From 2a9fbce08be37e33af1f8943b1c4373e9bcf75d8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sewer56 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:09:47 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Added: Fuzzy Search/File Map for Detecting File Updates

 .../decisions/backend/   | 195 +++++++++++++++++-
 .../FuzzySearch.cs                            | 127 ++++++++++++
 .../Mixins/ModFileMetadataMixin.cs            |  34 +++
 .../Traits/IAmAModFile.cs                     |  31 +++
 .../Traits/ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp.cs     |  12 --
 .../RunUpdateCheck.cs                         |  35 +++-
 .../FuzzySearchTests.cs                       |  99 +++++++++
 .../Helpers/MockModFile.cs                    |  52 +++++
 .../{TestItem.cs => TestModFeedItem.cs}       |   6 +-
 .../MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs             |  14 +-
 .../PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs               |  14 +-
 .../RunUpdateCheckTests.cs                    | 169 ++++++++++++++-
 12 files changed, 750 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/FuzzySearch.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Mixins/ModFileMetadataMixin.cs
 create mode 100644 src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/IAmAModFile.cs
 delete mode 100644 src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp.cs
 create mode 100644 tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/FuzzySearchTests.cs
 create mode 100644 tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/MockModFile.cs
 rename tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/{TestItem.cs => TestModFeedItem.cs} (78%)

diff --git a/docs/developers/decisions/backend/ b/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
index f145874808..06895e6331 100644
--- a/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
+++ b/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
@@ -9,17 +9,35 @@ A corresponding research document (original design) can be found on a [separate
 !!! tip "First read the [Problem Statement] in the [Research Document]"
 The requested approach (from business) has been to maximize the use of the V2 API,
-as opposed to programming against the legacy V1 API.
+as opposed to programming against the legacy V1 API wherever possible.
-To achieve this, we will [NOT use the `file_updates` array from V1 API's Querying Mod Files][querying-mod-files];
-instead choosing to opt to wait until backend decides their future plans with
-respect to 'Mods 2.0' project, and how mod updates will be handled in V2 API in the future.
+!!! info "We will wait for the 'Mods 2.0' project if possible"
+    Including how `Mod Updates` are to be handled in the future.
+To promote an iterative development and speed up production, this feature will be developed in
+'phases'. Each phase will deliver a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) for a given feature set, then
+once all initial functionality is completed, various aspects will be refined.
+### Step 1: Updating Mod Page Info
 For now, we will:
 - [1. Determine Updated Mod Pages], to update our local cache.
 - [2. Multi Query Pages], for update mod pages with a 'cache miss'.
+### Step 2: Mapping Old Files to New Files
+!!! info "Once we have the updated mod pages, we can determine the updates available for files"
+- [Use the 'fuzzy' search strategy](#fuzzy-search-strategy) to match files. (Phase 0)
+***Once all other work around updates (UI, etc.)*** is complete, with a working prototype, we will
+improve on this by doing the following:
+- [Use the `file_updates` array from V1 API's Querying Mod Files][querying-mod-files]
+    - Or an equivalent V2 API, if available.
 ## Displaying Mod Updates
 !!! info "We display all files on a given mod page that are more recent (file upload time) than the user's file."
@@ -32,9 +50,178 @@ Although uncommon this may include:
 We will for now rely on *users' common sense* to identify whether a file is an 
 update to a previous file or not. Until site decides on future plans.
+## Fuzzy Search Strategy
+!!! info "This is a 'cheap' strategy to try detect file updates in the presence of [missing update links][querying-mod-files]"
+Basically we match uploads by file name; trying to match mods together.
+Mods file names can be generally divided into the following classes:
+- Consistent-ish naming, with version in mod name (e.g. [Skyrim 202X](#reference-example-skyrim-202x)).
+- Constant naming e.g. [USSEP](#reference-example-ussep)
+- File Names with Substituted Characters e.g. [SkyUI](#reference-example-skyui)
+- File Versions with non-semver suffixes e.g. [A Quality World Map](#reference-example-a-quality-world-map)
+- File Names with File Extensions [Maestros of Synth](#reference-example-maestros-of-synth)
+The strategy is the following:
+1. Try to parse version strings into variants that may appear in file name:
+    - Make it semver compliant (e.g. `5.2SE` -> `5.2`)
+    - With stripped version prefix (e.g. `v5.2` -> `5.2`)
+    - With substituted underscores (e.g. `5.2` -> `5_2`)
+2. Strip each of the above strings from the file name (loop, case insensitive).
