2/27/2017 3:10 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> I would like to thank our partner at BeepBoopHQ for sponsoring NeuroTechX with free bot support. This sponsorship will allow for us to expand our services that we can create for NeuroBotX, so that you can get the most out of Slack. All hail our new bot overlords! To learn more about BeepBoopHQ, please visit their website: https://beepboophq.com/
2/27/2017 3:16 PM
tamaregev :
<@U08SY292B>: does this mean that past messages will not be erased anymore?
2/27/2017 3:22 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
It's a work in progress, but <@U2TTQMEHK> is putting it all together 🙂
2/27/2017 6:00 PM
c00p3r :
you can automate a setup to publish archives to github
2/27/2017 6:20 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<@U302S61V5> That's what we are doing right now 🙂
2/27/2017 7:58 PM
c00p3r :
do you have a notification service for server outages going yet?
2/28/2017 2:13 PM
amine.abdessemed :
<@U302S61V5> we are running the bot on a managed server, server outages are uncommon and handled in seconds thanks to our partners BeepboopHQ . Archiving is currently active and stored to https://github.com/NeuroTechX/ntx_slack_archive/tree/master
For now, some messages are being ignored due to some bad sync with Github. The dev version of the bot I'm working on fixes this issue and will be deployed this week.
2/28/2017 2:46 PM
benjamindeleener :
<!channel> We need help!
The Student Clubs committee is looking for someone to help us develop a website for the Student Clubs initiative. The website will be cool and good-looking, including lots of ressources for new, future and established student clubs, obviously open-source, and probably developed using Jekyll (or similar framework) on GitHub. If you know someone that would be interested in helping us, please contact me (mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]).
2/28/2017 3:07 PM
benjamindeleener :
For those who have no idea about NTX Student Club Initiative, here is a small piece from last year: https://medium.com/neurotechx/ntx-student-clubs-initiative-2fba98b0d082#.fqqy48nc8
3/1/2017 2:15 AM
jacobflood :
Hey everyone, big news: Mindset�s Kickstarter goes live tomorrow morning at 8am EST!
For those of you who aren�t familiar, Mindset is a pair of overear headphones that integrate EEG sensors into the band to measure and improve concentration. They�re bluetooth, noise cancelling, and give you full access to the data. You can get more info at http://thinkmindset.com|thinkmindset.com, which will also redirect to the Kickstarter once it�s up.
The campaign goes live tomorrow at 8am EST. Be the first to grab one of the early birds, and get 46% off! 😄
3/3/2017 4:05 PM
moia :
http://unwind.ai (fee and available for all, on your smartphone) <@U08QLB4D9>
3/4/2017 5:36 PM
mattherich :
moia tried out unwind and it�s very cool! I�ve been using http://brain.fm|brain.fm for a couple years now with their focus, relaxation and sleep sessions. Unwind�s heartrate feature makes it unique though and I like that. The music was also very calming and the 5 minute session is nice if I just want to take a quick break from the flow of things during my day. Will share and spread the music!
3/13/2017 1:26 PM
endoxaneuro :
endoxaneuro uploaded a file: #BAW #brainweek #mentalhealth @danafoundation @fens.org Neuchâtel Switzerland :flag-ch:
3/13/2017 11:14 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
To view archived text from Slack please visit:
3/16/2017 8:57 AM
dojeda :
Are you generating the archive with a bot?
3/17/2017 2:59 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
dojeda Yup!
3/17/2017 2:59 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
It only looks at public channels though
3/17/2017 3:00 AM
sydneyneurotechx :
You can view the repo code here
3/17/2017 10:29 AM
dojeda :
Ah thanks for the info
3/24/2017 11:52 PM
eferdinand :
Call for speakers -- O'Reilly Artificial Intelligence Conference in San Francisco
The O�Reilly AI Conference is coming to San Francisco September 17-20, 2017 to explore the most essential and intriguing topics in intelligence engineering and applied AI. We�re looking for compelling case studies, technical sessions, tear-downs of both successful and failed AI projects, technical and organizational best practices, and more. Apply to speak by March 28.
4/19/2017 7:33 AM
eliricker :
March for Science in San Francisco this Saturday, April 22: want to put Muse headsets on people? Teach people about EEG? We've still got space at our booth -- ping me if you're interested in volunteering as a researcher or a participant!
5/1/2017 7:51 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
<!channel> I would to announce NeuroTechX's new initiative, the "Mother of all BCI Benchmark" project.
The Goal of this project is to build a comprehensive benchmark of popular BCI algorithms applied on an extensive list of freely available EEG dataset. The code will be made available on github, serving as a reference point for the future algorithmic developments. Algorithms can be ranked and promoted on a website, providing a clear picture of the different solutions available in the field.
