Releases: NaluKit/nalu
#192 - Possibility to reset URL (delete parameters from URL)
#178 - Nalu Modules: start route can only be a route of the main module
#182 - Add Global Popup Filter Feature
#183 - Add showing popups conditional feature
#185 - add the possibility to execute in action in case a ShowPopUpEvent is canceled by a filter
#189 - Remove deprecated code that is older than six month ...
#190 - Default route in case of illegal route
#179 - Make Eventbus available from Filters - now also works in modules
#176 - wrong version in comments of generated classes
#177 - Fix typo in method name
#179 - Make Eventbus available from Filters
#181 - Add Support for GWT 2.9.0 & Elemantal2 1.1.0
Starting from this version there will be a version for GWT 2.9.0 and another one for GWT 2.8.2. If you want to work with GWT 2.8.2 please use the one which have '-gwt-2.8.2' at the end of the version string.
#163 - update junit to version 4.13
#164 - replace deprecated code in tests
#166 - PopUpController: make method 'onBeforeShow' asynchronous
#167 - PopUpController: make method 'bind' (of controller) asynchronous
#168 - Provide version and build Timestamp
#170 - Add PostLoader to Nalu
#158 - redirectTo-method of filter gets called twice
#162 - Registered handlers will removed on controller deactivation
#169 - wrong selector selected in case two composites of same class are used in a component
#173 - Var 'lastRoute' isn't used
#132 - Manage visibility of Block Components using Events
#133 - Improve logging by enabling Nalu to send log messages to the server
#134 - remove @debug annotation
#135 - update dependencies & plugins to latest version
#137 - add bind-method to AbstractPopUpComponentController
#144 - Improve loading of modules
#145 - Remove useless statement
#149 - Remove not needed code in generated sources
#150 - improve context handling in modules
#154 - add loader feature to modules
#155 - add local and unmanaged context to AbstractContext
#157 - remove 'remove'-method in AbstractCompositeComponent
#136 - remove useless warning
#138 - In case a controller is not cached, the deactivate
-method is called twice
#139 - In case a composite is not cached, the deactivate
-method is called twice
#140 - Understanding of composite in sub module
#142 - stop() method is never called in cached controllers
#143 - activate() method is not triggered when You enter again to cached presenter
#147 - NPE on ModuleGenerator.generate
#152 - Nalu does not load PopUpController configurations from Module
#153 - Nalu does not load BlockController configurations from Module
#122 - Composites: notify if the selector is not resolved
#126 - Multi route support for controllers
#127 - Reuse elements in case route does not change
#124 - management of BlockControllerModel is wrong
#129 - Call 'removeHandler' from AbstractComponentController in 'deactive' method
#130 - Call 'removeHandler' from AbstractCompositeController in 'deactive' method
#113 - add a new method to the router which routes without confirmation
#117 - enable the use of custom alert and confirm
#118 - error-message is wrong
#119 - remove gwt-maven-plugin
#109 - error message is wrong
#110 - Loop detection error in case a routing is stopped by confirmation
#111 - hash gets doubled in case of confirmation
#112 - The activeComponents map does not updated correctly
Many bug-fixes & improvements.
#59 - create AbstractContext class
#61 - improve error handling
#62 - implement sub-modules
#63 - remove plugin feature
#65 - implement block feature
#70 - Create generic event to use in inter-module-communication
#73 - add caching behaviour of composites in branch 2.0.0
#80 - Remove method getContext from interface IsContext
#83 - Set SourceVersion of processor to latestSupport
#84 - Unused generated code is causing compiler warnings
#86 - ErrorPopUp-Feature
#90 - Add html metatag manipulation support for page navigation
#96 - Add possibility to get the current route
#99 - add nalu-plugin-elemento to v2
#102 - Composite names in a controller must be unique
#103 - Implement @AcceptParameter validation
#82 - Validate: start route needs to be more than a route to a shell
#95 - ErrorProne check: CollectionIncompatibleType in AbstractRouter
#101 - Problem using the same composite conditional over two composite routes - v2.0.0
#105 - Same RouteConfig added every time a Controller is modified - v2.0.0