diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/battery_results.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/battery_results.htm index a8b1fd4583..286133d7fc 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/battery_results.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/battery_results.htm @@ -317,7 +317,7 @@

Lifetime Data



For AC-connected PV-battery systems, AC power discharged to power generating system parasitic loads from the battery. For DC-connected systems, the inverter shuts off when the PV array is not generating power, so the battery cannot discharge to the AC side of the inverter.


For AC-connected PV-battery systems, AC power discharged from the battery to the power generating system parasitic loads. For DC-connected systems, the inverter shuts off when the PV array is not generating power, so the battery cannot discharge to the AC side of the inverter.

@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@

Lifetime Data



Power delivered to the battery (positive) from the grid and/or power generating system, and power delivered to the load and/or grid (negative) from the battery. Measured on the AC side of the inverter, before AC losses.


Power discharged from the battery (positive) to the load or grid, and power to charge the battery (negative) from the grid and/or power generating system. Measured on the AC side of the inverter, before AC losses.

@@ -333,7 +333,7 @@

Lifetime Data



Power delivered to the battery (positive) from the grid and/or power generating system, and power delivered to the load and/or grid (negative) from the battery. Measured on the DC side of the inverter or battery management system.


Power discharged from the battery (positive) to the load or grid, and power to charge the battery (negative) from the grid and/or power generating system. Measured on the DC side of the inverter or battery management system.

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Edit Lifetime Data


Some input variables in SAM are arrays of time series data with values that apply over the analysis period. The length of the array is the product of the array's time scale and the analysis period, where the analysis period is the number of years in the simulation as defined on the Financial Parameters page. The Edit Lifetime Data window allows you to create a table of values for this type of input variable. The table may have a single column for one variable or multiple columns for two or more variables.


The number of rows in the table depends on the length of the array. For example, an array with a daily time scale and a 30-year analysis period would have:


365 days/year × 30 years = 10,950 rows


An array with an hourly time scale and a 25-year analysis period would have:


8,760 time steps/year × 25 years = 219,000 rows


Or, for a 15-minute time scale:


4 time steps/hour × 24 hours/day × 365 days/year = 35,040 time steps/year × 25 years = 876,000 rows


The Edit Lifetime Data window allows you to use a table to assign time series data to inputs that span either one year or multiple years over the analysis period, where the analysis period is the number of years in the simulation as defined on the Financial Parameters page. The table may have a single column for one variable or multiple columns for two or more variables.


The number of rows in the table depends on the number of simulation years and the mode. For example, for one simulation year in the Daily mode:


365 days/year × 1 year = 365 rows


For 25 simulation years in the Hourly mode:


8,760 hours/year × 25 years = 219,000 rows


Or, for 25 simulation years in the Subhourly mode with 15-minute timesteps:


4 time steps/hour × 8,760 hours/year × 25 years = 876,000 rows

Note. SAM omits leap years from the simulation, so it assumes there are 24 hours/day ×  365 days/year = 8,760 hours/year, regardless of the year. It also does not account for daylight savings, so all times are in local standard time throughout the year. See Time and Sun Position for more details.

The window appears on the following input pages


Revenue for Merchant Plant financial model.

Lifetime and Degradation

Battery Storage to input battery dispatch profile.

To assign values to an array input variable, you can either type values by hand into the table, or import them from another program:


Revenue for Merchant Plant financial model

Lifetime and Degradation

Battery Storage to input battery dispatch profile

From the Edit Losses window when you enable time series losses

To edit the table, you can either type values by hand into the table, or import them from another program:

Paste data from a spreadsheet program or from a text file. Use tab-delimited columns for more than one column of data.

Import data from a text file (with tab-delimited columns for more than one column of data).

Before you try importing data from a text file, you may want to try exporting test data to a file so you can see the data format.

Note. If you copy and paste data from a spreadsheet program like Excel, change the cell format to one that does not use a thousands separator. For example, in Excel avoid the "Number" format and instead use the "General" format.