Reproducible Research in BCI has a long way to go. While many BCI datasets are made freely available, researchers do not publish code, and reproducing results required to benchmark new algorithms turns out to be more tricky than it should be. Performances can be significantly impacted by parameters of the preprocessing steps, toolboxes used and implementation �tricks� that are almost never reported in the literature. As a results, there is no comprehensive benchmark of BCI algorithm, and newcomers are spending a tremendous amount of time browsing literature to find out what algorithm works best and on which dataset.
alexandre.barachant will lead the initiative and I will provide logistic support to push it forward. This will be mostly a coding project (It will be open source, so anyone can contribute), however people with a design background are invited as well.
If you are interested in participating, please fill out the doodle below. We will arrange one or two calls based on everyones availability.
More details on the project can be found here:
5/1/2017 7:53 PM
aj :
i love this
5/21/2017 12:17 PM
yannick :
Just in case you missed it: ray_cassani, javi_neuralcubes, marvinandujar, chriscrawford, mhohmann, dojeda, vjayaram, nikiluk ^
5/21/2017 1:01 PM
yannick :
Hey everyone (<!channel>),
As you might know, NeuroTechX is currently trying to see how it could help people find opportunities in the field of NeuroTechnology and to help find good candidates for those looking for talent.
(from industry to academia, from small teams to larger corporations)
As NeuroTechX grows, more and more people are asking us for opportunities often thinking that there are not many opportunities in neurotechnology. At the same time, we have research labs and companies of all sizes reaching out looking for talent. NeuroTechX is therefore in a good position to help this �match-making�.
If you are currently in the field or would like to find opportunities in the field or intend to work in the field later, then you want to check this out:
If you don�t care about neurotechnology and are not looking for contributing to the field, then indeed you can skip it.
(and also second guess what you are doing here :p)
5/21/2017 1:03 PM
c00p3r :
job boards would be very cool
5/21/2017 1:53 PM
ch.yumin :
Awesome yannick! I've signed in! 😃
5/21/2017 7:13 PM
wronk :
Thanks for putting this together!
5/22/2017 9:58 AM
dojeda :
yannick: Arg!
Thanks, I totally missed it; I forgot to mark it on my calendar 😰
The doc does look good. Did you set up a date for a future meeting ?
5/27/2017 11:52 PM
a.tech :
May I please request your help in getting yannick nominated for a world class TED talk? This one requires a team effort to make happen :ntx:
I believe that if he had the chance to present our community to TED�s audience, the quality of NTX will solidly increase as passionate people are inspired to join NeuroTechX.
For your convenience, here is a template to expedite the nomination process(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IEPAgBXBI6noQDb3t1ruiqFn-7rwxvTRuZ4DY_IqDdg/edit?usp=sharing)
Thanks a whole lot for your help and for taking the time guys and gals! <!channel>
5/27/2017 11:55 PM
aj :
Will do!
5/27/2017 11:57 PM
yannick :
a.tech: Wow. Thank you very much for putting all this together. I really appreciate the gesture.
5/28/2017 12:30 AM
a.tech :
Thank you and the rest of the team for bringing us all together!
5/28/2017 3:31 AM
mhough :
F$&@ yeah man
5/28/2017 3:33 AM
mhough :
Just getting up here and busy today but I'll check back.
5/28/2017 3:52 AM
mhough :
And I have a couple jobs to post for colleagues. Don't let me forget
5/28/2017 9:44 AM
okbalefthanded :
6/2/2017 12:58 AM
a.tech :
mhough: Don't forget brooo 😄
6/2/2017 1:03 AM
mhough :
Thank you sir, I'll post what has me distracted tonight. Really interesting meeting with the pronto developers today too. Their hierarchical multikernal SVM is pretty friggin sweet I must say.
6/2/2017 1:18 AM
a.tech :
Oh wow
6/9/2017 8:17 AM
a.tech :
NeuroTechVan Fireside brings in world class speakers to present ideas in world of brain computer interfaces.
On June the 25th, globally acclaimed theoretical physicist Dr. Cisco Gooding will help our members bridge the gap between neuroscience and cutting edge quantum research. Gooding provides an authoritative perspective of orchestrated objective reduction(OR-ORCH) and warm quantum coherence in biological systems. In addition to his various academic publications in theoretical physics Gooding is notably a research colleague of Roger Penrose, father of "OR-ORCH" theory.
We invite you to attend the live stream of the event where you can ask us questions real time via twitter. Details and link to be posted shortly.
This will be a connection of the two revolutionary fields in our modern day: Quantum Physics and Neuroscience.
If you are in Vancouver, come hang out with us in person! We will go for beer and chicken waffles to causally catalyze networking after the event.
6/9/2017 11:21 AM
mhough :
You have got to be f^%$#^ with me
6/9/2017 11:50 AM
mhough :
So I signed up and will be there. Thanks. Going to try and have the whole physics team there actually. Yep
6/9/2017 3:37 PM
dano :
a.tech: Hey you know Cisco! He's a pretty good guy
6/9/2017 4:25 PM
stephen :
a.tech Since this can be a controversial topic, it would be helpful for you to describe more specifics about what the speaker will present, what the speaker won�t present (i.e. a reiteration of Penrose�s theories?), and the types of questions / conversations that would be constructive for attendees to bring up.