+3. Strip known file extensions from end (e.g. `Maestros of` -> `Maestros of Synth`)
+4. Substitute underscores with spaces (e.g. `Ava_Complexions` -> `Ava Complexions`)
+    - In case mod author mixed spaces and underscores between mod authors.
+5. Remove runs of spaces.
+6. Match old file to current file by what remains of file name (case insensitive).
+    - Where file is newer and version string is newer (if possible to compare).
+### Reference Example: [Skyrim 202X]
+!!! info "Example with consistent naming for full releases, but incosistent naming for non-full releases."
+v9 Release:
+-Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Architecture PART 1
+-Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Landscape PART 2
+-Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Other PART 3
+v10 Release:
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0 - Architecture PART 1
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0 - Landscape PART 2
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0 - Other PART 3
+v10 Release (2):
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0.1 - Architecture PART 1
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0.1 - Landscape PART 2
+-Skyrim 202X 10.0.1 - Other PART 3
+v10 Patches
+-Skyrim 202X 10.1 Update
+-Skyrim 202X 10.2 Update
+-Skyrim 202X 10.3 Update
+-Skyrim 202X 10.4 Update Solstheim [<= Does not contain files from other update packages]
+!!! note "Skyrim 202X 10.4 Update Solstheim does is meant to be installed over `10.3`"
+    Rather than standalone. Edge cases like this is why we prefer to avoid false positives.
+In this case, our strategy extracts the strings:
+-Skyrim 202X - Architecture PART 1
+-Skyrim 202X - Landscape PART 2
+-Skyrim 202X - Other PART 3
+Meaning files can be matched without correct `file_updates` mappings, even in presence of multiple
+'parts' with same version number.
+### Reference Example: [USSEP]
+!!! info "Single mod, all same name, but version is provided in file name."
+All versions:
+Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
+In this case our logic still sees 
+Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
+As the file names are all the same, it's an automatic match by file version.
+### Reference Example: [SkyUI]
+!!! info "Example case where part of the file name was substituted"
+e.g. Spaces, dots, were substituted with underscores. More common with old/older files, rather than
+recent ones.
+In this case the name becomes
+We did the substitution of version to underscores and stripped it from the input.
+Notably the version string here is `5.2SE`, so we also need to filter out characters in version
+### Reference Example: [A Quality World Map]
+!!! info "Example where there are multiple variants of a mod, with differing version strings"
+9.0 A Quality World Map - Paper
+9.0 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads
+9.0 A Quality World Map - Vivid with Stone Roads
+With the following version strings:
+In this case, you want to filter out the 'P' and 'VF' in the version strings, turning our
+file names to:
+A Quality World Map - Paper
+A Quality World Map - Vivid with Flat Roads
+A Quality World Map - Vivid with Stone Roads
+Then we can compare versions.
+### Reference Example: [Maestros of Synth]
+Maestros of
+Maestros of Synth
+In this case, we strip file names:
+Maestros of Synth
+Maestros of Synth
 [Problem Statement]: ../../misc/research/
 [1. Determine Updated Mod Pages]: ../../misc/research/
 [2. Multi Query Pages]: ../../misc/research/
 [querying-mod-files]: ../../misc/research/
 [Research Document]: ../../misc/research/
 [research-doc]: ../../misc/research/
+[Skyrim 202X]:
+[A Quality World Map]:
+[Maestros of Synth]:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/FuzzySearch.cs b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/FuzzySearch.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f88f8efe78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/FuzzySearch.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
+namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates;
+/// <summary>
+/// This class has all the code around the 'fuzzy search' feature documented in
+/// `` page of the wiki.
