Do NOT use v1.1 -> use v1.2 (or higher) instead
- Status LED
- 2x 18650 Lithium-Ion batteries
- Off/On-Switch
- Reset/AP-Mode-Button
- User-Buttons (A,B,C)
- User-LEDs (A,B,C) -> mirror mode
- BMS included
- Battery voltage measurement
- RESET-Jumper for BMS
- KiCad (v5.1.6)
- pad size from L2 increased (again)
- Jumper for BMS-reset added
- State LED to 3V3 (istead to 5V) connected
- order from LEDs (egual to ZumoRobot >>> same color) adapted
- connection between LEDs A, B and C and the ESP removed. Routed them to mirror the LEDs on the Zumo
- Main-Switch circuit removed
- all Pins from the Display through connected
- Battery voltage measurement to pin 35 connected >>> LEDs/Buttons got a new pin on ESP32
- Mosfet Q1 does not switch off. >>> voltage divider and select other MOSFET removed
- /SHDN pin connected to VOut >>> must be connected to VIN (do not solder pin to pad)
- correct coil selected
- FB/SENSE pin does not go to output >>> PIN 3 (FB) with thread wire to pin 5 (5V/Bias) >>> (do not solder pin to pad)
- VC Pin not to Vin
- Coil pad too small >>> maked larger
- wrong 3V3 supply >>> the one from voltage regulator choosed >>> diode between 3V3 and VDD
- U_Bat_Meas not on IO2 >>> to pin IO13 connected
- test vias for D+ u. D- added
- D+/D- serial resistor 22 OHM inserted
- Test vias for D+ u. D- inserted
- RGB LED pining does not fit >>> compared with data sheet and changed
- 0 Ohm resistors buttons removed
- First Prototype Version