6/9/2017 4:26 PM
jnaulty :
Quantum Physics + Neuroscience 😄
6/9/2017 4:40 PM
stephen :
Also, for a �globally acclaimed� physicist, it�s odd that he only has 18 citations. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cisco_Gooding
It�s definitely possible to have a constructive conversation about quantum physics + neuroscience. You might have a few speakers representing different perspectives or interpretations. Perhaps one could play the skeptic, one could be the voice of Penrose, and one could say �I land in the middle in these ways� or �it depends on doing these experiments that we don�t yet have the tools to do.�
As it stands, this event doesn�t seem to appreciate those nuances. I advise a policy where we call things for what they are.
To be totally clear: this smells like bullshit and seems highly inconsistent with the otherwise scientifically-credible brand of NeurotechX.
Do others have thoughts on this?
6/9/2017 4:44 PM
mhough :
yes, I agree I just didn't know we were having this conversation.
6/9/2017 4:48 PM
mhough :
I can bring people, again I thought it a little out of topic but if you want to put a team together for the Penrose Prize there are people interested. I will not tolerate BS and I want it much clearer what constitutes evidence
6/9/2017 4:50 PM
mhough :
Karl Pribram really was friends with some of these guys and would talk about it a lot more than I thought practical
6/9/2017 4:53 PM
mhough :
But you have to get ready for the maths no matter what
6/9/2017 4:58 PM
mhough :
How are we going to navigate in an algorithmic world populated with quantum algorithms without being comfortable navigating this from a position of knowledge
6/9/2017 5:02 PM
mhough :
I just want someone from the Bohm/Penrose/I don't know who else to tell me what they need or are waiting for. Microtubules something was the answer I always got maybe 20 years ago
6/9/2017 5:02 PM
bryan_j :
^ lol
6/9/2017 5:03 PM
stephen :
a.tech mhough At the least, you could say at the top of the event page �We acknowledge this is a controversial topic among neuroscientists and Dr. Gooding will make invest sufficient time in (1) outlining the specific claims he wants to make and (2) acknowledging and addressing the common objections to discussions and quantum physics and neuroscience.�
So that the event is less of an unquestioned endorsement
6/9/2017 5:04 PM
stephen :
What do you think about that?
6/9/2017 5:04 PM
mhough :
This is like Lyme's disease in a way. Anywhere a mystery lies people project
6/9/2017 5:04 PM
mhough :
We know a lot more about microtubules now
6/9/2017 5:06 PM
stephen :
mhough Regardless of what we know about microtubules, it needs to be the case that people looking at the event page (even if they don�t attend the event) see that the framing of the event was sound, and that there wasn�t an unquestioned endorsement of the speaker.
6/9/2017 5:07 PM
stephen :
This is just what you do if you want to navigate controversial territory. You put ten times the usual effort into framing the conversation in a way that retains credibility for the hosting organization.
6/9/2017 5:07 PM
mhough :
Oh yeah, no thats all you guys. Sorry, I hope you don't think I was really weighing in on that
6/9/2017 5:07 PM
mhough :
I am talking about these kinds of algorithms
6/9/2017 5:07 PM
mhough :
6/9/2017 5:08 PM
mhough :
What we know is that microtubules are not the seat of conciousness:)
6/9/2017 5:10 PM
stephen :
mhough Cool. Thank you for that. 🙂
Right now, I�m primarily interested in framing the event around this discussion.
6/9/2017 5:10 PM
mhough :
I don't know what OR-ORCH is but how about ask him or someone to explain the warm MEG sensors
6/9/2017 5:11 PM
mhough :
6/9/2017 5:12 PM
stephen :
a.tech Can you please describe your plan on how to ensure this event has proper framing?
6/9/2017 6:14 PM
a.tech :
stephen There are more respectful ways of getting the same message across.
mhough Looking forward to seeing you there. Please bring your hardest questions and see if you can stump Cisco.
6/9/2017 6:15 PM
mhough :
Hi a.tech I am sure everyone wants the same thing here
6/9/2017 6:16 PM
mhough :
I am not coming to stump someone
6/9/2017 6:16 PM
mhough :
I want Henrick to come and see if that is really what he thinks we should be doing
6/9/2017 6:18 PM
mhough :
Again, if someone will just operationalize this for me in terms of I don't know like the moving mirror experiment then people can build it do it and if the evidence isn't there note it and move on
6/9/2017 6:19 PM
mhough :
I think no matter the tone stephen is right, keep an eye on how your perceived
6/9/2017 6:19 PM
mhough :
I probably need that advice several times a day:)
6/9/2017 6:19 PM
a.tech :
Well, I am not claiming that we KNOW the whole new field of quantum mechanics and neuroscience lol...
