatch of 1 year annual estimate relative to the corresponding annual pbr.
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::hms_cpue
Variable definitions
Year: year in which observations were made; Animal_Code: three letter abbreviation used by POP as a shorthand for species; Count: number of animals observed per year/species ; Haul_Num: number of observed hauls in the NE EEZ, in the two areas (NEC and MAB) within a given year (does not include damaged or incomplete sets). Num_per_haul: total # fish caught / total # hauls (for each species and year)
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::hms_landings
Variable definitions
Year: data are summarized/aggregated by year. EPU: region, Mid Atlantic Bight (MAB) or New England (NE). HMS_Group: Management group for HMS, as defined below in “Data Processing”. Var: description of data, whether total landings or revenue. Units: description of unit of measure for data. Value: Represents either metric tons of landings or dollar value of landings by year and region.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::hms_stock_status
Variable definitions
TBD – pending decisions from a mid-November meeting.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::long_term_sst
Variable definitions
long-term sst in units of degreesC
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::mab_inshore_survey
Variable definitions
See variable definitions for aggregate_biomass
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::mass_inshore_survey
Variable definitions
See variable definitions for aggregate_biomass
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::ne_inshore_survey
Variable definitions
See variable definitions for aggregate_biomass
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
The Gulf Stream was highly variable throughout the year, with northward shifts intermittently throughout the year and a more notable prolonged shift north along the continental shelf break in the southern Mid-Atlantic in the fall [Fig .]. This shift severely constricted the Slope Sea, the waters between the Gulf Stream and continental shelf. This shift also inhibited formation of western warm core rings and limited warm core ring interactions at the continental shelf break. The position of Gulf Stream near the continental shelf break resulted in unusually warm and salty surface waters with strong northeastward currents in the southern Mid-Atlantic in October. The warm waters are a threat to temperature sensitive species, particularly those that are at the southern end of their range or are not mobile (e.g. scallops), while also providing suitable habitat for more southern species.
-![Weekly mean sea surface temperature (October 8-10, 2023) with the long-term mean Gulf Stream position. Red lines represent the 26oC (78.8 oF) temperature contour.
+While the total number of 2023 warm core rings (18) was below the decadal average (31), there were a few events worth noting. A large early season ring moved along the shelf break and created an anomalously large shelf streamer that pulled continental shelf water into the Slope Sea. Additionally, when warm core rings interact with the shelf break, they can create biological hotspots. Hotspots can aggregate multiple species in small areas, increasing bycatch risks and marine mammal shipstrike risks. In spring 2023, concentrations of North Atlantic right whales, humpback whales, basking sharks, and other large baleen whales were observed feeding near the edge of two warm core rings that were adjacent to the continental shelf break.
Multiple fall 2023 tropical and coastal storms caused several flash flood events, above average coastal water levels, strong winds and high rainfall totals throughout the Northeast. These storms are potentially linked to the transition from the 2020-2022 La Niña conditions to strong El Niño conditions in late spring 2023. During El Niño winters, there is a noted increased frequency of East Coast storms. Storms increase the risk of coastal flooding and freshwater runoff into the coastal ocean, affect both commercial and recreational fishing, and can delay the spring transition from a well mixed water column to stratified. Increased freshwater flow decreases salinity in estuaries, reducing the amount of suitable estuarine habitat for juvenile marine fish species. In estuaries, hypoxia (low oxygen) also tends to be more severe in wet years, which negatively impacts habitat quality. The current El Niño is expected to gradually weaken and transition to neutral conditions in spring 2024.
@@ -194,12 +195,14 @@There was a documented die-off of scallops in the Mid-Atlantic Elephant Trunk regions between the 2022 and 2023 surveys. In 2022, Elephant Trunk experienced stressful temperatures for scallops (17 - 19 ℃) for an average of 30 days, but ongoing research is being conducted to identify contributing factors. In summer 2023, a fish and shellfish mortality event was observed in coastal New Jersey linked to hypoxia (low dissolved oxygen) and ocean acidification.
-![The number of days in 2022 where bottom temperature was between 17 and 19 ℃ (sressful thermal temperatures for sea scallops) in each GLORYS grid cell. The gray lines show the sea scallop estimation areas, with the Elephant Trunk region highlighted in black lines.
