- Ensure that CSRF headers are not overwritten by nyplUserHasRegistered headers
- Refactor CSRF utils
- Add cookie-based redirect back to congrats page from any page after success
- Remove hasUsernameBeenValidated flag and hidden input field
- Update loading layer to remain until navigation away from submission page
- Remove password display from congrats graphic
- Switch deployment to GitHub Actions
- Remove EB related code and language, move to ECS
- Update node version to 20
- Update next version to 12
- Updates to dependencies to match
- Add script to package.json for clearing the test cache (this is just a convenience since I was updating so frequently, can be removed)
- Update a bunch of packages related to testing (@testing-library/jest-dom, @testing-library/react, @types/jest, @types/jest-axe, jest, jest-axe)
- Specify the testEnvironment as jsdom
- Add package jest-environment-jsdom since this is not included automatically anymore
- Replace @testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect with @testing-library/jest-dom since this is now included
- The only real substantive change is updating next to 12, which is as high as it can go without breaking anything
- Update the Header and Footer scripts to use the new Design System Header/Footer: #194
- Add new security provisioning script: #197
- Hot Fix Remove Setting of location field in formData: #199
- Added Adobe Analytics initial script
- Added Adobe Analytics for event tracking
- Banner text translations
- Updated Russian translations
- Added the
package for internationalization support in Nextjs and React. - Added ten (1) new languages to the app through translated JSON files: Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (Simplified), French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Urdu.
- Updated Nextjs configuration for multilingual support through its own
feature. - Updated all static text to use the
hook to translate text in a selected language. - Updated the
attribute to be dynamic based on the selected language and thedir
attribute to be dynamic based on the selected language's direction. - Moves the embedded NYPL
and theFooter
component from_app
for better rendering.
- Updates React to version 17.
- Minor updates to other packages such as
, andbabel-jest
- Adds LOG_LEVEL variable set to "warn" for qa and production
- Reduces log retention to 14 days
- Adds file system requirement of 16GB
- Increases swap space to 4GB
- Updates security suite to v6.33
- Updated the account page so that passwords no longer allow periods and related messaging for information and errors.
- Security Update: change CDN URL to point to ux-static.nypl.org.
- Updated the expiration date message for temporary cards from 30 to 14 days.
- Fixed the logic check for passwords to check for a string that is 8 to 32 characters in length. The previous requirements were just strong encouragements for patrons to use.
- Minor copy updates for pin/password update.
- Temporarily using the embedded NYPL Header.
- Updated npm packages to be stable and not point to bitbucket (for the NYPL Header).
- Updated the "pin" name attribute to "password" throughout the codebase and UI.
- Updated npm packages to fix security issues.
- Fixed CSS issue where the colors on the "Get Started" and "Previous" buttons were not right. The larger issue might be CSS file ordering.
- Updated some components with accessibility enhancements.
- Updated Nextjs to version 10.
- Updated the Dockerfile in preparation to use with AWS ECS.
- Updated location for correct installation of npm packages.
- Updated the
package to@axe-core/react
since the former is deprecated.
- Updating how the first and last names are being sent to the Card Creator API so names include middle names and multiple (if any) last names.
- Updating how and when react-axe is called to reduce bundle size.
- Updating version to fix AWS deployment.
- Updated when the Location API, the service that converts an IP address into a geolocation object, is called in the application flow.
- Updated NYPL Design System to v0.19.1.
- Fixed the styling for the confirmation page
that allows patrons to be able to use the printed barcode graphic.
- Added Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files to build this application using Docker. This update is the first step in the longer process to use AWS ECS to build and deploy this application.
- Added instructions for building and running the app with https on localhost.
- Updated the Work/Alternate Address page to appear if the device location is in NYS but the Home Address is not in NYC.
- Updated Design System to v0.18.6.
- Updated copy to clarify the Work Address page and form fields.
- Added a temporary static BUILD_ID variable for Nextjs to build in production.
- Removed CSRF token validation for now.
- Updated the work address page to not be required.
- Updated favicon.
- Fixed "edit" button in Review page for the Address fields.
- Updated the list of library names.
- Fixed issue rendering non-object error messages in the
component. - Fixed multiple calls for the IP address location lookup.
- Updated to use Nextjs for the server and updated app and api routes accordingly.
- Replaced Mocha with Jest, but still using Enzyme to test React components.
- Updated the API endpoints and the error/response objects from the API endpoint that the front-end will use.
- Updated the app's code structure, specifically in the
folder. - Updated environment variables to use Next's convention and removed the
package. - Updated internal API errors to be structured as problem details.
- Updated how API request errors are displayed to the user.
- Updated how Google Analytics tracks page views and events.
- Removed the
- Added Typescript for development.
- Added
for processing the whole app's form. - Added the NYPL Design System for react components.
- Added
for UI testing. - Added the
component to check for username availability in the ILS right away instead of waiting for the complete form to be submitted. - Added the
component which renders a drop down list of libraries for patrons to select their home library. - Added IP address server-side lookup and an API call to IP Stack to verify the user's location.
- Set up a
name for reverse proxy rules.
- Updated several packages, including Webpack, to the most recent versions possible.
- Updated to React 16.
- Added react-axe for accessibility review while doing development.
- Implemented nodemon for local development.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.6.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.5.
- Updating Falcon Crowdstrike sensor to 5.29.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.4.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.6.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.5.
- Updating Falcon Crowdstrike sensor to 5.29.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.4.
- Updated @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.6.0.
- Updated @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.5.8.
- Updated @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.5.6.
- Added the documents for QA not working.
- Updated the error message for the youngest age to get a library card online from 13 to 12.
- Installs Falcon Crowdstrike only on new Elastic Beanstalk instances.
- Added Falcon Crowdstrike sensor to the operating system.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer to 0.5.2.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.19.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.15 and checking for QA in APP_ENV.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.14 and setting APP_ENV.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.13.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.12.
- Update to use green from Design Toolkit
- Updates to form: add radio button, change ptype selection logic from query parameter to radio button
- Copy updates
- Bump Design Toolkit to latest version
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer version to 0.5.1 and @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.11.
- Updating @nypl/dgx-react-footer version to 0.5.0 and @nypl/dgx-header-component to 2.4.8.
- Remove patron information from redirect URL
- Add Google Analytics pageview event.
- Updated README to reflect new deployment strategies.
- Added Travis CI for deployment to AWS Elastic Beanstalk.
- Added CHANGELOG as a separate file.
- Improved CHANGELOG format
- Updated the Header component to 2.4.7.
- Added OptinMonster for advocacy 2018.
- Updated the Header component to 2.4.5.
- Updated the Header component to 2.4.2 and Footer component to 0.4.1.
- Updated Header component version to 2.4.0.
- Updated header to v2.3.0 -- Includes FundraisingBanner integration
- Initialized GA.
- Updated header to 2.2.0.
- Updated header to 2.1.1.
- Updated header to 2.1.0.
- Removed email as a required field.
- Added support for NYS agency_type via URL parameter.
- Updated Patron Model to handle default and NYS agency type ID's.
- Added react-router to the application for handling multiple pages.
- Added tests for <BarcodeContainer- and it's related functions.
- Added related functions for the email validation from server side.
- Updated the client side input field validation to be activated on blur.
- Updated the route for barcode service. It is commented out for current release.
- Updated server side validation, server error messages will be displayed in <ErrorBox- if client side validations fails.