6/9/2017 6:19 PM
mhough :
No one is
6/9/2017 6:20 PM
a.tech :
It is just such a new field. But quantum research is undeniably going to transform human understanding looking forward
6/9/2017 6:20 PM
a.tech :
So this talk simply
6/9/2017 6:21 PM
a.tech :
Looks at the way that naturally occurring biological microtubules can support warm quantum coherence
6/9/2017 6:21 PM
mhough :
Okay is that what he is talking about
6/9/2017 6:22 PM
a.tech :
All that flowery stuff and interpretations, there will be none of that jazz.
6/9/2017 6:22 PM
mhough :
I know but people are doing stuff with quantum theory
6/9/2017 6:22 PM
a.tech :
The focus is on the objective evidence and research on the biological level
6/9/2017 6:22 PM
mhough :
this is kind of what I was talking about in devices
6/9/2017 6:23 PM
a.tech :
It is what it is
6/9/2017 6:23 PM
mhough :
if someone is making people walk with cheaper stuff - don't bring in the guy doing unclaimed lyme's disease "cures"
6/9/2017 6:23 PM
a.tech :
Like what I mean is that
6/9/2017 6:24 PM
stephen :
a.tech That�s fair - my words were pretty direct.
Does the concern about framing make sense to you? How would you describe it in your own words?
6/9/2017 6:32 PM
a.tech :
The talk is purely about the the ability of biological structures to support quantum superpositions. This is where it all starts from a quantum perspective. So any hypothesis or "theories of mind" are completely left out, since we dont have proof about this. Cisco may not have as many citations as other Rock stars, but I believe in his academic integrity to present what he knows without making it flowery.
We worked hard to make this talk happen because even though the idea of a quantum human mind sounds crazy, experiments in the past few years has been steadly confirming Penrose's hypothesis that microtubules can support warm quantum coherence and potentially play a role in human consciousness.
6/9/2017 6:33 PM
a.tech :
I do appreciate the concerns you raised though. It totally makes sense.
6/9/2017 6:34 PM
a.tech :
I will take a look at the media material we put out, and see how we can clarify the heart of the matter for our potential audience.
6/9/2017 7:03 PM
mhough :
Cool. Look simulations of this kind of thing are totally doable and soon building things into neuromorphic hardware will be doable too. Warm SQUIDS are doable. I want to know where the quantum computing field is and I think others should too. People use NMRs for experiments and thats something not quite OpenBCI but within the realm of the amateur let's say. Once you enter this world you only have the maths to ground you though and keeping it an engineering level is I think important
6/9/2017 7:46 PM
andrewjsauer :
a.tech mhough "...experiments in the past few years has been steadly confirming Penrose's hypothesis that microtubules can support warm quantum coherence and potentially play a role in human consciousness."
love the passion here, and as someone relatively new to all of this i have no clue what you guys are talking about.
can you point me in the right direction to brush up on these experiments you refer too? or maybe there's some must-know articles to read before this talk? i know i could dive deep into google / wiki but interested to hear if you recommend specific articles / sites. very interested, and would love to learn more. cheers.
6/9/2017 7:55 PM
mhough :
hey andrewjsauer sure. Maybe we could start a channel for this and I can get Henrik to finally join (your not here right:) and we can get concrete on both sides of this. I don't mean on the sides of the quantum debate but engineering level for both quantum and molecular biology
6/9/2017 7:55 PM
andrewjsauer :
that'd be super insightful 👍
6/9/2017 9:11 PM
bryan_j :
mhough: I would love to join - please do!
6/9/2017 10:09 PM
a.tech :
dano Haha we should all grab a beer at wreck beach when your back in town!
6/9/2017 10:34 PM
a.tech :
There are alot of uncertainties (no pun intended lol) and rather then stack on layers on unnecessary abstraction... the best approach atm is to focus on the molecular biology. Once we get a good grip on that then it'll be easier to see how the rest of it falls into play.
6/9/2017 10:36 PM
a.tech :
andrewjsauer Please give me a moment or two to compile a summary of the research regarding the matter!
6/10/2017 12:12 AM
andrewjsauer :
a.tech that's awesome, thank you! looking forward to it.
6/10/2017 3:16 AM
mhough :
yes so how do you start a channel. I feel like the old guy trying to get the VCR clock set and then realized you probably don't know what a VCR is:)
6/10/2017 3:23 AM
dano :
Just chiming in here in support of making this event skeptical and credible. I've 🐝 aware of the quantum consciousness theory for years and after having actually studied microtubules in neurons came to the personal conclusion that it was probably not true. That said this could be a fun event and if there's been new evidence that's good let's hear it
6/10/2017 8:47 AM
mhough :
Why do I love Oxford. I'm sitting at Starbucks (don't judge me:) and when I take my headphones off the two people behind me are having a conversation about conciousness and quantum mechanics! I had to jump in and started talking about the behavior of multiagent AI and we agreed that we don't really understand what we mean by conciousness. That's the hard problem. Anyway, there is a lecture today at new cross college on the subject. I'll see what I can find out.
