This directory contains the bridge-history-api
service that provides REST APIs to query txs interact with Scroll official bridge contracts
The bridge-history-api contains three distinct components
Provide init, show version, rollback, and check status services of DB
cd ./bridge-history-api
make bridgehistoryapi-db-cli
./build/bin/bridgehistoryapi-db-cli [command]
Fetch the transactions from both L1 and L2
cd ./bridge-history-api
make bridgehistoryapi-fetcher
provides REST APIs. Please refer to the API details below.
cd ./bridge-history-api
make bridgehistoryapi-api
// @Summary get all txs under the given address
// @Accept plain
// @Produce plain
// @Param address query string true "wallet address"
// @Param page_size query int true "page size"
// @Param page query int true "page"
// @Success 200
// @Router /api/txs [get]
// @Summary get all L2 withdrawals under given address
// @Accept plain
// @Produce plain
// @Param address query string true "wallet address"
// @Param page_size query int true "page size"
// @Param page query int true "page"
// @Success 200
// @Router /api/l2/withdrawals [get]
// @Summary get all L2 unclaimed withdrawals under the given address
// @Accept plain
// @Produce plain
// @Param address query string true "wallet address"
// @Param page_size query int true "page size"
// @Param page query int true "page"
// @Success 200
// @Router /api/l2/unclaimed/withdrawals [get]
// @Summary get txs by given tx hashes
// @Accept plain
// @Produce plain
// @Param hashes query string array true "array of hashes"
// @Success 200
// @Router /api/txsbyhashes [post]