+/// </summary>
+public static class FuzzySearch
+    private static readonly string[] KnownFileExtensions =
+    [
+        ".rar", ".zip", ".7z", ".exe", ".omod", ".nx",
+    ];
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Normalizes a filename by:
+    /// 1. Stripping all possible version number variants
+    /// 2. Replacing underscores with spaces
+    /// 3. Stripping file extensions
+    /// 4. Converting to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="fileName">The filename to normalize</param>
+    /// <param name="version">The version to strip from the filename</param>
+    /// <returns>The normalized filename</returns>
+    public static string NormalizeFileName(string? fileName, string? version)
+    {
+        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
+            return string.Empty;
+        var result = fileName;
+        // Strip all possible version number variants
+        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version))
+        {
+            // Sort by length, to ensure we don't match a substring containing another string
+            var versionVariants = GetVersionPermutations(version).OrderByDescending(x => x.Length);
+            foreach (var variant in versionVariants)
+                result = result.Replace(variant, string.Empty, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
+        }
+        // Replace underscores with spaces
+        result = result.Replace('_', ' ');
+        // Strip extensions
+        result = StripFileExtension(result);
+        // Normalize whitespace (trim and reduce multiple spaces to single)
+        result = string.Join(" ", result.Split([' '], 
+            StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries | StringSplitOptions.TrimEntries));
+        // Convert to lowercase for case-insensitive comparison
+        return result.ToLowerInvariant();
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Given an existing version string, return all possible variations that
+    /// a user may place inside the file name on a mod page.
+    ///
+    /// Refer to tests of this for examples.
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="version">The original version string attached</param>
+    public static string[] GetVersionPermutations(string version)
+    {
+        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(version))
+            return [];
+        var results = new HashSet<string>(8);
+        void AddIfValid(string value)
+        {
+            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
+                results.Add(value);
+        }
+        void AddVariants(string input)
+        {
+            AddIfValid(input);
+            AddIfValid(input.Replace(".", "_"));
+        }
+        // Add original version and its variants
+        AddVariants(version);
+        // Remove version suffix.
+        var withoutTextSuffix = version;
+        for (var x = version.Length - 1; x >= 0; x--)
+        {
+            if (!char.IsNumber(version[x])) continue;
+            withoutTextSuffix = version.Substring(0, x + 1);
+            break;
+        }
+        if (withoutTextSuffix != version)
+            AddVariants(withoutTextSuffix);
+        // Handle Single letter version prefixes variants ('v' for version, 'a' for 'alpha', 'b' for 'beta', etc.)
+        if (version.Length > 0 && char.IsLetter(version[0]))
+        {
+            var withoutPrefix = version.Substring(1);
+            AddVariants(withoutPrefix);
+            // Also add variants without both prefix and suffix
+            if (withoutTextSuffix != version)
+                AddVariants(withoutPrefix.Substring(0, withoutTextSuffix.Length - 1));
+        }
+        return results.ToArray();
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Strips known file extensions from the end of a filename
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <param name="fileName">The filename to process</param>
+    /// <returns>Filename with any known extension removed</returns>
+    public static string StripFileExtension(string fileName)
+    {
+        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName))
+            return fileName;
+        foreach (var ext in KnownFileExtensions)
+        {
+            if (fileName.EndsWith(ext, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
+                return fileName[..^ext.Length];
+        }
+        return fileName;
+    }
diff --git a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Mixins/ModFileMetadataMixin.cs b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Mixins/ModFileMetadataMixin.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..904aad706d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Mixins/ModFileMetadataMixin.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+using NexusMods.Abstractions.NexusModsLibrary;
+using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Traits;
+namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Mixins;
+/// <summary>
+/// A mixin for mod file metadata that allows you to integrate mod file results
+/// from the Nexus API.
+/// </summary>
+public class ModFileMetadataMixin : IAmAModFile
+    /// <inheritdoc />
+    public string Name => Metadata.Name;
+    /// <inheritdoc />
+    public string Version => Metadata.Version;
+    /// <inheritdoc />
+    public DateTimeOffset UploadedAt => Metadata.UploadedAt;
+    /// <inheritdoc />
+    public IEnumerable<IAmAModFile> OtherFilesInSameModPage => 
+        Metadata.ModPage.Files.Select(f => new ModFileMetadataMixin(f));
+    /// <summary/>
+    public NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly Metadata { get; }
+    /// <summary/>
+    public ModFileMetadataMixin(NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly metadata) => Metadata = metadata;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Returns a normalized name and version.
