diff --git a/code/game/gamemodes/extended/extended.dm b/code/game/gamemodes/extended/extended.dm index a86e598338..969c37c60a 100644 --- a/code/game/gamemodes/extended/extended.dm +++ b/code/game/gamemodes/extended/extended.dm @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ /datum/game_mode/announce() to_world("Sector Patrol ALPHA") + show_blurb(GLOB.player_list, duration = 10 SECONDS, message = "August 24th, 2185\nUACM Outer Veil PST\nDorms, Deck 37.", screen_position = "CENTER,BOTTOM+1.5:16", text_alignment = "center", text_color = "#ffaef2", blurb_key = "introduction", ignore_key = FALSE, speed = 1) /datum/game_mode/extended/get_roles_list() diff --git a/code/game/turfs/modular/modular_turf.dm b/code/game/turfs/modular/modular_turf.dm index 260b116b98..5d619e2594 100644 --- a/code/game/turfs/modular/modular_turf.dm +++ b/code/game/turfs/modular/modular_turf.dm @@ -16,23 +16,29 @@ var/tile_bot_rght var/tile_seal -/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/proc/check_tile(reverse = FALSE) - switch(usr.a_intent) +/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/proc/check_tile(str) + var/tiletocheck = str + switch(tiletocheck) if(INTENT_HELP) if(tile_top_left == null) return TRUE + else + return FALSE if(INTENT_DISARM) if(tile_top_rght == null) return TRUE + else + return FALSE if(INTENT_HARM) if(tile_bot_left == null) return TRUE + else + return FALSE if(INTENT_GRAB) if(tile_bot_rght == null) return TRUE - else - return FALSE - + else + return FALSE /turf/open/floor/plating/modular/proc/set_tile(str) @@ -40,7 +46,7 @@ to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("You start attaching a tile to the floor.")) if(do_after(usr, 20, INTERRUPT_ALL|BEHAVIOR_IMMOBILE, BUSY_ICON_BUILD)) playsound(src, 'sound/effects/thud.ogg', 30) - visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] sets a floor tile with a satisfying click."), SPAN_NOTICE("You set a floor tile with a satisfying click."), SPAN_WARNING("You hear a quiet click.")) + usr.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] sets a floor tile with a satisfying click."), SPAN_NOTICE("You set a floor tile with a satisfying click."), SPAN_WARNING("You hear a quiet click.")) switch(usr.a_intent) if(INTENT_HELP) tile_top_left = clr @@ -56,8 +62,9 @@ to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("You start detaching a tile from the floor.")) if(do_after(usr, 20, INTERRUPT_ALL|BEHAVIOR_IMMOBILE, BUSY_ICON_BUILD)) playsound(src, 'sound/effects/thud.ogg', 30) - visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] detaches a tile from the floor."), SPAN_NOTICE("You detach a tile form the floor."), SPAN_WARNING("You hear a quiet click.")) + usr.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] detaches a tile from the floor."), SPAN_NOTICE("You detach a tile form the floor."), SPAN_WARNING("You hear a quiet click.")) var/obj/item/stack/modulartiles/tiles = new(get_turf(usr)) + tiles.amount = 1 switch (usr.a_intent) if(INTENT_HELP) tiles.tiles_color = tile_top_left @@ -71,20 +78,24 @@ if(INTENT_GRAB) tiles.tiles_color = tile_bot_rght tile_bot_rght = null + tiles.update_icon() update_icon() - if(usr.get_inactive_hand() == /obj/item/stack/modulartiles) - var/obj/item/stack/modulartiles/othertiles = usr.get_inactive_hand() - if(othertiles.tiles_color == tiles.tiles_color) - if(othertiles.add(1) == TRUE) - qdel(tiles) - return usr.put_in_inactive_hand(tiles) +/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/attack_hand(mob/user) + if (tile_seal != null) return + if(check_tile(usr.a_intent) == TRUE) + to_chat(usr,SPAN_NOTICE("There is no tile to pick up in this slot. Please make sure you are using the right intent.")) + return + else + rem_tile() + /turf/open/floor/plating/modular/attackby(obj/item/C, mob/user) if (!(istype (C, /obj/item/stack/modulartiles) || istype(C, /obj/item/modular/sealant) ||HAS_TRAIT(C, TRAIT_TOOL_SCREWDRIVER))) to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("These two things don't seem to go together.")) return if(istype(C, /obj/item/modular/sealant)) + var/obj/item/modular/sealant/sealant = C if(tile_bot_left == null || tile_bot_rght == null || tile_top_left == null || tile_top_rght == null) to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("The sealant will not work properly unless all four tiles are installed.")) return @@ -92,8 +103,7 @@ usr.visible_message(SPAN_NOTICE("[usr] starts applying sealant to the [src]"), SPAN_NOTICE("You start applying sealant to the [src]")) playsound(src, 'sound/effects/squelch1.ogg', 30) if(do_after(usr, 20, INTERRUPT_ALL|BEHAVIOR_IMMOBILE, BUSY_ICON_BUILD)) - var/obj/item/modular/sealant/sealant = C - sealant.sealant_color = tile_seal + tile_seal = sealant.sealant_color update_icon() return to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("You moved away.")) @@ -101,15 +111,16 @@ if(tile_seal != null) to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("The tiles have been locked in place by a hardened sealant. You will need to scrape it away with a screwdriver, used in GRAB mode, before you can alter the tiling in any way.")) return - if (check_tile() == FALSE) + if (check_tile(usr.a_intent) == FALSE) to_chat(usr, SPAN_NOTICE("A tile is already in that spot. You can remove it by clicking on it with an active empty hand.")) return var/obj/item/stack/modulartiles/tile = C - if (tile.use(1) == FALSE) + if (tile.amount < 1) to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("Somehow, you are holding less than one tile. This really shount't be happening.")) return - if (tile.use(1) == TRUE) + if (tile.amount >= 1) set_tile(tile.tiles_color) + tile.use(1) return if(HAS_TRAIT(C, TRAIT_TOOL_SCREWDRIVER)) if(tile_seal == null) @@ -130,14 +141,6 @@ to_chat(usr, SPAN_WARNING("That does not seem to work. If you are trying to scrape off the tile sealent, please remember to use GRAB intent.")) return -/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/attack_hand(mob/user) - if(tile_seal != null) - if(check_tile() == TRUE) - to_chat(usr,SPAN_NOTICE("There is no tile to pick up in this slot. Please make sure you are using the right intent.")) - return - if(check_tile() == FALSE) - rem_tile() - /turf/open/floor/plating/modular/break_tile_to_plating() if (!broken) tile_top_left = null diff --git a/code/modules/admin/tabs/event_tab.dm b/code/modules/admin/tabs/event_tab.dm index 92cb9c4465..aeaf75142d 100644 --- a/code/modules/admin/tabs/event_tab.dm +++ b/code/modules/admin/tabs/event_tab.dm @@ -1135,56 +1135,23 @@ to_chat(src, "Only administrators may use this command.") return - var/puzzlebox_admin_option = tgui_input_list(usr, "Select a Sequence", "Start Sequence", list("None - Leave", "Dock 31 Landing", "Dock 31 Elevator Up", "Dorms - Going Down","Pythia Statistic Icons","Resolution"), 0) + var/puzzlebox_admin_option = tgui_input_list(usr, "Select a Sequence", "Start Sequence", list("None - Leave", "Open Hideaway Podlocks", "Open TOS Outer Podlocks", "Open TOS Inner Podlocks"), 0) if (!puzzlebox_admin_option) return switch(puzzlebox_admin_option) if("None - Leave") return - if("Dock 31 Landing") - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The shuttle's Twilight Paradox drives sigh quietly as the shuttle makes a leapfrog style jump towards the PST. As it approaches, the stations on board systems take control of the shuttle and start to guide it towards its destination.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The station is huge, likely the biggest artificial object in the Neroid Sector, if not all the Veils. The shuttle comes close near its top, from where the station widens considerably. It's hard to not notice how well maintained the outer hull of the station is, indicating that it is either freshly built, or unusually well maintained for an object its size.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The shuttle slows down and starts to fly along the side of the station, near one of its closed wings. It turns sharply and ducks right under the wing and gives you a clear view of what seems to be a fleet of thousands of small drones, all parked in charging stations strewn what look like zero gravity manufacturing and 3d printing plants. All of this seems to be automated but is currently inert.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The shuttle gets out from under the wing and heads for what is essentially the bottom of the station where it becomes paper thin again. Here, various sized ports and berths are located. You take notice of what looks to be several medium-sized corporate ships docked in one segment of the station's docking facilities.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The shuttle arrives at its destination and the drives power off. The airlock takes a moment to pressurize, then beeps.")) - return - if("Dock 31 Elevator Up") - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The elevator groans then rather violently jerks and begins its rapid ascent topside. Hanako was not kidding. The ascent is intense and pushes you into your chair somewhat. The sensation is not enough to be painful and with the jolt of adrenaline that follows it, certainly wakes you up somewhat.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("You notice bright blue patterns on the shaft of the elevator, seemingly wrapping around the shaft from all directions. The ascent is too rapid to make out what exactly is the source of these patterns, but these seem unique to the PST.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The elevator stops as suddenly as it starts, giving you one final jerk and shot of adrenaline as a pair of doors begins to unseal. You have arrived at your destination.")) - return - if("Dorms - Going Down") - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The elevator hums and beings its descent back into the depths of the PST. Compared to the previous ride, this descent is gentle. Pleasant. Really, all its missing is elevator music.")) - sleep(100) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("Like the other shaft, this one is also filled with intricate, blue glowing patterns. You can make out their source this time - these all appear to be Liquid Data streams, housed in special cables that seem nearly translucent. You have never seen a solution like this before, normally Liquid Data devices are highly secure and kept in contained areas of ships.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("The elevator slows and stops as it arrives at its destination. As its doors start to unseal, you feel a breeze on your cheeks.")) - return - if("Pythia Statistic Icons") - for(var/obj/structure/eventterminal/puzzle05/testament_of_sacrifice/pythia in world) - for(var/obj/structure/machinery/light/marker/admin/mel in world) - if(mel.light_id == "melinoe") - pythia.pythia_terminal_icons("data") - mel.emoteas("The terminal monitors fizzle for a moment, then each begin to display its own, unsynchronized stream of data. For a while, the data seems random.") - mel.emoteas("You then start to see patterns. The terminal seems to be displaying security records, conversation records, mission reports and other official data about each and every one of you present in the room, switching between person to person at random intervals.") - mel.emoteas("It takes you a moment to realize that not all the data is correct. Some of it seems to mention events that have not taken place but all, somewhat disturbingly, seem to end with your demise in some accident or combat deployment, some time in the last year.") - if("Resolution") - to_chat(world, narrate_head("A warning klaxon rings out across the station as airlocks start to seal and clamp shut. The familiar robotic voice speaks:")) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("Attention. Security Lockout. Unauthorized attempt to overwrite proprietary UACM technology. All personnel are to remain locked down in their assigned dorms until an All-Clear signal is sent. Expected time until resolution: 70 hours.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_head("The speakers fizzle and buzz, then pop. The warning klaxon stops. A female voice you've all heard before rings out from the loudspeaker:")) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("Attention Test Crews of the PST. This is CA-RW. It appears you have triggered a security lockout after you have, somehow, tried to overwrite the station's Artificial Intelligence with an unscheduled software package which we think triggered every security warning known to mankind.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("I would be mad if we weren't both slightly impressed. I'm going to wager a guess that you were helped by a certain overactive station engineer that knows way more about the PST for their own good and that you found an MUP hidden inside a Task Force 14 safe house.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("I'm sorry to do this to you, but we have no way of overriding the lockout remotely. This will require the physical presence of one of us and our very gentle little fingers. The Persephone is on its way. Expect one or both of us in less than twelve hours, likely with another bunch of recruits. Until then, enjoy what constitutes your new home. I left some snacks.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_body("Keep in mind that UACM brass has also taken notice of this alert and they are likely on the way too but knowing them it will take them a good sixty hours to even send a ship here. The next twenty-four hours on the PST are likely going to be heavily investigated by the authorities and if you want to insulate yourself from that sort of attention, we both respect that choice and will give you the means to do so, no questions asked.")) - sleep(150) - to_chat(world, narrate_head("The speakers pop again, and this time die down for good. The PST is silent again, though the lockdown persists.")) - return + if("Open Hideaway Podlocks") + for (var/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked/A in world) + if(A.id == "crypt-a") + A.open() + return + if("Open TOS Outer Podlocks") + for (var/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked/A in world) + if(A.id == "crypt-b") + A.open() + return + if("Open TOS Inner Podlocks") + for (var/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked/A in world) + if(A.id == "crypt-c") + A.open() + return diff --git a/maps/map_files/SectorPatrol/OuterVeilPST/ovpst.dmm b/maps/map_files/SectorPatrol/OuterVeilPST/ovpst.dmm index 6d45de3180..a9f37651b7 100644 --- a/maps/map_files/SectorPatrol/OuterVeilPST/ovpst.dmm +++ b/maps/map_files/SectorPatrol/OuterVeilPST/ovpst.dmm @@ -1,14 +1,18 @@ "aa" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 2},/area/ovpst) "ac" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1; light_id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "af" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp{pixel_x = -8; pixel_y = -2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) +"ag" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "ai" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{icon_state = "logo_directional1"},/area/ovpst) "am" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/gray,/area/ovpst) "ao" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 6; icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "ap" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/sec{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SEC - D01 -
Dock 31 Front Security Office."; desc_lore = "The label SEC indicates doors and areas that require an elevated security clearance, typically restricted for MPs and CMISRS agents who are assigned the security class D on the PST. D01 indicates this area requires general security clearance, available to anyone with proper certification but not requiring any formal rank. This door leads to a small office overseeing the intake of cargo and personnel via Dock 31."},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) "ar" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 6; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "aA" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector A, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) +"aD" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) +"aH" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Hideaway,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "aM" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silver"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "aO" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "redfull"},/area/ovpst) +"aS" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "aX" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_d31) "aZ" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "bl" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) @@ -42,16 +46,16 @@ "eD" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{dir = 1; icon_state = "logo_c"},/area/ovpst) "eJ" = (/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black,/obj/structure/eventterminal/civnet{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "eN" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector B, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "orange-silver"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) -"eV" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"eV" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{id = "crypt-c"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "eW" = (/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_pin) "eZ" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_pin) "fa" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin/elevator_outer{id = "e-d31"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_d31) "ff" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "fk" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/modular/office{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"fp" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/drm{dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- DRM -
Dorms, Deck 37, Sector B"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "greencorner"},/area/ovpst) +"fp" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/drm{dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- DRM -
Dorms, Deck 37, Sector B"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "greencorner"},/area/ovpst) "fs" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "fv" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"fA" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ele{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-E -
Primary Access Elevator - E"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) +"fA" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ele{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-E -
Primary Access Elevator - E"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "fE" = (/obj/structure/sink{dir = 4; pixel_y = 3; pixel_x = 12},/obj/structure/mirror{pixel_y = 30},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "fJ" = (/obj/structure/ladder{id = "hd_se_1"; icon_state = "ladder10"; height = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "fO" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/t14{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- T-14 -
Hideaway O37"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blackcorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) @@ -73,7 +77,7 @@ "hE" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldfull"},/area/ovpst) "hG" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/int{desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- -INT- -
Dock 31 Security Sub Processors Diagnostics and Maintenance Room - PYTHIA Scanner Cluster D13-1 - PYTHIA Scanner Cluster D13-2 - PYTHIA Scanner Cluster D13-3"; desc_lore = "The label -INT- indicates intersections. Labels like this are typically placed on the 'primary' pathway but have information regarding all pathways at an intersection and list all pathways at an intersection starting from the left-handed turn (if one exists) and moving in a clockwise fashion until all turns are covered. According to the label, the left side of this intersection leads to the diagnostics and maintenance room, where you should find everything you need to service issues with the scanner. The remaining turns all lead into 'PYTHIA' Scanner Clusters; one marked D13-1 above the sign, D13-2 to its right and D13-3 below. All these seem to be related to the secondary scan of the Dock, but there is no information available in either public or military sources about how exactly does the scanner operate, other than a general indication that it reviews a person's security and service record."},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 6; icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "hJ" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 6},/area/ovpst) -"hM" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "green"},/area/ovpst) +"hM" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "green"},/area/ovpst) "hS" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/obj/item/crafting/packages/lamp,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "hW" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitecorner"},/area/ovpst) "hY" = (/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black,/obj/structure/eventterminal/civnet,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) @@ -85,10 +89,10 @@ "it" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{pixel_y = 0; dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - G01 - Elevator Shaft D
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "iz" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8; light_id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "iD" = (/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/sectorpatrol/cigrette{density = 0; pixel_y = 20},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) -"iG" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/san{desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SAN - Deck 37 Dorm Toilets
"; pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) +"iG" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/san{desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SAN - Deck 37 Dorm Toilets
"; pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "iI" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "iN" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) -"iO" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/d31{dir = 1; desc_lore = "Main Airlocks are effectively entrances and exits from space stations and ships, used by smaller ships that latch onto the airlocks, typically using extending pathways called 'umbilicals'. After initial security screening is done and the craft is allowed to approach the PST, this door is used as part of the passage to/from the ship."},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) +"iO" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/d31{dir = 1; desc_lore = "Main Airlocks are effectively entrances and exits from space stations and ships, used by smaller ships that latch onto the airlocks, typically using extending pathways called 'umbilicals'. After initial security screening is done and the craft is allowed to approach the PST, this door is used as part of the passage to/from the ship."},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "iP" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/san{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SAN -
Dock 31 Guest Sanitation"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "iX" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector C and D, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "je" = (/obj/effect/decal/cargo_stripes{icon_state = "nes"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 9; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) @@ -100,16 +104,18 @@ "js" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "jF" = (/obj/structure/ladder{id = "hd_se_1"; icon_state = "ladder01"; height = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blackfull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "jL" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ele{dir = 4; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft C
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) +"jT" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldfull"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "jV" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/obj/structure/surface/modular/table,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/gray,/area/ovpst) "kb" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8; light_color = "#d3a7d4"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "kc" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 2; icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) "kj" = (/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/external/pst_elevator_d_pin,/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_d_pin) +"ko" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Testament,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "kp" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 9; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "kq" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor_glass.dmi'; dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "bluefull"},/area/ovpst) "kt" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "silver"},/area/ovpst) "ku" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/personaldoor.dmi'; dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "kw" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/marker/admin/pythia/main,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) -"kx" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{hybrid_light_sources = "crypt-b"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"kx" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{id = "crypt-b"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "kC" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "kE" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/securedoor.dmi'; dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "kQ" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/securedoor.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) @@ -121,11 +127,12 @@ "lq" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{dir = 10; icon_state = "logo_directional1"},/area/ovpst) "lt" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/admin_event_terminal{dir = 4; pixel_x = -9; pixel_y = 3; puzzlebox_id = "scn2"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "lx" = (/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black,/obj/structure/eventterminal/civnet{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"lB" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor.dmi'; id = "crypt_airlock_doors"; locked = 1},/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"lB" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor.dmi'; id = "crypt_airlock_doors"; locked = 1},/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{id = "crypt-c"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "lF" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "lL" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "purple-white"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "lM" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce/D31Scn2,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "lP" = (/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/broadcaster/preset_cent,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/broadcaster/preset_left,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/broadcaster/preset_right,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_cent,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_four,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_one,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_three,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/bus/preset_two,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/hub/preset_cent,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_cent,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_four,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_one,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_three,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/processor/preset_two,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/receiver/preset,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/receiver/preset_cent,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/receiver/preset_left,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset/centcom,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset/telecomms,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset/mining,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset/station,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/relay/preset/station/prison,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/centcomm,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/command,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/common,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/engineering,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/medical,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/security,/obj/structure/machinery/telecomms/server/presets/squads,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) +"lT" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "lV" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/t14{pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- T-14 - Hideaway O37
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "me" = (/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/sectorpatrol/food{density = 0; pixel_y = 20},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "mh" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitecorner"},/area/ovpst) @@ -144,7 +151,8 @@ "nd" = (/obj/structure/surface/modular/table,/obj/structure/eventterminal/efolder_reader,/obj/structure/machinery/light/marker/admin{light_id = "efolder_viewer"},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "nh" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/railing{dir = 2; id = "d31_cargo_fence"},/obj/effect/decal/cargo_stripes{icon_state = "n"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "sterile"},/area/ovpst) "nk" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/black{dir = 1},/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/black{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"nC" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) +"nz" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 9; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) +"nC" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1; brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "nE" = (/obj/structure/machinery/conveyor{id = "d31-entrance"; drag_delay = 1; dir = 1},/obj/structure/plasticflaps,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "nG" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "nO" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/san{desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SAN - Deck 37 Showers
"; dir = 4; pixel_y = 16},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 9},/area/ovpst) @@ -169,6 +177,7 @@ "ps" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_d31) "pt" = (/obj/structure/machinery/conveyor{dir = 8; id = "d31-entrance"; drag_delay = 1},/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "pu" = (/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/pst_shaft_d,/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst) +"px" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldfull"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "pD" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "pH" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "pL" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/secdoor.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "redfull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) @@ -191,28 +200,33 @@ "qZ" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector A, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "orange-silver"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "rf" = (/obj/structure/machinery/conveyor{dir = 6; id = "d31-entrance"; drag_delay = 1},/obj/structure/plasticflaps,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "rj" = (/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/external/pst_elevator_e_pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_pin) +"rv" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "rB" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_d_drm) "rC" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4; brightness = 14},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "rI" = (/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/grey/left,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "rM" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/obj/structure/crafting/packages/table,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "rN" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) -"rP" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/elc{pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft C
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) +"rP" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/elc{pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft C
"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "rR" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ela{dir = 4; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-A - G01 - Elevator Shaft A
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 6; icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "rW" = (/obj/structure/sink{dir = 4; pixel_y = 3; pixel_x = 12},/obj/structure/mirror{pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = 26},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "rY" = (/obj/structure/surface/table/reinforced/black,/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_y = -5},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = -3},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = -6; pixel_y = 11},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_y = 7},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_y = -1; pixel_x = -8},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 8; pixel_y = 6},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_y = 16},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 5; pixel_y = 18},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 9; pixel_y = 15},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 6; pixel_y = -2},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 13; pixel_y = 3},/obj/item/reagent_container/food/drinks/cans/waterbottle{pixel_x = 13; pixel_y = -1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "sc" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "redcorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "se" = (/obj/docking_port/stationary/emergency_response/pst_shaft_e,/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst) +"sk" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Hideaway,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 2},/area/ovpst) "so" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "sq" = (/turf/closed/wall/almayer,/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_d31) +"st" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "sD" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk,/area/ovpst) "sM" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin/elevator_outer{id = "e-pin"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_e_pin) "sT" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/obj/item/crafting/packages/chair,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "sV" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/empty,/area/ovpst) -"te" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) -"th" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ele{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-E -
Primary Access Elevator - E"},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) +"te" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) +"th" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ele{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-E -
Primary Access Elevator - E"},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "to" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1; light_id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "tr" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "tD" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/drm{dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- DRM -
Dorms, Deck 37, Sector D"},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "redcorner"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"tH" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) +"tL" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "tN" = (/obj/item/crafting/packages/drawer,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "tY" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/int{desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- -INT- -
Cargo Sub Processors - Main Access Pathway - Security Sub Processors"; desc_lore = "The label -INT- indicates intersections. Labels like this are typically placed on the 'primary' pathway but have information regarding all pathways at an intersection and list all pathways at an intersection starting from the left-handed turn (if one exists) and moving in a clockwise fashion until all turns are covered. This one indicates that the left-handed passage heads to cargo receiving sub processors, the path forward and backward is the Main Access Pathway, leading to the Dock and the Main Elevator and the path right leads to the Security Sub Processors area."},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldfull"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "uc" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8; brightness = 14},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) @@ -264,7 +278,7 @@ "yy" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/scn{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SCN -
Entrance Personnel Scanner D31SCN001 and EL-E Pathway"; desc_lore = "The label SCN indicates doors and areas where computer systems actively scan its inhabitants and contents. This door leads to the primary entrance scanner of the PST, where entering personnel's identities are verified by the central CMISRS registry. Areas like this need to be clearly marked due to privacy and personal data handling laws passed back in the UA in the aftermath of the Colony Wars."},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "yF" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/lby{dir = 4; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- LBY -