6/11/2017 10:31 AM
mhough :
Here's a recent paper about the algos https://journals.aps.org/prl/abstract/10.1103/PhysRevLett.118.210504
6/11/2017 10:38 PM
a.tech :
You gotta click on the little "+" arrow where the CHANNELS toggle is haha.
6/11/2017 10:39 PM
a.tech :
Check out these interesting links 🙂
6/11/2017 10:40 PM
a.tech :
Consciousness in the universe: A review of the �Orch OR� theory
6/11/2017 10:40 PM
a.tech :
Reply to seven commentaries on �Consciousness in the universe: Review of the �Orch OR� theory�
6/11/2017 10:41 PM
a.tech :
*Interesting experimental finding in 2014 of Biological Microtubules and Quantum Vibrations. *
6/12/2017 9:02 PM
bryan_j :
a.tech thank you for sharing! Bedtime reads for this week 🤓
6/15/2017 1:28 AM
andrewjsauer :
a.tech can't thank you enough. this is awesome, cheers! 💯
6/15/2017 3:34 AM
a.tech :
bryan_j andrewjsauer
NP :) I will repost these asap in the <#C5RB2U1MW|quantum_systems> channel and we can chat about this stuff there!
6/25/2017 8:11 PM
a.tech :
T-minus ~2.5hrs to Live Feed for Vancouver Chapter's talk on "Warm Quantum Coherence in Biological Systems and Orchestrated Objective Reduction".
Talk starts at 330pm PST.
See you there <!channel>
6/25/2017 8:12 PM
a.tech :
6/25/2017 10:34 PM
mattherich :
Technical difficulties, hangouts link: https://hangouts.google.com/call/ftw534ni2bbtrcmjmwndrek7ueu
6/25/2017 11:11 PM
a.tech :
Thank you so much for sharing this here Matt. It was a little hectic!
6/26/2017 12:32 AM
mattherich :
No problem, I enjoyed the talk!
6/26/2017 10:24 AM
rashi :
Is there an archive of the talk?
6/26/2017 11:16 AM
z3 :
I was also curious about it
6/26/2017 2:49 PM
yannick :
We released June�s newsletter this weekend, if you missed it:
6/27/2017 12:43 AM
a.tech :
z3 rashi gg timfiori
I just spoke with the film crew and we should have edited footage ready to roll soon. Will upload it on our <#C5RB2U1MW|quantum_systems> page!
6/27/2017 12:44 AM
gg :
Awesome, a.tech! Will look out for it
6/27/2017 5:41 PM
hectordomorozco :
We are having our �First official big meeting� on Thursday as NeuroTechX�s Hamilton chapter and I am super excited and I just wanted to share that with you guys :octopicorn: :unicorn_face: 🎊 (Also, I just created the Slack channel)
6/27/2017 6:56 PM
bryan_j :
hectordomorozco: say whatttt! Amazing :) KW is having an event on Thursday as well, and TO on Friday. What a week!
6/27/2017 7:01 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
Congrats hectordomorozco and good luck! Looking forward to hearing about the results
6/27/2017 7:08 PM
bryan_j :
Congrats hectordomorozco! Send some photos of the awesomeness to your NTX family!
6/27/2017 7:19 PM
hectordomorozco :
Will definitely send pics sydneyneurotechx & bryan_j !! We are so excited.
Funny thing: I send a mail to the Psych and Neuroscience department today and I made an interesting mistake: I wrote �Neurotic group in Hamilton� instead of �NeuroTech group in Hamilton� as the subject and& oh, well. At least I hope it catches people�s eyes.
6/27/2017 7:19 PM
hectordomorozco :
Yeeeees; I�ll volunteering in the Toronto event 😄
Ontario is on fire these days ❤️
6/28/2017 1:58 AM
bryan_j :
hectordomorozco: looking forward to seeing the photos!
Gotta love the age of auto-correct that we live in 😛 hopefully it is not a deterrent!
6/28/2017 2:23 PM
hectordomorozco :
Oh, no, people apparently took it as a nice joke 😆
6/28/2017 3:05 PM
bryan_j :
Love it haha! I may have to use that some time :P
6/28/2017 3:11 PM
hectordomorozco :
Oh, please do 😆
6/30/2017 1:30 AM
hectordomorozco :
NeurotechHa is officially born ❤️
6/30/2017 1:33 PM
bryan_j :
Thanks - I will give you credit of course :P
6/30/2017 2:23 PM
bryan_j :
Congrats fellow Ontario NTX'ers! We look forward to working with you :)
See out tonight hectordomorozco
6/30/2017 6:12 PM
hectordomorozco :
Yaaaas! I'm on my way to Toronto bryan_j 😁
6/30/2017 6:14 PM
hectordomorozco :
Lol 😂😂😂
7/1/2017 3:30 AM
dano :
Oh, Canada!