+    /// </summary>
+    public string GetNormalizedFileName() => FuzzySearch.NormalizeFileName(Name, Version);
diff --git a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/IAmAModFile.cs b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/IAmAModFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffc078e429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/IAmAModFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Traits;
+/// <summary>
+/// Specifies the minimum required interface to represent a mod file within a mod page.
+/// This API provides the minimum required 
+/// </summary>
+public interface IAmAModFile
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The name of the mod file. (File Name)
+    /// </summary>
+    public string Name { get; }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// The version of the mod file. (File Version)
+    /// </summary>
+    /// <remarks>
+    /// The Nexus mod site allows arbitrary input here, so this is a string.
+    /// </remarks>
+    public string Version { get; }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// When the file was uploaded to Nexus Mods
+    /// </summary>
+    public DateTimeOffset UploadedAt { get; }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Returns all other files the same mod page.
+    /// </summary>
+    public IEnumerable<IAmAModFile> OtherFilesInSameModPage { get; }
diff --git a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp.cs b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 37fc2c1737..0000000000
--- a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates/Traits/ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Traits;
-/// <summary>
-/// This interface marks an item which has the time it was last updated.
-/// </summary>
-public interface ICanGetLastUpdatedTimestamp
-    /// <summary>
-    /// Retrieves the time the item was last updated.
-    /// </summary>
-    public DateTime GetLastUpdatedDate();
diff --git a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi/RunUpdateCheck.cs b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi/RunUpdateCheck.cs
index 98e0e2e5ec..bdaa9861fe 100644
--- a/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi/RunUpdateCheck.cs
+++ b/src/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi/RunUpdateCheck.cs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
 using NexusMods.MnemonicDB.Abstractions;
 using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates;
 using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Mixins;
+using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Traits;
 using NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi.Extensions;
 using StrawberryShake;
 namespace NexusMods.Networking.NexusWebApi;
@@ -104,8 +105,36 @@ private static async Task UpdateModPage(IDb db, ITransaction tx, INexusGraphQLCl
     /// <summary>
     /// Returns all files which have a 'newer' date than the current one.
     /// </summary>
-    public static IEnumerable<NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly> GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly file)
+    public static IEnumerable<NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly> GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(NexusModsFileMetadata.ReadOnly file) 
+        => GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(new ModFileMetadataMixin(file)).Select(x => ((ModFileMetadataMixin)x).Metadata);
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Returns all files which have a 'newer' date than the current one,
+    /// using fuzzy name matching to handle variations in file naming.
+    /// </summary>
+    public static IEnumerable<IAmAModFile> GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(IAmAModFile file)
-        return file.ModPage.Files.Where(x => x.UploadedAt > file.UploadedAt);
-    } 
+        // Get the normalized name for the current file
+        var normalizedName = FuzzySearch.NormalizeFileName(file.Name, file.Version);
+        // Get all other files from the same mod page
+        return file.OtherFilesInSameModPage
+            .Where(otherFile => 
+                // Must be uploaded later
+                // Note(sewer):
+                //
+                //     In future we might check version too, but this may
+                //     be a bit unreliable in cases where versions have
+                //     a suffix and non-suffix variants. So these items would
+                //     need to be put into a different group/pool to match from.
+                //
+                //     Because, when mapped to SemVer, the suffix would be
+                //     interpreted as a pre-release, and an item without a suffix
+                //     may be assumed as a more recent version.
+                otherFile.UploadedAt > file.UploadedAt &&
+                // Must have matching normalized name
+                FuzzySearch.NormalizeFileName(otherFile.Name, otherFile.Version)
+                    .Equals(normalizedName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
+            );
+    }
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/FuzzySearchTests.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/FuzzySearchTests.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f70d29607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/FuzzySearchTests.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+using FluentAssertions;
+namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests;
+/// <summary>
+/// Tests based around fuzzy searching of updates for files based on filenames.
