What to Do
- Use a respectful tone, especially when you and your mentee see things differently.
Examples : I'm curious about ..., Have you ever considered.
Avoid giving feedback without adequate information.
- Provide feedback about things the mentee can actually do something about.
Example: How might someone else see this?
- When sharing your perspective, remember that your reality might be different the mentee's.
I found that ...,
Reviewing a task is an interpersonal process that requires sensitivity. Different maturity levels, experiences, and code style preferences may cause misunderstandings. Always strive to be polite, positive, and friendly in your comments.
Make feedback actionable: means splitting feedback into a set of clear and achievable tasks. For instance, According to the clean code naming priniciples, names should be ... Singltter letter names should be.
Comment on the code, not the author. For instance, in my opinion, using ... have some side affects.
Personalize your comments : Outline that is your onw opinion, using "I" statements. For instance, I'm confoused about your caught this exception here.
Provide reasoning : try to be specific and provide rationale to support your comment. For instance, Please consider using braces to your code. Could you please make sure to add
Avoid being judgmental.
Use the Hamburger Approch: Offer a piece of negative feedback "sandwiched" between two positive ones to soften the blow of the critique.