Analysis Period


The analysis is the number of years in the system life. It is defined as an input on the Financial Parameters page. The analysis period determines the number of rows in the table for all modes except the Single Value mode.


To change the analysis period, change its value on the Financial Parameters page. When you change the analysis period and the Edit Time Series Data window is in the Hourly or Subhourly mode, SAM either adds rows to the time series table populated with zeros, or truncates the table to remove extra rows. Be sure to update the data in the table as appropriate.


Simulation years


The number of years over which the array applies. SAM automatically sets the number of years to either one or the analysis period defined on the Financial Parameters page as required by the variable.


To change the analysis period, change its value on the Financial Parameters page. When you change the analysis period and the window is in the Hourly or Subhourly mode, SAM either adds rows of zeros to the table, or truncates the table to remove extra rows. Be sure to update the data in the table as appropriate.



Depending on the variable, the Edit Time Series Data window may allow you to choose a mode to define the time scale. For other variables, the mode is fixed, so you cannot change it. The following table describes the five available modes for variables that allow you to choose the length of the array.




Depending on the variable, the window may allow you to choose a mode to define the time scale. For other variables, the mode is fixed, and the option does not appear in the window.




The following table describes the modes for variables that allow you to choose the length of the table.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - + + - + - - + + + + - -





Analysis Period


Number of Rows


Number of Rows
+(N = Analysis Period)

Single Value


One value applies to all time steps.





One value applies to each time step over the analysis period.



35,040 × N



One value applies to all time steps in each each month over the analysis period.





One value applies to each hour over the analysis period.

12 × N


8,760 × N




One value applies to all time steps in each day over the analysis period.



365 × N


365 × N




One value applies to each hour over the analysis period.


One value applies to all time steps in each week over the analysis period.


52 × N




8,760 × N


One value applies to all time steps in each each month over the analysis period.


12 × N




One value applies to each time step over the analysis period.


One value applies to all time steps in each year of the analysis period.




Single Value



One value applies to all time steps over the analysis period.

35,040 × N*






For the Subhourly mode, you must choose the data time step.


Time step in minutes


The time step of the data in minutes.


Use the buttons to import and export data from the table.


Copy the contents of the input table to your computer's clipboard.


diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/edit_losses.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/edit_losses.htm index b9d5907eec..e7395a06ea 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/edit_losses.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/edit_losses.htm @@ -38,17 +38,18 @@

Edit Losses


The Edit Losses window allows you to define losses that apply to the system's power output in each hour:


Constant loss is a single loss that applies to the system's entire output.

Hourly losses apply to specific hours of the year.

SAM reduces the system's output in each hour step by the percentage you specify for that hour. For a given hour, a loss of zero would result in no adjustment. A loss of 5% would reduce the output by 5%, and a loss of -5% would increase the output value by 5%. For subhourly simulations, SAM applies the percentage for a given hour to each time step in that hour.


The Edit Losses window allows you to define losses in the system.


Constant loss is a single loss that applies to all simulation time steps.

Time series losses apply to specific time steps.

SAM applies the loss percentages to each applicable simulation time step as appropriate. For a given time step, a loss of zero would result in no adjustment. A loss of 5% would result in a reduction of 5%, while a loss of -5% would result in an increase of 5%.


Note. SAM applies all losses that apply to a given time step. If the constant loss is not zero, and both a time series loss and custom period loss apply to the same time step, all three losses would apply to that time step. For example, if you specify a constant loss of 5%, time series losses in hourly mode of 2% for Hours 745-468, and custom period losses of 25% for the first seven days in February, and the loss is being applied to a value of 455 for February 1 at 11:00 am, the value after losses would be 455 × ( 1 - 0.05 ) × ( 1 - 0.02 ) × ( 1 - 0.25 ) = 317.7.


Constant loss


SAM reduces the hourly power output value for each time step by the percentage that you specify, which effectively reduces the system's total annual output by that amount.