+Summer bottom temperatures in the Gulf of Maine were the warmest on record (since 1959) resulting in the second largest bottom marine heatwave. The heatwave started in February, peaked in May and likely continued beyond August (pending data update). 2023 bottom temperature exceeded the 15oC threshold for up to 59 days along the shelf break. Data are not available yet to determine the primary source water into the Gulf of Maine nor, the impact of the fall Gulf Stream position on the bottom temperatures in the Gulf of Maine.
A wide-spread, long-duration phytoplankton bloom of the dinoflagellate Tripos muelleri generated record high (since 1998) chlorophyll concentrations that were up to ten times greater than average. The bloom was observed throughout the Gulf of Maine from March to August and extended onto Georges Bank and the northern Mid-Atlantic Bight (Fig. ). The bloom severely reduced water clarity, impacting harpoon fishing and likely affecting visual predators. Blooms of large phytoplankton species such as diatoms (20-200 µm) are a primary source of energy to the system. However, despite the size of Tripos (100-200 µm), initial observations indicate that the bloom was not grazed, nor did it sink to the bottom. The specific drivers of the bloom and implications to the food web are still under investigation.
-![The chlorophyll anomaly for June 2023. Chlorophyll concentrations in the Gulf of Maine were 5-10 times greater than the long-term June average.
+In Chesapeake Bay, hypoxia conditions were the lowest on record (since 1995), creating more suitable habitat for multiple fin fish and benthic species. Cooler Chesapeake Bay water temperatures paired with low hypoxia in the summer suggest conditions that season were favorable for striped bass. Cooler summer temperatures also support juvenile summer flounder growth. However, warmer winter and spring water temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay, along with other environmental factors (such as low flow), may have played a role in low production of juvenile striped bass in 2023. Higher-than-average salinity across the Bay was likely driven by low precipitation and increased the area of available habitat for species such as croaker, spot, menhaden, and red drum, while restricting habitat area for invasive blue catfish.
diff --git a/phyto_size.html b/phyto_size.html index 37a1ca1..cb0f33f 100644 --- a/phyto_size.html +++ b/phyto_size.html @@ -228,8 +228,8 @@Nanoplankton fraction; The fraction of total chlorophyll concentration in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from nanoplankton (2-20 µm); (percent)
Picoplankton fraction; The fraction of total chlorophyll concentration in the near surface (first euphotic depth) waters from picoplankton (0.2-2 µm); (percent)
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Units for survey variables are the Z score of (number of recruits in year+1/biomass of adults in year)
Units for plotted assessment variables are the Z score of (numbers of recruits per kg spawning biomass with recruits aligned to spawning biomass year using age at recruitment)
Other variables are available in the assessment derived dataset but are not plotted. To be added later.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::rec_hms
Variable definitions
See variables below
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Name: Recreational Effort Diversity; Definition: Recreational fleet effort diversity across modes; Units: Effective Shannon Metric
Name: Recreational Catch Diversity; Definition: Recreational Diversity of Catch across managed species; Units: Effective Shannon Metric
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::seabird_ne
Variable definitions
Variable names include the code for the island, COTE (4 letter standard abbreviation for COmmon TErn), and either “Productivity” or a prey category.
