Extension to validate colors with Joi
It validates #rgba format.
Positive examples:
- #234
- #223344
- #223344ee
- #234e
Or even some common color names. Inspired in https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-color.html
For all the colors, please check src/common-colors
Use it as a joi extension. Example:
const joi = require('joi')
const joiColor = require('joi-color')
const is = joi.extend(joiColor(joi))
const schema = is.string().color()
A single option is provided. In color function, a boolean defines whether the validation returns a common color name, or its hexadecimal representation. Example:
const validated = await is.validate({
color: 'red',
color: is.string().color(true)
(validated.color === #ff0000)
is true