For example, a loss of 5% for a system with a net annual output of 100,000 kWh results in a delivered electrical output of 95,000 kWh.


Enable hourly losses


Check the box when you have a table of 8,760 loss values. Click Edit data, and either cut and paste a column of 8,760 values into the table, or import a text file with a header row (column label) in the first row followed by 8,760 rows of loss values. The first row of data applies to the hour beginning at 12 a.m. on January 1.


Enable hourly losses with custom periods


Check the box when you want to apply losses to specific time periods. Choose a month, date, and time for the start time and end time, and specify a loss for that period. Click Add period to specify more than one time period. In the example above, the system's output is reduced by 5% between 12:15 am April 1 and 11:30 pm April 7. The system's output is reduced by 2% starting at 8 a.m. September 15 and ending at 6 p.m. September 20.


Note. If you use combinations of loss values, SAM combines them to calculate the total loss in each time step. For example, if you specify a constant loss of 5% and hourly losses of 25% for the first seven days in February, and the system's output at 7 a.m. on February 1 is 455 kW, the output after losses would be 455 kW × ( 1 - 0.05 ) × ( 1 - 0.25 ) = 324 kW.


A loss that applies to all simulation time steps.


Enable time series losses


Check the box to enable losses by time step. Click Edit time series losses to open the Edit Lifetime Data window, and use the table in the window to specify the losses.


The check box allows you to enable and disable time series losses without deleting the data in the loss table.


Enable time series losses with custom periods


Check the box when you want to apply losses to specific time periods. Choose a date and time for the start time and end time, and specify a loss for that period. Click Add period to specify more than one time period. In the example above, a 5% loss applies from April 1 12:15 pm to April 7 11:30 pm, and a 2% loss applies from September 15 8:30 am to September 20 5:00 pm.


The check box allows you to enable custom period losses without deleting the loss schedule.

diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/electricity_rates.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/electricity_rates.htm index 549af0caf7..db79deb7c4 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/electricity_rates.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/electricity_rates.htm @@ -179,9 +179,11 @@

Minimum charges apply when either the monthly or annual electricity bill falls below a minimum value.

Monthly minimum charge, $

If the monthly electricity bill with system for a given month is less than the monthly minimum, the bill for that month is the monthly minimum charge.


If the monthly bill is negative due to the value of excess generation, the monthly minimum charge decreases the value of excess generation. SAM does not force the negative bill amount to the minimum charge.

Annual minimum charge, $

The minimum annual charge for Year 1. If the annual electricity bill with system for Year 1 is less than the minimum value, SAM sets the Year 1 annual bill to the minimum value. For the purposes of the annual minimum charge, the year starts January 1 and ends December 31. The annual minimum charge does not affect the monthly electricity bill.


Note. Like all of the dollar values on the Electricity Rates page, the minimum charge amounts are Year 1 values. If you apply an annual minimum charge, the monthly electricity bill with system data shown in the Results does not reflect the annual minimum charge.


If the annual bill is negative due to the value of excess generation, the annual minimum charge decreases the value of excess generation. SAM does not force the negative bill amount to the minimum charge.


Note. Like all of the dollar values on the Electricity Rates page, the minimum charge amounts are Year 1 values. If you apply an annual minimum charge, the monthly electricity bill with system data shown in the Results does not reflect the annual minimum charge.

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Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

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Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_merchant_plant.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_merchant_plant.htm index a25052c5c7..0058fa16f1 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_merchant_plant.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_merchant_plant.htm @@ -196,7 +196,7 @@

Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

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Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

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Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_tpo_host_developer.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_tpo_host_developer.htm index 7f7547fbb0..368b71a645 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_tpo_host_developer.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/fin_tpo_host_developer.htm @@ -233,7 +233,7 @@

Major Equipment Replacement Reserve Accounts

Major equipment replacement reserves are funds that the project sets aside to cover the cost of replacing equipment during the analysis period. You can specify up to three replacement reserve accounts.