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::seasonal_oisst_anom
Variable definitions
Time: year, Var: season, Value: temperature anomaly (degrees Celcius), EPU
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::slopewater
Variable definitions
Name: LSW; Definition: Percent total that is Labrador Slope Water; Units: percent; Name: WSW: Definition: Percent total that is Warm Slope Water; Units: percent
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Spent: percent of mature females at spent (immediately post-spawning) stage Resting: percent of mature females at resting (non-spawning) stage
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Guild |
-Joint |
-State or Other |
+Guild |
+Joint |
+State or Other |
apex predator |
-shark uncl, swordfish, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna |
+apex predator |
+shark uncl, swordfish, yellowfin tuna, bluefin tuna |
piscivore |
-summer flounder, bluefish, northern shortfin squid, longfin squid |
-spiny dogfish, goosefish |
-winter skate, clearnose skate, thorny skate, offshore hake, silver hake, atlantic cod, pollock, white hake, red hake, atlantic halibut, acadian redfish |
-sea lamprey, sandbar shark, atlantic angel shark, atlantic torpedo, conger eel, spotted hake, cusk, fourspot flounder, windowpane, john dory, atlantic cutlassfish, blue runner, striped bass, weakfish, sea raven, northern stargazer, banded rudderfish, atlantic sharpnose shark, inshore lizardfish, atlantic brief squid, northern sennet, king mackerel, spanish mackerel |
+piscivore |
+summer flounder, bluefish, northern shortfin squid, longfin squid |
+spiny dogfish, goosefish |
+winter skate, clearnose skate, thorny skate, offshore hake, silver hake, atlantic cod, pollock, white hake, red hake, atlantic halibut, acadian redfish |
+sea lamprey, sandbar shark, atlantic angel shark, atlantic torpedo, conger eel, spotted hake, cusk, fourspot flounder, windowpane, john dory, atlantic cutlassfish, blue runner, striped bass, weakfish, sea raven, northern stargazer, banded rudderfish, atlantic sharpnose shark, inshore lizardfish, atlantic brief squid, northern sennet, king mackerel, spanish mackerel |
planktivore |
-atlantic mackerel, butterfish |
-atlantic herring |
-harvestfishes, smelts, round herring, alewife, blueback herring, american shad, menhaden, bay anchovy, striped anchovy, rainbow smelt, atlantic argentine, slender snipe eel, atlantic silverside, northern pipefish, chub mackerel, atlantic moonfish, lookdown, blackbelly rosefish, lumpfish, northern sand lance, atlantic saury, mackerel scad, bigeye scad, round scad, rough scad, silver rag, weitzmans pearlsides, atlantic soft pout, sevenspine bay shrimp, pink glass shrimp, polar lebbeid, friendly blade shrimp, bristled longbeak, aesop shrimp, norwegian shrimp, northern shrimp, brown rock shrimp, atlantic thread herring, spanish sardine, atlantic bumper, harvestfish, striated argentine, silver anchovy |
+planktivore |
+atlantic mackerel, butterfish |
+atlantic herring |
+harvestfishes, smelts, round herring, alewife, blueback herring, american shad, menhaden, bay anchovy, striped anchovy, rainbow smelt, atlantic argentine, slender snipe eel, atlantic silverside, northern pipefish, chub mackerel, atlantic moonfish, lookdown, blackbelly rosefish, lumpfish, northern sand lance, atlantic saury, mackerel scad, bigeye scad, round scad, rough scad, silver rag, weitzmans pearlsides, atlantic soft pout, sevenspine bay shrimp, pink glass shrimp, polar lebbeid, friendly blade shrimp, bristled longbeak, aesop shrimp, norwegian shrimp, northern shrimp, brown rock shrimp, atlantic thread herring, spanish sardine, atlantic bumper, harvestfish, striated argentine, silver anchovy |
benthivore |
-black sea bass, scup, tilefish |
-barndoor skate, rosette skate, little skate, smooth skate, haddock, american plaice, yellowtail flounder, winter flounder, witch flounder, ocean pout, crab,red deepsea |
-crab,unc, hagfish, porgy,red, sea bass,nk, atlantic hagfish, roughtail stingray, smooth dogfish, chain dogfish, bluntnose stingray, bullnose ray, southern stingray, longfin hake, fourbeard rockling, marlin-spike, gulf stream flounder, longspine snipefish, blackmouth bass, threespine stickleback, smallmouth flounder, hogchoker, bigeye, atlantic croaker, pigfish, northern kingfish, silver perch, spot, deepbody boarfish, sculpin uncl, moustache sculpin, longhorn sculpin, alligatorfish, grubby, atlantic seasnail, northern searobin, striped searobin, armored searobin, cunner, tautog, snakeblenny, daubed shanny, radiated shanny, red goatfish, striped cusk-eel, wolf eelpout, wrymouth, atlantic wolffish, fawn cusk-eel, northern puffer, striped burrfish, planehead filefish, gray triggerfish, shortnose