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mjok edited this page May 8, 2020 · 13 revisions

Configurable properties for advices

Advice Property Values Default Comment
Common properties logging true/false false Enables Advice's trace logging. This will cause serious overhead.
enabled true/false true Enables loaded Advice.
load true/false true Loads Advice. This property cannot be changed "on the fly", needs application restart.
checkCallRepeats true/false true Adds property if the key already exists with _1, if enabled this will check other is not the same value.
sendStackTrace true/false true Collects stackTrace of Advice intercepted methods.
maxStackTraceElements integer true Max StatckTraceElements collected.
JavaxServletAdvice attachCorrelator true/false true Attaches response header with GUUID.
headerCorrIDName String REMORA_CORR Header name.
headerPrefix String HDR_ Collected properties prefix for headers.
cookiePrefix String CKIE_ Collected properties prefix for cookies.
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