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117 lines (90 loc) · 4.05 KB

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117 lines (90 loc) · 4.05 KB
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deployfish has commands for managing the whole lifecycle of your application:

  • Safely and easily create, update, destroy and restart ECS services

  • Extensive support for ECS related services like load balancing, application autoscaling and service discovery

  • Easily scale the number of containers in your service, optionally scaling its associated autoscaling group at the same time

  • Manage multiple environments for your service (test, qa, prod, etc.) in multiple AWS accounts.

  • Uses AWS Parameter Store for secrets for your containers

  • View the configuration and status of running ECS services

  • Run a one-off command related to your service

  • Easily exec through your VPC bastion host into your running containers, or ssh into a ECS container machine in your cluster.

  • Setup SSH tunnels to the private AWS resources in VPC that your service uses so that you can connect to them from your work machine.

  • Extensible! Add additional functionality through custom deployfish modules.

  • Works great in CodeBuild steps in a CodePipeline based CI/CD system!

Additionally, deployfish integrates with terraform state files so that you can use the values of terraform outputs directly in your deployfish configurations.

To use deployfish, you

  • Install deployfish
  • Define your service in deployfish.yml
  • Use deploy to start managing your service

A simple deployfish.yml looks like this:

  - name: my-service
    environment: prod
    cluster: my-cluster
    count: 2
      service_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/ecsServiceRole
      load_balancer_name: my-service-elb
      container_name: my-service
      container_port: 80
    family: my-service
    network_mode: bridge
    task_role_arn: arn:aws:iam::123142123547:role/myTaskRole
      - name: my-service
        cpu: 128
        memory: 256
        memoryReservation: 128
          - "80"
          - ENVIRONMENT=prod
          - ANOTHER_ENV_VAR=value
          - THIRD_ENV_VAR=value

See the examples/ folder in this repository for example deployfish.yml files.

Documentation is the full reference for deployfish, including a full deployfish.yml reference and tutorials.

Installing deployfish

deployfish is a pure python package. As such, it can be installed in the usual python ways. For the following instructions, either install it into your global python install, or use a python virtual environment to install it without polluting your global python environment.

Install via pip

pip install deployfish

Install via

Download a release from Github, then:

cd deployfish-0.25.1
python install


git clone
cd deployfish
python install

Using pyenv to install into a virtual environment (Recommended)

If you use python and frequently need to install additional python modules, pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv are extremely useful. They allow some very useful things:

  • Manage your virtualenvs easily on a per-project basis
  • Provide support for per-project Python versions.

To install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv and set up your environment for the first time