greeneye, beardfish, cownose ray, american lobster, cancer crab uncl, jonah crab, atlantic rock crab, blue crab, spider crab uncl, horseshoe crab, coarsehand lady crab, lady crab, northern stone crab, snow crab, spiny butterfly ray, smooth butterfly ray, snakefish, atlantic midshipman, bank cusk-eel, red cornetfish, squid cuttlefish and octopod uncl, spoonarm octopus, bank sea bass, rock sea bass, sand perch, cobia, crevalle jack, vermilion snapper, tomtate, jolthead porgy, saucereye porgy, whitebone porgy, knobbed porgy, sheepshead porgy, littlehead porgy, silver porgy, pinfish, red porgy, porgy and pinfish uncl, banded drum, southern kingfish, atlantic spadefish, leopard searobin, dusky flounder, triggerfish filefish uncl, blackcheek tonguefish, orange filefish, queen triggerfish, ocean triggerfish |
+benthivore |
+black sea bass, scup, tilefish |
+barndoor skate, rosette skate, little skate, smooth skate, haddock, american plaice, yellowtail flounder, winter flounder, witch flounder, ocean pout, crab,red deepsea |
+crab,unc, hagfish, porgy,red, sea bass,nk, atlantic hagfish, roughtail stingray, smooth dogfish, chain dogfish, bluntnose stingray, bullnose ray, southern stingray, longfin hake, fourbeard rockling, marlin-spike, gulf stream flounder, longspine snipefish, blackmouth bass, threespine stickleback, smallmouth flounder, hogchoker, bigeye, atlantic croaker, pigfish, northern kingfish, silver perch, spot, deepbody boarfish, sculpin uncl, moustache sculpin, longhorn sculpin, alligatorfish, grubby, atlantic seasnail, northern searobin, striped searobin, armored searobin, cunner, tautog, snakeblenny, daubed shanny, radiated shanny, red goatfish, striped cusk-eel, wolf eelpout, wrymouth, atlantic wolffish, fawn cusk-eel, northern puffer, striped burrfish, planehead filefish, gray triggerfish, shortnose greeneye, beardfish, cownose ray, american lobster, cancer crab uncl, jonah crab, atlantic rock crab, blue crab, spider crab uncl, horseshoe crab, coarsehand lady crab, lady crab, northern stone crab, snow crab, spiny butterfly ray, smooth butterfly ray, snakefish, atlantic midshipman, bank cusk-eel, red cornetfish, squid cuttlefish and octopod uncl, spoonarm octopus, bank sea bass, rock sea bass, sand perch, cobia, crevalle jack, vermilion snapper, tomtate, jolthead porgy, saucereye porgy, whitebone porgy, knobbed porgy, sheepshead porgy, littlehead porgy, silver porgy, pinfish, red porgy, porgy and pinfish uncl, banded drum, southern kingfish, atlantic spadefish, leopard searobin, dusky flounder, triggerfish filefish uncl, blackcheek tonguefish, orange filefish, queen triggerfish, ocean triggerfish |
benthos |
-atlantic surfclam, ocean quahog |
-sea scallop |
-sea cucumber, sea urchins, snails(conchs), sea urchin and sand dollar uncl, channeled whelk, blue mussel |
+benthos |
+atlantic surfclam, ocean quahog |
+sea scallop |
+sea cucumber, sea urchins, snails(conchs), sea urchin and sand dollar uncl, channeled whelk, blue mussel |
Var: “F.Fmsy” (Current year fishing mortality F relative to FMSY) “B.Bmsy” (Current year biomass B relative to BMSY)
Value: Decimal value of Var
Units: Unitless
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
temp.threshold: cutoff temperature for thermal area calculations (all areas greater than or equal to this temperature)
area: area exceeding temperature threshold (m2) area.prop: proportion of EPU area exceeding temperature threshold
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
longitude: longitude of cell center point latitude: latitude of cell center point Ndays: number of days exceeding temp.threshold
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::wcr
Variable definitions
Warm Core Rings: number
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::wind_dev_speed
Variable definitions
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::wind_port
Variable definitions
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Percent GARFO Landings; Definition: Proportion of landings of each managed species from within existing/proposed offshore wind lease areas relative to the total landings of that species reported annually to the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office; Units: Percentage
Percent GARFO Revenue; Definition: Proportion of revenue of each managed species from within existing/proposed offshore wind lease areas relative to the total revenue of that species reported annually to the Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office; Units: Percentage
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category:
ecodata name: ecodata::zoo_diversity
Variable definitions
Zoo_Shannon-Wiener_Diversity_index, unitless
- -Indicator Category:
+ +Indicator Category: