Benchmarking number of hidden layers in ra25
Benchmarking number of hidden layers in ra25
Force push
on Aug 20, 2024
Benchmarking number of hidden layers in ra25
Benchmarking number of hidden layers in ra25
Started benchmarking/testing framework: ra25
Started benchmarking/testing framework: ra25
Force push
Remove requirements.txt
Remove requirements.txt
Started benchmarking/testing framework: ra25
Started benchmarking/testing framework: ra25
updated crossbar test for bit precision comparison
updated crossbar test for bit precision comparison
initial demo of bit precision for crossbar
initial demo of bit precision for crossbar
partial implementation of crossbar
partial implementation of crossbar
Added mechanism for simulating bit precision
Added mechanism for simulating bit precision
implemented an early stopping mechanism for training
implemented an early stopping mechanism for training
added additional sparse convergence trace
added additional sparse convergence trace
added convergence test for sparse deltas
added convergence test for sparse deltas
updated LAMM convergence; indentified sparsity issue
updated LAMM convergence; indentified sparsity issue
updated adaptive stepping scheme to improve LAMM convergence
updated adaptive stepping scheme to improve LAMM convergence
Fixed error in Diag & SVD updates; central difference error testing
Fixed error in Diag & SVD updates; central difference error testing
updated applyDelta to include random unitary matrices
updated applyDelta to include random unitary matrices
added fffb_sweep result and plotting script
added fffb_sweep result and plotting script
added convergence tests for LAMM algorithm
added convergence tests for LAMM algorithm
implemented leabra equivalence; updated test scripts; implemented dev…
implemented leabra equivalence; updated test scripts; implemented dev…
initial benchmarking implementation
initial benchmarking implementation
initial device benchmarking implementation
initial device benchmarking implementation