diff --git a/docs/extended_api/asynchronous_operations.md b/docs/extended_api/asynchronous_operations.md
index 03c85c2584..0339df61ec 100644
--- a/docs/extended_api/asynchronous_operations.md
+++ b/docs/extended_api/asynchronous_operations.md
@@ -1,7 +1,13 @@
## Asynchronous Operations
+Asynchronous operations are performed _as-if_ in other threads. This other threads are related to the thread requesting the asynchronous operations via all scope relationships [^thread_scope].
| [`cuda::memcpy_async`] | Asynchronously copies one range to another. `(function template)`
1.1.0 / CUDA 11.0
1.2.0 / CUDA 11.1 (group & aligned overloads) |
-[`cuda::memcpy_async`]: {{ "extended_api/asynchronous_operations/memcpy_async.html" | relative_url }}
+[^thread_scope]: This includes [`cuda::thread_scope_thread`]. That is, [`cuda::thread_scope_thread`] can synchronize multiple threads.
+[`cuda::memcpy_async`]: {{ "extended_api/asynchronous_operations/memcpy_async.html" | relative_url }}
+[`cuda::thread_scope_thread`]: {{ "extended_api/thread_scopes.html" | relative_url }}
diff --git a/docs/extended_api/thread_scopes.md b/docs/extended_api/thread_scopes.md
index 9e90d6c835..f01b27ed65 100644
--- a/docs/extended_api/thread_scopes.md
+++ b/docs/extended_api/thread_scopes.md
@@ -66,8 +66,9 @@ Each program thread is related to each other program thread by one or more
by the *device* thread scope, specified with `thread_scope_device`.
- Each GPU thread is related to each other GPU thread in the same CUDA block
by the *block* thread scope, specified with `thread_scope_block`.
-- Each thread (CPU or GPU) is related to itself by the `thread` thread scope,
- specified with `thread_scope_thread`.
+- Each thread (CPU or GPU) is related to itself and to the threads executing its
+ [asynchronous operations] by the `thread` thread scope, specified with
+ `thread_scope_thread`.
Objects in namespace `cuda::std::` have the same behavior as corresponding
objects in namespace `cuda::` when instantiated with a scope of
@@ -152,3 +153,4 @@ Modify [atomics.fences paragraph 2 through 4] of ISO/IEC IS 14882 (the C++
[CUDA programming guide]: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-c-programming-guide/index.html
[`concurrentManagedAccess` property]: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-runtime-api/structcudaDeviceProp.html#structcudaDeviceProp_116f9619ccc85e93bc456b8c69c80e78b
[`hostNativeAtomicSupported` property]: https://docs.nvidia.com/cuda/cuda-runtime-api/structcudaDeviceProp.html#structcudaDeviceProp_1ef82fd7d1d0413c7d6f33287e5b6306f
+[asynchronous operations]: {{ "asynchronous_operations.html" | relative_url }}