For English developer, I still believe this repo will be helpful.
Codes in this repo are almost self-explained, but trying to read the codes in order will be better.
- 0: reading the Paper, Centernet, CenterFace, optional Cornernet
- 1: parsing annotations, image preprocessing, label generating
- 2: hyperparameters
- 3: image preprocessing, postprocessing
- 4: models: loss function, backbone
- 5: training pipeline
- 6: inference pipeline
Firstly, you should be familiar with the data and annotation format. In WiderFace and other common dataset, the formats are simple.
- images: folder contains images
- annotations: always a txt file
In this repo, I assume your annotation format is retinaface
like. If what you need is object detection, then the following format is enough.
# image name
left top width height
left top width height
# image name
Secondly, remove everything about facial landmarks including labels generating, image preprocessing and training. Start from here
# code in
im, bboxes, landmarks = self.preprocess(im, anns)
hm = self.make_heatmaps(im, bboxes, landmarks, self.downscale)
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