SAM assumes that the cost of each major equipment replacement is capitalized rather than expensed. You can specify a depreciation schedule for each the major equipment replacement cost.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each of the replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the expense.


SAM calculates the inflation-adjusted cost of each major equipment replacement and funds a reserve account in each replacement cycle. At the time of each major equipment replacement, funds are released from the reserve account in an amount sufficient to cover the cost.

Note. In SAM, equipment replacement reserve funding is separate from the operating costs that you specify on the Operating Costs page.

Account Name

The name of the reserve account for your reference. SAM reports value associated with each account in the cash flow and other graphs and tables using the name Reserve Account 1, 2, and 3, regardless of the name you enter.

diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadfilelocation.png b/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadfilelocation.png index ec241b921d..4e2765715c 100644 Binary files a/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadfilelocation.png and b/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadfilelocation.png differ diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadlatlon.png b/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadlatlon.png index 60b1f20df8..9bb1eee6b8 100644 Binary files a/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadlatlon.png and b/deploy/runtime/help/html/img_winddownloadlatlon.png differ diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/pv_location_and_resource.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/pv_location_and_resource.htm index 4270d92294..eea8bcd610 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/pv_location_and_resource.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/pv_location_and_resource.htm @@ -213,9 +213,9 @@

The Perez method is the default value and is best for most analysis. It accounts for horizon brightening, circumsolar and isotropic diffuse radiation using a more complex computational method than the Reindl and Hay and Davies methods.

Weather File Irradiance Data

A weather file in SAM CSV format for the photovoltaic performance models must contain at least two columns for the solar irradiance components or a single column for plane-of-array (POA) irradiance. The weather file may contain columns for all three irradiance components in addition to POA data. SAM determines which columns to use for the simulation based on the Weather File Irradiance Data options you choose.


Unless you choose one of the POA options, SAM's detailed photovoltaic model always requires the DNI and DHI components to calculate the irradiance incident on each subarray.  When you choose the DNI and GHI or GHI and DHI options, SAM calculates values for the missing irradiance component from the two components that you specify, even if the weather file contains data for the missing component. When you choose a POA option, SAM bypasses the incident irradiance calculations.


Unless you choose one of the POA options, SAM's detailed photovoltaic model always requires the DNI and DHI components to calculate the irradiance incident on each subarray. When you choose the DNI and GHI or GHI and DHI options, SAM calculates values for the missing irradiance component from the two components that you specify, even if the weather file contains data for the missing component. When you choose a POA option, SAM bypasses the incident irradiance calculations.



This is the default option, and is best for most analyses. SAM reads the direct normal irradiance (beam) and diffuse horizontal irradiance data from the weather file. For this option, SAM calculates incident irradiance using the DNI and DHI data from the weather file without any additional calculations.


SAM reads the direct normal irradiance (beam) and diffuse horizontal irradiance data from the weather file. For this option, SAM calculates incident irradiance using the DNI and DHI data from the weather file without any additional calculations. This is the default option, and is best for most analyses because it minimizes the number of irradiance calculations.


SAM reads the direct normal irradiance (beam) and global horizontal irradiance (total) data from the weather file, and calculates the diffuse horizontal irradiance values for simulations. SAM calculates the incident irradiance using the DNI data from the weather file and the calculated DHI data.


@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@

Use this option if your weather file contains irradiance data measured in the plane of the array by a pyranometer. SAM uses a POA decomposition model to calculate the DNI and DHI components of the POA irradiance for angle-of-incidence effect calculations.

Notes about the POA input options.
-For a technical description of the POA option see Freeman (2016) Using Measured Plane-of-Array Data Directly in Photovoltaic Modeling: Methodology and Validation, available from https://sam.nrel.gov/photovoltaic/pv-sub-page-2.html
+For a technical description of the POA option see Freeman (2016) Using Measured Plane-of-Array Data Directly in Photovoltaic Modeling: Methodology and Validation, available from https://sam.nrel.gov/photovoltaic/pv-publications.
When you choose a POA option, SAM reports calculated DNI and DHI values in the results for your reference. It only uses the calculated DNI and DHI values under the following conditions:
@@ -236,7 +236,9 @@

    calculated DNI and DHI values, and then calculates the irradiance incident on the subarray to account for
-     - When you use the CEC module model with the heat transfer method for temperature correction.