7/1/2017 4:38 AM
bryan_j :
Thanks so much man - amazing hanging out with you!
7/3/2017 6:16 AM
kevin_ac :
Hi everybody,
Will someone go to EMBC 2017 that will take place on South Korea (Jeju) ?
7/3/2017 4:45 PM
hectordomorozco :
I had a blast dude! Can�t wait for more neurotech events 😄
7/4/2017 3:12 AM
bryan_j :
Hey hectordomorozco - same! Thanks again for coming, and hanging. Was such a great night. I hope that you arrived home safe, and cannot wait for the next time that we collab and chill!
7/4/2017 3:49 AM
hectordomorozco :
Yes, got home safe and good :)
Indeed, I'll see you guys in the next event lol
7/4/2017 5:06 PM
bryan_j :
Looking forward to it! :)
7/5/2017 12:58 PM
maviperu :
The Lima team will be there, erick.carranza departed recently to South Korea
7/22/2017 7:34 PM
mrkrause :
7/27/2017 11:38 PM
bryan_j :
Hi there NeuroTechX community,
I hope that you are well.
I have a favour to ask � my friend Tyler is a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto who is working on batteries for wearables, sensors, and other hardware devices. He is in the process of building a company, and would like 15-20 minutes of your time to determine the exact needs of the end user and any potential real-world problems that are � and may be � experienced.
This interaction could be a phone interview or a coffee in-person; whatever works best for you. If you are interested and would like to learn more, feel free to email Tyler at mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] to schedule a time to meet.
7/27/2017 11:44 PM
yannick :
Sure. Can it wait when I back in Montreal? My schedule is a little full in Japan right now with the time difference and all
7/27/2017 11:47 PM
bryan_j :
Of course! Feel free to contact Tyler directly at your leisure. Thanks Yannick!
8/4/2017 6:18 PM
falk :
Hi everyone. As you are likely aware, the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society is hosting the Brain Hackathon in October in Banff, AB. Projects can be submitted or participants can join existing projects (see http://www.br41n.io/Banff-2017). There are US$5000 in prizes and much more in hardware to be won! At this point, we need help advertising the Hackathon to students, researchers, and BCI enthusiasts in nearby towns, especially Calgary, Edmonton and even perhaps our NeuroTechVAN�ers! If possible, can you please spread the work to your contacts, and if you live in nearby cities, please print out flyers (https://documents.epfl.ch/users/c/ch/chavarri/www/smc2017/files/IEEE_SMC2017_BMI_Brain_Hackathon.pdf) and help spread them around campus. And, of course, please consider signing up yourselves! Last year�s hackathon attracted over 200 people and we are hoping to come close to that (if not surpass) this year! Participation can be remote, as we will have a 100Mb/s internet link for the event set up. Many thanks in advance for your collaboration!
8/6/2017 5:44 PM
mhough :
falk that looks great
8/7/2017 4:14 PM
dano :
Ooo, remote participation? Maybe we'll put together a team here in Toronto
8/13/2017 4:43 AM
a.tech :
falk We will be happy to share this with our channels at NeuroTechVan!
8/15/2017 4:02 AM
falk :
thanks! we need all the help from "locals" as possible! Both for advertising as well we registering for the event! Many thanks!
8/15/2017 10:51 PM
a.tech :
Hi everyone, check out this video that our <#C0VTMQ5CH|_vancouver> chapter has produced.
The first half presents an intro to the limitations of mathematical logic via godel's incompleteness theorem. It also presents a crash course into key concepts in modern quantum physics.
The second half of the talk digs into how these quantum physical laws may play a role in the human mind. The focus is on how current experimental research in biology suggests that quantum information processing may be occurring in the human mind in sub-neuronal structures called micro-tubules.
Please join our <#C5RB2U1MW|quantum_systems> channel if you are interested in how non-classical phenomenon might affect our current theory of mind.
Enjoy and debate! 🙂
8/15/2017 10:54 PM
mhough :
That's great a.tech
8/25/2017 2:57 PM
aisha.habli :
slackbot go to <#C08QEC5H7|introductions>
8/30/2017 3:10 PM
marissaf :
falk do you know if there's any word of a NeuroTechX chapter getting started in Edmonton?
8/30/2017 5:42 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
marissaf I believe there are a few people in Edmonton interested, but nothing formally has been established. We take a very organic approach to chapter creation. You can reach out to yannick for more details.
9/18/2017 10:37 PM
ariawave :
falk very cool, thanks for posting!
9/21/2017 9:33 AM
litvak :
Senior MEG Research Technician
Applications are invited for a Senior Research Technician in the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging, UCL Institute of Neurology.
The Centre houses an Electroencephalography (EEG) system, two Magnetoencephalography (MEG) systems - a CTF 275 channel Omega System and an Optically Pumped Magnetometer (OPM) System - and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) facilities - two 3T Siemens Prisma scanners and a 3T Siemens Trio. The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating and maintaining an efficient MEG and EEG service for a range of different research projects. This role will be constantly evolving as new and alternative technologies are incorporated into the functional imaging department.
