Remove specific files from a given file directory. Parameters:
- file_dir (str): The directory to remove files from.
- delete (str): Substring to match files for deletion.
Move specific files from one directory to another. Parameters:
- file_dir (str): The directory to take files from.
- takeout (str): Substring to match files to take out.
- target_dir (str): The directory to place files in.
Process images from a given directory, creating maximum intensity projections. Parameters:
- img_dir (str): The directory containing raw tif images.
- print_image (int, optional): Number of images to display. Defaults to 0.
- tuple: A tuple containing two elements:
- result_images (list): A list of 2D arrays representing maximum intensity projection images.
- img_name_list (list): A 1D array of corresponding image names.
Save NumPy arrays as .npy files in the specified location. Parameters:
- img_arr (list): A list of NumPy arrays representing images.
- img_name_list (list): A list of image names corresponding to the arrays.
- save_location (str): The directory where the .npy files will be saved.
Save images as .tif files in the specified location. Parameters:
- img_arr (list): A list of NumPy arrays representing images.
- img_name_list (list): A list of image names corresponding to the arrays.
- save_location (str): The directory where the .tif files will be saved.
Load files from a given directory of .npy files. Parameters:
- directory (str): The directory containing files. Returns:
- list: A list of loaded NumPy arrays or images.
Load files from a given directory of .tif files. Parameters:
- directory (str): The directory containing files. Returns:
- list: A list of loaded NumPy arrays or images.
Apply various thresholding methods and save the results as .tif files. Parameters:
- img_arr (list): A list of NumPy arrays representing the intensified images.
- img_name_list (list): A list of image names corresponding to the arrays.
- output_dir (str): The directory where the thresholded images will be saved.
- num_imgs (int, optional): The number of images to select for thresholding and saving. Defaults to 5.
Apply a thresholding method to a list of images and return segmented images. Parameters:
- img_arr (list): A list of NumPy arrays representing the indensified images.
- img_name_list (list): A list of image names corresponding to the arrays.
- label (str, optional): A label to append to the segmented image names. Defaults to 'threshli'.
- method (str, optional): The thresholding method to use. Defaults to 'li'. Other Options: {'otsu', 'yen', 'isodata', 'minimum', 'mean', 'triangle'}
- print_image (int, optional): Number of segmented images to display. Defaults to 0.
- tuple: A tuple containing two elements:
- segmented_images (list): A list of segmented images.
- seg_name_list (list): A list of corresponding segmented image names.
Skeletonize a list of binary images and return the skeletonized images. Parameters:
- thresh_arr (list): A list of thresholded binary images.
- img_name_list (list): A list of image names corresponding to the arrays (use the name list from take_channel).
- label (str, optional): A label to append to the skeletonized image names. Defaults to 'skel'.
- print_image (int, optional): Number of skeletonized images to display. Defaults to 0.
- tuple: A tuple containing two elements:
- skel_imgs (list): A list of skeletonized images.
- skel_name_list (list): A list of corresponding skeletonized image names.
Display two images side by side for visual comparison. Parameters:
- array1 (list): A list of images or arrays.
- array2 (list): Another list of images or arrays.
- index (int): Index of the images to display.
- label1 (str): Label for the first set of images.
- label2 (str): Label for the second set of images.
- None: Displays the images using Matplotlib.
Process a list of skeletonized images, extract properties, and display branch types. Parameters:
- skel_arr (list): A list of skeletonized images or arrays.
- skel_name_list (list): A list of names corresponding to the skeletonized images.
- show (int, optional): The number of images to display branch types. Defaults to 0.
- pd.DataFrame: A Pandas DataFrame containing skeletonization properties.
Save dataframe as a .csv file. Parameters:
- dataframe (pandas df): The directory containing files.
- name (String): Name of dataframe.
- output_dir (String): Directory to be saved.