Dorms Deck 37 entrance lobby"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "orange-green"},/area/ovpst) "yG" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silver"; dir = 10},/area/ovpst) -"yL" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "silver"},/area/ovpst) +"yL" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "silver"},/area/ovpst) "yW" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/modular/office{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "yX" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin{dir = 8; opacity = 0},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "zi" = (/obj/structure/bed/modular,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/gray,/area/ovpst) @@ -274,20 +288,22 @@ "zx" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "zF" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "bluecorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "zG" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "greenfull"},/area/ovpst) -"zH" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"zH" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Hideaway,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "zI" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silver"},/area/ovpst) +"zK" = (/obj/effect/landmark/start/basepc,/turf/open/floor/holofloor/grass,/area/ovpst) "zL" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor_glass.dmi'; dir = 1},/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "zN" = (/obj/effect/landmark/observer_start,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0; icon_state = "plate"},/area/ovpst) "zQ" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{id = "d31-entrance"; name = "\improper Umbillical Airlock"; unacidable = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plate"},/area/ovpst/airlock/d31) "Aj" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "Aq" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "bluecorner"},/area/ovpst) "AA" = (/obj/structure/machinery/conveyor{id = "d31-entrance"; drag_delay = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) +"AE" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "AI" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blackcorner"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "AJ" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/securedoor.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "bluefull"},/area/ovpst) "AM" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{dir = 9; icon_state = "logo_directional1"},/area/ovpst) "Ba" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp{pixel_x = 9; pixel_y = -2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Bc" = (/obj/structure/sink{dir = 4; pixel_y = 3; pixel_x = 12},/obj/structure/mirror{pixel_x = 26},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) -"Be" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_y = 18},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) +"Be" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_y = 18; density = 0},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "Bi" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "Bl" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/modular/office{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/gray,/area/ovpst) "Bm" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "orangecorner"},/area/ovpst) @@ -299,7 +315,7 @@ "BR" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/comfy/black,/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft D
"},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "BU" = (/obj/structure/toilet{dir = 4; pixel_x = -1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "BV" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ofc{dir = 8; pixel_x = -16; desc_lore = "The label OFC indicates office areas, which as the name suggests are typically areas with some specific, bureaucratic function assigned to them and can be anything from personal offices of high-ranking personnel to teaching rooms and spare, unused generic spaces. This door leads to one of the orientation offices, used to brief and greet new arrivals to the station."; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- OFC -
Entrance Orientation Office"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) -"BX" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/rec{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- REC -
Dorm Recreational and Social Areas"; desc_lore = "The label REC indicates recreational areas, which often include public CivNet access points but can essentially be any area dedicated to down time or recreation on the station, including cafeterias and kitchens.Each dorm level on the PST has a communal area like the one this door leads to, that has a kitchen, cafeteria that peeks out into its lobby and room for several other recreational facilities that tend to be customized to the dorm's inhabitants' specific needs."},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) +"BX" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/rec{pixel_x = -16; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- REC -
Dorm Recreational and Social Areas"; desc_lore = "The label REC indicates recreational areas, which often include public CivNet access points but can essentially be any area dedicated to down time or recreation on the station, including cafeterias and kitchens.Each dorm level on the PST has a communal area like the one this door leads to, that has a kitchen, cafeteria that peeks out into its lobby and room for several other recreational facilities that tend to be customized to the dorm's inhabitants' specific needs."},/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1; brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "BZ" = (/obj/structure/toilet{pixel_y = 10},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "Ca" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "orangecorner"},/area/ovpst) "Cg" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{dir = 2; pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector B, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 6; icon_state = "orange-green"},/area/ovpst) @@ -310,7 +326,7 @@ "Cx" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{id = "crypt-a"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blackfull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "CB" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "CC" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "purple"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) -"CE" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft D
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) +"CE" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft D
"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "CH" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{dir = 5; icon_state = "logo_directional1"},/area/ovpst) "CM" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "red"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "CO" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) @@ -319,14 +335,15 @@ "De" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4; brightness = 14},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "Du" = (/obj/structure/machinery/conveyor{dir = 8; id = "d31-entrance"; drag_delay = 1; backwards = SOUTH; forwards = WEST},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "Dx" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 5},/area/ovpst) -"DF" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/sec{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SEC - D01 - R37 -
Dorms Deck 37 Entrance Guest Clearance and Cargo Reception Station"; desc_lore = "The label SEC indicates doors and areas that require an elevated security clearance, typically restricted for MPs and CMISRS agents. This door leads to the cargo and guest reception area, which can be accessed by anyone who also is registered in a dorm on this level. From this station, residents can authorize guest visits and receive cargo."},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) +"DF" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/sec{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- SEC - D01 - R37 -