+     - When you use the CEC module model with the heat transfer method for temperature correction.
+When you use POA data, be careful to check that your array orientation, shading, soiling, and snow model inputs are consistent with your POA data. If your system has more than one subarray, SAM uses the POA data for each subarray. This requires that all subarrays have the same orientation and tracking, but SAM does not enforce this requirement. SAM also allows you to enable shading, soiling, and the snow model with POA data. If the irradiance data already accounts for these effects, you should disable those inputs.

Irradiance Data in Results

Note. If your weather file contains data for all three irradiance components, the value of the calculated third component that SAM uses for the simulation may differ from the value in the weather file.

You can see the calculated data on the Results page after running a simulation, for example, on the Data tables tab and Time series tab:

diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/pvuncertainty.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/pvuncertainty.htm index 87d10aa721..d752b4768f 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/pvuncertainty.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/pvuncertainty.htm @@ -39,8 +39,8 @@


The Uncertainty simulation option is available for the Detailed PV and PVWatts performance model. For the Wind Power model, the Uncertainties input page provides a way to model uncertainties in wind resource or predicted power output of the model. For other models, the P50 / P90 simulation option calculates P-values given a set of weather files.


This implementation of uncertainty modeling is based in part on Riese, C.; Moser, D.; Belluardo, G.; Ingenhoven, P. (2018) Uncertainties in PV System Yield Predictions and Assessments, PVPS Report IEA-PVPS T13-12:2018, International Energy Agency (IEA) Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS).


The uncertainty simulation model helps you understand the uncertainty in SAM's Year 1 annual energy estimate. It calculates P-values and plots graphs based on uncertainty distributions and a set of specific-year weather files you provide.


For descriptions of this implementation of uncertainty modeling, see:


Prilliman, M.; Hansen, C.; Keith, J.; Janzou, S.; Theristis, M.; Scheiner, A.; Ozakyol, E. (2023) Quantifying Uncertainty in PV Energy Estimates Final Report. National Renewable Energy Laboratory. 18 pp. NREL/TP-7A40-84993 (PDF 541 KB)

C.; Moser, D.; Belluardo, G.; Ingenhoven, P. (2018) Uncertainties in PV System Yield Predictions and Assessments, PVPS Report IEA-PVPS T13-12:2018, International Energy Agency (IEA) Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme (PVPS).

The uncertainty simulation model helps you understand the uncertainty in SAM's Year 1 annual energy estimate. It calculates P-values and plots graphs based on uncertainty distributions and a set of specific-year weather files you provide.

Uncertainty simulations require a folder with at least ten valid weather files that each contain data for one year. For example, the folder might contain 23 weather files downloaded from the NREL National Solar Radiation Database (NSRDB) for 1998 through 2020.
diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/settings.js b/deploy/runtime/help/html/settings.js index 15a8cfab20..4af9bdf340 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/settings.js +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/settings.js @@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ var OutputBasewordBufferSize = 0; var OutputVariantBufferSize = 0; var DictIDLen = 4; var UseBigPageInfoData = 0; -var NumKeywords = 7726; -var NumVariants = 1901; +var NumKeywords = 7730; +var NumVariants = 1904; var NumPages = 326; var DictArrayCount = 0; var PageInfoArrayCount = 0; diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_edittimeseries-mode.png b/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_edittimeseries-mode.png index 16881c42ff..c268f1ce5e 100644 Binary files a/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_edittimeseries-mode.png and b/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_edittimeseries-mode.png differ diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_hourly_factors.png b/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_hourly_factors.png index 13468f5a61..b4ac9c5f76 100644 Binary files a/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_hourly_factors.png and b/deploy/runtime/help/html/ss_hourly_factors.png differ diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/troughphysical_thermal_storage.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/troughphysical_thermal_storage.htm index 02a20179b1..45cd25a406 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/troughphysical_thermal_storage.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/troughphysical_thermal_storage.htm @@ -114,6 +114,9 @@

