КАТ обновиха системата си и библиотеката вече не работи.
Освен това не съм сигурен дали при проверка онлайн глобите не се броят за връчени - т.е. да започва да тече срока за плащане с 30% отстъпка.
Докато това не стане ясно - библиотеката няма да бъде поправена и няма да работи.
This library allows you to check if you have fines from KAT Bulgaria programatically.
The code here is a simple wrapper around the API, providing you with error validation and type safety.
It does NOT save or log your data anywhere and it works with a single API endpoint.
The reason this library is needed is because the government website is highly unstable and often throws random 400's and Timeouts. This library handles all known bad responses (as of the time of writing) and provides a meaningful error message and an error code for every request.
pip install kat_bulgaria
import asyncio
from dataclasses import asdict
from kat_bulgaria.obligations import (
EGN = "0011223344"
LICENSE_NUMBER = "123456789"
def example_code():
"""Example Code"""
api = KatApi()
# Validates EGN and Driver License Number locally and with the API.
verify = asyncio.run(api.async_verify_credentials(EGN, LICENSE_NUMBER))
print(f"IsValid: {verify.data}")
# Checks if a person has obligations, returns true or false.
has_obligations = asyncio.run(api.async_check_obligations(EGN, LICENSE_NUMBER))
print(f"HasObligations: {has_obligations.data}")
# Returns an object with additinal data (if any).
obligations = asyncio.run(api.async_get_obligations(EGN, LICENSE_NUMBER))
print(f"ObligationDetails: {obligations.data}")
except KatError as err:
# Malformed response.
# If you get this probably KAT updated their website.
# Open an issue or contact me for fix.
print(f"Error: {str(err)}")
# No fines/obligations:
# One or more fines/obligations, which have not been served:
# One or more fines/obligations, which *have* been served:
"obligations": [
"status": 0,
"amount": 100,
"discountAmount": 80,
"bic": "UBBSBGSF",
"iban": "BG22UBBS88883122944101",
"paymentReason": "НП 22-1085-002609 14.10.2022",
"pepCin": "",
"expirationDate": "2023-04-06T23:59:59",
"obligedPersonName": "ИМЕ ПРЕЗИМЕ ФАМИЛИЯ",
"obligedPersonIdent": "1234567890",
"obligedPersonIdentType": 1,
"obligationDate": "2023-04-06T00:00:00",
"obligationIdentifier": "PENAL_DECREE||22-1085-002609|100",
"type": 2,
"serviceID": 349,
"additionalData": {
"isServed": "True",
"discount": "20",
"isMainDocument": "False",
"documentType": "PENAL_DECREE",
"documentSeries": null,
"documentNumber": "22-1085-002609",
"amount": "100",
"fishCreateDate": "2022-10-14"
"hasNonHandedSlip": false
# Invalid EGN or Driver License Number:
{"code":"GL_00038_E","message":"Няма данни за посоченото СУМПС/ЕГН или не се намира съответствие за издадено СУМПС на лице с посочения ЕГН/ЛНЧ"}
# The service is down, that happens a couple of times a day:
{"code":"GL_UNDELIVERED_AND_UNPAID_DEBTS_E","message":"По технически причини към момента не може да бъде извършена справка за невръчени и неплатени НП и/или електронни фишове по Закона за движението по пътищата и/или по Кодекса за застраховането."}
# Timeout:
# From time to time the API hangs and it takes more than 10s to load.
# Господине, не виждате ли че сме в обедна почивка???
# At this point it's out of your hands.
# Wait a reasonable time and try calling it again.