Dorms Deck 37 Entrance Guest Clearance and Cargo Reception Station"; desc_lore = "The label SEC indicates doors and areas that require an elevated security clearance, typically restricted for MPs and CMISRS agents. This door leads to the cargo and guest reception area, which can be accessed by anyone who also is registered in a dorm on this level. From this station, residents can authorize guest visits and receive cargo."},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) +"DL" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "bluecorner"},/area/ovpst) "DM" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/red/d01{icon_state = "red_class_d_locked"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "DO" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 6},/area/ovpst) "DP" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/admin_event_terminal{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/machinery/clio_maint_dark.dmi'; pixel_y = 8; name = "closed maintenance terminal hatch"; desc = "A sliding hatch concealing a terminal used to perform local diagnostic tasks"; desc_lore = "Most space ships ultilize secondary terminals like these on a room-by-room basis as a failsafe meant to cover for the ship's central, AI-assisted maitenance system."; puzzlebox_id = "crypt_airlock"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "DW" = (/obj/structure/ladder{id = "hd_ne_1"; icon_state = "ladder10"; height = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "Ea" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "Eb" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor_glass.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orangefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) -"Ej" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/drm{dir = 4; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- DRM -
Dorms, Deck 37, Sector A"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "bluecorner"},/area/ovpst) +"Ej" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/drm{dir = 4; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- DRM -
Dorms, Deck 37, Sector A"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "bluecorner"},/area/ovpst) "Ep" = (/obj/structure/surface/modular/table/gray{icon_state = "table_metal_black"},/obj/structure/eventterminal/puzzle03/historyterm{dir = 4},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "Et" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/puzzle05/pythia,/turf/open/floor/kutjevo/colors/blue/tile,/area/ovpst) "Ev" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/modular/office{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/plating/modular/gray,/area/ovpst) @@ -340,7 +357,7 @@ "ER" = (/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/grey,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "EU" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "EZ" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "orangecorner"},/area/ovpst) -"Fd" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) +"Fd" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 8; brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "Fe" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "Fi" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/puzzle03/historycrt{pixel_y = 32},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "blue2orange"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "Fj" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) @@ -350,6 +367,7 @@ "Fz" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) "FA" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector A, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "white-orange"; dir = 2},/area/ovpst) "FO" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/obj/item/crafting/packages/chair,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) +"FT" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "FW" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin/elevator_outer{id = "d-pin"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "plating"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst/airlock/ele_d_pin) "FZ" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/plating/plating_catwalk,/area/ovpst) "Gf" = (/obj/effect/decal/cargo_stripes{icon_state = "se"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) @@ -401,8 +419,10 @@ "La" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer{id = "d31-entrance"; name = "\improper Umbillical Airlock"; unacidable = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldfull"},/area/ovpst/airlock/d31) "Lc" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_x = -8; pixel_y = 16},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "Lj" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) +"Ll" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "LA" = (/obj/structure/bed/sofa/south/grey/right,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "LB" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silver"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) +"LE" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) "LG" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "LK" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "blue"},/area/ovpst) "LN" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) @@ -427,9 +447,9 @@ "Ni" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 9},/area/ovpst) "Nl" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8; light_id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "No" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange-silver"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) -"Ns" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "greencorner"},/area/ovpst) +"Ns" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "greencorner"},/area/ovpst) "Nv" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"NB" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4; brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) +"NB" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 4; brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) "NC" = (/obj/structure/toilet{dir = 4},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 1; light_id = "cargointake"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "NE" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/obj/structure/crafting/packages/bed,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "NI" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/ofc{dir = 4; desc_lore = "The label OFC indicates office areas, which as the name suggests are typically areas with some specific, bureaucratic function assigned to them and can be anything from personal offices of high-ranking personnel to teaching rooms and spare, unused generic spaces. This door leads to one of the orientation offices, used to brief and greet new arrivals to the station."; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- OFC -
Entrance Orientation Office"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "silver"},/area/ovpst) @@ -459,7 +479,7 @@ "PO" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silver"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "PR" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 10; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "PV" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/poddoor/almayer/locked{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) -"Qg" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) +"Qg" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Hideaway,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Qk" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/elb{dir = 4; pixel_y = 16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-B - G01 - Elevator Shaft B