Applies to systems with a heat exchanger only (indicated by a heat exchanger derate value of less than one). The temperature difference on the hot side of the solar-field-to-thermal-storage heat exchanger. During charge cycles, the temperature is the solar field hot outlet temperature minus the storage hot tank inlet temperature. During discharge cycles, it is defined as the storage hot tank temperature minus the power cycle hot inlet temperature.

Cold side HX approach temp (ºC)

Applies to systems with a heat exchanger only (indicated by a heat exchanger derate value less than one). The temperature difference on the cold side of the solar field-to-thermal-storage heat exchanger. During charge cycles, the temperature is the storage cold temperature (storage outlet) minus the heat exchanger cold temperature. During discharge cycles, it is the heat exchanger cold temperature minus the storage cold temperature (storage inlet).


Note. SAM sets the  cold side approach temperature equal to the hot side temperature because SAM assumes a counter-flow heat exchanger, and this simplification  reduces the number of design inputs.





diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/weather_format_sam_csv_solar.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/weather_format_sam_csv_solar.htm index 11fb46308a..7c0908a5bb 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/weather_format_sam_csv_solar.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/weather_format_sam_csv_solar.htm @@ -169,6 +169,14 @@


hasunits, units

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diff --git a/deploy/runtime/help/html/wind_resource.htm b/deploy/runtime/help/html/wind_resource.htm index 212f0311b6..77542c0d04 100644 --- a/deploy/runtime/help/html/wind_resource.htm +++ b/deploy/runtime/help/html/wind_resource.htm @@ -40,11 +40,11 @@

Wind Resource

Use the Wind Resource page to define the wind resource at the project site for a wind power project. There are several options for defining the wind resource:



Wind resource file: Use a properly formatted wind resource file containing hourly or subhourly data for one year, including wind speed, direction, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature data at one or more measurement heights.

oChoose a representative wind resource file to use a file in SAM's wind resource library.

oDownload a wind resource file from the NREL WIND Toolkit.

oUse a wind resource file stored on your computer.

Wind speed Weibull distribution: Specify the average annual wind speed, measurement height, and Weibull K factor to model the wind resource as a constant value over the year.

Wind resource probability table: Populate a table of probabilities for a range of wind speed and direction values to model the wind resource as a constant value over the year.

Note. The Weibull distribution and probability table options are suitable for estimating the total annual output of a turbine or wind farm for cash flow calculations. They are not suitable when you need estimates of output on an hourly or subhourly basis for projects with time-of-use retail electricity rates or time-varying power pricing.


Wind resource file: Use a properly formatted wind resource file containing hourly or subhourly data for one year, including wind speed, direction, atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature data at one or more measurement heights.

oChoose a representative wind resource file to use a file in SAM's wind resource library.

oDownload a wind resource file from the NREL WIND Toolkit.

oUse a wind resource file stored on your computer.

Wind speed Weibull distribution: Specify the average annual wind speed, measurement height, and Weibull K factor to model the wind resource as a constant value over the year.

Wind resource probability table: Populate a table of probabilities for a range of wind speed and direction values to model the wind resource as a constant value over the year.

Note. The Weibull distribution and probability table options are suitable for estimating the total annual output of a turbine or wind farm for cash flow calculations. They are not suitable when you need estimates of output on an hourly or subhourly basis for projects with time-of-use retail electricity rates or time-varying power pricing.

For a description of how SAM determines wind speed at hub height, see Hub Height and Wind Shear. For a description of how SAM uses temperature and pressure data from the weather file, see Elevation above Sea Level.

Click to expand or collapseWind Resource File: Choose a representative typical wind resource file