Applicants are required to have:
· Experience of EEG/MEG or similar electrophysiological recording methods (e.g. cardiology/audiology) within a clinical or research environment.
· A commitment to academic research.
· MEG experience is not essential as training will be provided.
Salary - UCL Grade 7:
£34,653 to £41,864 inclusive of London Allowance.
The post is available immediately and is funded until Nov 2021 in the first instance.
Applications through UCL's online recruitment � http://www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs|www.ucl.ac.uk/hr/jobs where you can download a job description and person specification using ref: 1671016.
Informal enquiries to Elaine Williams: mailto:[email protected]|[email protected] . If you have any queries regarding the application process, please contact Samantha Robinson, HR Officer, Institute of Neurology, 23 Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG (email: mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]).
Closing date: 26th September 2017
Taking Action for Equality
9/21/2017 10:31 AM
danielao :
This may be past my qualifications (or maybe not) but very good heads up. Will definitely apply.
9/21/2017 4:21 PM
yrenard :
don't overrate your skills and potential danielao
9/21/2017 4:22 PM
yrenard :
don't underrate your skills and potential danielao (edited)
9/21/2017 4:22 PM
yrenard :
don't underrate your skills and potential danielao
9/21/2017 4:23 PM
danielao :
Thanks. I actually applied after emailing them and am visiting the location at UCL tomorrow for an informal visit 🙂
9/21/2017 4:25 PM
yrenard :
here we go !!
9/27/2017 1:54 PM
falk :
Dear NeuroTechX community. I�ve advertised the IEEE Brain Hackathon recently, which will take place Oct. 7-8 in Banff, Alberta, Canada. We have over $7000 in prizes, plus hardware prizes from Interaxon and Thalmic Labs. We have over 50 people already signed up but we have room for many more. New this year, you can actually participate in the hackathon REMOTELY (ideally, at least one team member will be present to present the work). There has been a 100 Mbps dedicated line for online participation. Please register for your favourite project and let us know that you want to participate online. More details about projects and how to register can be found here: http://www.br41n.io/Banff-2017 Hope to see may of you there, in person or virtually!
9/27/2017 4:14 PM
aj :
Also I�m gonna be there and OpenBCI will be too with a bunch of tech including the new WiFi shield
9/27/2017 6:51 PM
falk :
great! have you all registered already? You can also create multiple teams by combining those that will be physically present as well as the remote ones. Maybe a NeuroTechX team could be put together. What do you think yannick?
9/27/2017 11:04 PM
dano :
I might be able to pitch in on a couple issues, AJ. Wanted to attend, but unfortunately Mozfest took precedent 😉
9/27/2017 11:05 PM
dano :
I might be able to pitch in on a couple issues with your project. Could call it a NeuroTechX team
9/28/2017 7:34 PM
keaton :
falk I'm definitely interested in participating! I'll be working remotely, though. Has someone made the NeuroTechX team yet?
9/28/2017 7:36 PM
falk :
Hi & seems dano showed some interest. perhaps you two can register a team and then more people can follow on? With a team registered, it may be easier to get more on board. Registration link is http://www.br41n.io/Banff-2017
9/28/2017 7:38 PM
falk :
also aj will be physically there& maybe dano and keaton can join his project (if there is still room) and we baptize that as the NeuroTechX team? Is there room aj in your team still?
9/28/2017 7:41 PM
hailey :
I would be interested! Though, I am a neuro researcher so I can�t help much with the coding.
9/28/2017 7:44 PM
aj :
falk im not sure if i can do the hack-a-thon as a participant because im supposed to be helping and such with all things openbci
9/28/2017 7:45 PM
aj :
im on everyone's team
9/28/2017 7:46 PM
falk :
hehehe& ok. Main purpose of having at least one person physically there is for the presentation and demo on the last day
9/28/2017 7:47 PM
falk :
hailey, interdisciplinarity is at the heart of the hackathon. This year we are also bringing 20 high school students to be part of different teams to motivate young minds to enter STEM and neuroscience fields. So your skillset would be very useful!
9/28/2017 7:49 PM
hailey :
Great! Thanks falk
9/29/2017 10:43 AM
alexdni :
falk ahhhhh wish i could make it to this one, if only i didn't had a prior engagement that weekend ... Kudos to you for bringing high school kids there to motivate them to enter STEM! 👍
9/29/2017 3:59 PM
aj :
im stoked for them to learn how easy it is to program openbci wifi shields!
10/1/2017 7:18 PM
sheida :
I'd be interested to join remotely! I'll check out the list for the NeurotechX group
10/3/2017 9:06 PM
elgin :
Hi falk the IEEE Brain Hackathon looks awesome. I�m sad that it conflicts with Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada because I would love to attend. Are you aware if we will be able to view some of the talks online? I would love listen in to a few
10/3/2017 9:34 PM
falk :
I believe so, but not sure of the links yet. Maybe monitor the BMI website for updates. Participation can also be remote, if that helps with the long weekend conflicts.