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "orangecorner"},/area/ovpst) "Qt" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "red-white"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Qx" = (/obj/structure/ladder{id = "hd_ne_2"; icon_state = "ladder10"; height = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) @@ -514,21 +534,24 @@ "UM" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/almayer/uacm/ovpst/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/maintdoor.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "orangefull"},/area/ovpst) "UP" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "UQ" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_x = -8; pixel_y = 15},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) -"UY" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "redfull"},/area/ovpst) +"UY" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Pinnacle,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "redfull"},/area/ovpst) "Va" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "white"},/area/ovpst) "Vb" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 2},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 5},/area/ovpst) "Vf" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/mup{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16},/turf/closed/wall/almayer,/area/ovpst) "Vg" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Vj" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin{dir = 1; opacity = 0},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 1; icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) +"Vk" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dock31,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "Vl" = (/obj/structure/sink{dir = 8; pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = -9},/obj/structure/mirror{pixel_x = -25},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "whitefull"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Vo" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor.dmi'; dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "Vp" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/modular/office{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "VK" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 9},/area/ovpst) "VU" = (/obj/structure/machinery/cm_vending/sorted/sectorpatrol/soda{density = 0; pixel_y = 20},/turf/open/floor/almayer,/area/ovpst) +"VY" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Hideaway,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "Wg" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer/uscm/directional{dir = 8; icon_state = "logo_directional1"},/area/ovpst) "Wm" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor_glass.dmi'; dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "purplefull"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "Wn" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light,/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "purple"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) "Wq" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector B, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "white-orange"; dir = 2},/area/ovpst) +"Wt" = (/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 4; icon_state = "silvercorner"},/area/ovpst) "Wx" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/t14{dir = 4; pixel_y = 0; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- T-14 -
Hideaway O37"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "black"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) "WA" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{dir = 1; pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft D
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emerald"},/area/ovpst) "WF" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/elc{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - Elevator Shaft C
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "emeraldcorner"},/area/ovpst) @@ -541,13 +564,13 @@ "Xs" = (/obj/structure/window/framed/almayer/hull,/turf/closed/wall/almayer/outer,/area/ovpst/airlock/d31) "Xy" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general/admin{dir = 2; opacity = 0},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "XC" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -
Dorms Deck 37, Sector D, Maintenance Shaft"; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance. These doors lead to maintenance shafts used to service issues with the dorms should ones arrive. Some of these passages may have other exits, but since no centralized map system exists for the PST, finding those is a matter of luck. "; dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange-silver"; dir = 8},/area/ovpst) -"XE" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - G01 - Elevator Shaft D
"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) +"XE" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eld{dir = 1; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- EL-C - G01 - Elevator Shaft D
"},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "redcorner"},/area/ovpst) "XF" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/puzzle04/final_log{pixel_y = 25},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "tcomms"},/area/ovpst) "XG" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door/airlock/multi_tile/uacm/general{icon = 'icons/obj/structures/doors/2x1almayerdoor_glass.dmi'},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "XM" = (/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 5; icon_state = "orange"},/area/ovpst) "XN" = (/obj/structure/crafting/packages/bed,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) "XP" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{dir = 1},/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orange-silver"; dir = 4},/area/ovpst) -"XU" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{brightness = 12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) +"XU" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light{brightness = 12},/obj/effect/step_trigger/message/seeonce_blurb/Dorms,/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "XV" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/lby{dir = 8; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- LBY -
Dorms Deck 37 entrance lobby"; pixel_y = 16; pixel_x = -16},/turf/open/floor/almayer{dir = 8; icon_state = "blue2orange"},/area/ovpst) "XZ" = (/obj/structure/bed/chair/office/dark{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) "Yi" = (/obj/structure/machinery/light/small,/obj/item/crafting/packages/drawer,/turf/open/floor/plating/modular,/area/ovpst) @@ -562,7 +585,7 @@ "ZA" = (/obj/structure/machinery/door_control{pixel_y = -11; name = "inner door toggle"; id = "d31_cargo_fence"; specialfunctions = 4; req_access = list(1141); pixel_x = -12},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "red"},/area/ovpst) "ZB" = (/obj/structure/sink{dir = 8; pixel_y = 0; pixel_x = -9},/obj/structure/machinery/light/small{dir = 8},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "silverfull"},/area/ovpst) "ZE" = (/obj/structure/eventterminal/briefing_display{pixel_y = 32},/obj/structure/machinery/light/marker/admin{pixel_y = 15; light_id = "theathervoice"},/turf/open/floor/almayer{allow_construction = 0},/area/ovpst) -"ZL" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_y = 18},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "sterile"},/area/ovpst) +"ZL" = (/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/sp/yellow/g01/engiebasics{pixel_y = 18; density = 0},/turf/open/floor/almayer{icon_state = "sterile"},/area/ovpst) "ZP" = (/turf/open/floor/plating/almayer{icon_state = "orangecorner"; dir = 1},/area/ovpst) "ZR" = (/obj/effect/decal/info_tag/pst/eng{pixel_y = 16; desc_lore = "The label ENG indicates doors and areas related to controlling and maintaining the mechanical and computer elements of a colony, ship or station. These areas typically require an elevated engineering clearance Liquid data channels are wired all though the station and this door seems to lead to one of them. There is likely nothing but dusty, humming computers inside."; desc = "UACM Outer Veil Primary Supply Terminal
- ENG -