10/3/2017 9:34 PM
falk :
BTW, any news on a NeuroTechX online team? We are in talks of having a prize for best remote team also&
10/3/2017 9:51 PM
aj :
falk is the wifi at the conference enterprise?
10/3/2017 9:51 PM
aj :
whats the security? trying to find out if i should bring a wifi router
10/3/2017 9:52 PM
aj :
10/3/2017 9:52 PM
falk :
link will be from Cybera and we are bringing a wifi router for the hackathon. we will configure it ourselves, so any help/advise will be greatly appreciated! 😉
10/3/2017 9:53 PM
aj :
ohhhh yeaaaaaaa
10/3/2017 9:53 PM
aj :
so we can do like WPA
10/3/2017 9:54 PM
aj :
still trying to add enterprise level security to the wifi shield, so any help/advise would be appreciated there!
10/4/2017 9:00 PM
alexcastillo :
Hi falk I've registered for the hackathon but haven't received a confirmation. Can you help?
10/5/2017 12:06 AM
jfrayshe :
Hey everyone, just wanted to throw another call out there for anyone who would like to be recognized as a content creator/contributor to the neurotech edu project! If you have a passion for building content that will help centralize all the information you need to start working with eeg data and bci's then message me or sydneyneurotechx to sign up! We are having a call to discuss the project this Friday (October 6) at 4 pm EST, all are welcome.
10/9/2017 2:02 PM
benjamindeleener :
Hey everyone, the NeuroTechX Student Clubs initiative needs you! As you�ve probably seen recently, we started publishing blog posts promoting student clubs activities related to neurotechnologies: https://medium.com/@ntxstudentclubs
This blog initiative is led by yannick, mattherich and myself, and we need contributors to interview students and clubs on several topics. So if you feel like contributing to this wonderful community and promoting students activities, this is a nice entry point. Each Q&A would require ~2h of work from you so it is really perfect if your primary concern is time.
If you�re interested, please contact me!
10/9/2017 11:27 PM
mattherich :
Hey guys, just wanted to say that I've really enjoyed contributing to the student clubs initiative. If anyone is interested in lending a hand in our efforts and/or has any questions about where you can help please don't hesitate to message benjamindeleener or me.
10/26/2017 2:20 PM
agustnr64 :
Hi everyone,
I am trying to build a hand orthosis controlled by a non-invasive BCI for patients with hemiplegia for a student project. I have just started with the signal processing and feature extraction. Although I have read some papers, it is not quite clear to me what kind of features do I need extract. Is there someone who knows what kind of method could I have to perform?
10/27/2017 7:23 PM
sydneyneurotechx :
For those in Montreal, there will be a AI and Neuroscience conference happening from November 18-21 Tickets are selling out quick, so reserve today
10/31/2017 10:41 PM
bryan_j :
"We have unfortunately already reached full capacity for this year's MAIN2017 event (250 participants)"
10/31/2017 10:41 PM
bryan_j :
10/31/2017 10:41 PM
bryan_j :
Great that there is so much interest!!
11/5/2017 8:46 PM
yannick :
Hey <!channel>,
NeuroTechX is currently looking for a Community Manager for Canada (aka Canadian Connectome). If you are located in Canada and would like to get involved and help NTX chapters and community, here�s your chance!
11/7/2017 1:25 PM
eferdinand :
Internship for g.tec customers
As a special education service, g.tec has open internships or thesis possibilities in order to learn EEG/BCI skills for your lab. Apply now! Send your internship/thesis applications to Christoph Guger mailto:[email protected]|[email protected].
11/14/2017 12:43 AM
yannick :
:ntxblack: <!channel> :ntxblue:
NeuroTechX would like to invite you all to the first ever NeuroTechX Virtual Town Hall. We have grown to become quite big as a community in the past 2 years, starting as a small group of less than 50 to becoming 2000 on Slack. However the cost of growth is that it becomes difficult to engage with everyone. We can�t truly be a strong community if we only hear the opinions of a few. For those who are new, this town hall we will be covering some of the initiatives that we are working on as well as give you some insights as to where we will be going for 2018. You will also be given an opportunity to share your opinions and suggestions on how to improve the community as well as learn about ways that you can contribute to the NeuroTechX mission.
We would like to have a large amount of people be available for the town hall. Therefore, please let us know which days would be best for you to attend by filling out the Doodle below. If you are unable to make it to any of the suggested times but would still be interested in participating, please inform us in the Doodle. If enough people cannot make the suggested time, we will change it.
11/14/2017 1:51 AM
bryan_j :
Yesssssss :)
11/14/2017 4:13 AM
pukingminion :
This is great!
11/14/2017 5:21 AM
ariawave :