+/// </summary>
+public class FuzzySearchTests
+    [Theory]
+    // Reference Example: SkyUI (underscores and version in middle)
+    [InlineData("SkyUI_5_2_SE", "5.2SE", "skyui se")]
+    // Reference Example: Skyrim 202X (version after name)
+    [InlineData("Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Architecture PART 1", "9.0", "skyrim 202x - architecture part 1")]
+    // Reference Example: Quality World Map (file version with suffix)
+    [InlineData("9.0 A Quality World Map - Paper", "9.0P", "a quality world map - paper")]
+    // Reference Example: Maestros of Synth (extension stripping)
+    [InlineData("Maestros of", "", "maestros of synth")]
+    // USSEP style with underscores and extension
+    [InlineData("Unofficial_Skyrim_Special_Edition_Patch.rar", "", "unofficial skyrim special edition patch")]
+    // Multiple spaces normalization
+    [InlineData("Mod    Name  with   multiple    spaces", "", "mod name with multiple spaces")]
+    // Version with non-semver beta suffix
+    [InlineData("Mod", "1.2beta", "mod")]
+    // Version with non-semver suffix and underscores
+    [InlineData("Cool_Mod_1_2alpha.7z", "1.2alpha", "cool mod")]
+    // (Sewer) Edge cases we don't currently handle:
+    // - Version with space between number and suffix in name
+    //      - e.g. 'Cool Mod 1.2 alpha.7z' + '1.2alpha' will not eliminate '1.2 alpha', because version doesn't have a space in name.
+    public void NormalizeFileName_ShouldHandleVariousCases(string fileName, string version, string expected)
+    {
+        // Act
+        var result = FuzzySearch.NormalizeFileName(fileName, version);
+        // Assert
+        result.Should().Be(expected);
+    }
+    [Theory]
+    [InlineData(null, "1.0", "")] // Null input
+    [InlineData("test", null, "test")] // Null Version
+    [InlineData("", "1.0", "")] // Empty string
+    [InlineData(" ", "1.0", "")] // Whitespace only
+    public void NormalizeFileName_ShouldHandleEmptyInput(string? fileName, string version, string expected)
+    {
+        // Act
+        var result = FuzzySearch.NormalizeFileName(fileName, version);
+        // Assert
+        result.Should().Be(expected);
+    }
+    [Theory]
+    // Suffix
+    [InlineData("5.2SE", new[] { "5.2SE", "5.2", "5_2SE", "5_2" })]
+    [InlineData("9.0P", new[] { "9.0P", "9.0", "9_0P", "9_0" })]
+    [InlineData("9.0VF", new[] { "9.0VF", "9.0", "9_0VF", "9_0" })]
+    // Prefix
+    [InlineData("v5.2", new[] { "v5.2", "5.2", "v5_2", "5_2" })]
+    // Standard
+    [InlineData("10.0.1", new[] { "10.0.1", "10_0_1" })]
+    // Invalid
+    [InlineData("", new string[] { })]
+    [InlineData(null, new string[] { })]
+    // Prefix and Suffix
+    [InlineData("v1alpha", new[] { "v1alpha", "1alpha", "v1", "1" })]
+    [InlineData("v5.2SE", new[] { "v5.2SE", "5.2SE", "v5.2", "5.2", "v5_2SE", "5_2SE", "v5_2", "5_2" })]
+    [InlineData("v1.0beta", new[] { "v1.0beta", "1.0beta", "v1.0", "1.0", "v1_0beta", "1_0beta", "v1_0", "1_0" })]
+    // SemVer Prereleases
+    [InlineData("1.0-alpha", new[] { "1.0-alpha", "1.0", "1_0-alpha", "1_0" })]
+    [InlineData("v1.0-alpha", new[] { "v1.0-alpha", "1.0-alpha", "v1.0", "1.0", "v1_0-alpha", "1_0-alpha", "v1_0", "1_0" })]
+    public void GetVersionPermutations_ShouldReturnAllPossibleVersionFormats(string input, string[] expected)
+    {
+        // Act
+        var result = FuzzySearch.GetVersionPermutations(input);
+        // Assert
+        result.Should().BeEquivalentTo(expected);
+    }
+    [Theory]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of", "Maestros of Synth")]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of Synth.ZIP", "Maestros of Synth")]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of Synth.7z", "Maestros of Synth")]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of Synth.omod", "Maestros of Synth")]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of Synth", "Maestros of Synth")]
+    [InlineData("", "Something.with.dots")]
+    [InlineData("Maestros of Synth.nx", "Maestros of Synth")] // maybe one day
+    [InlineData(null, null)]
+    [InlineData("", "")]
+    [InlineData(" ", " ")]
+    public void StripFileExtensions_ShouldHandleAllowedFileExtension(string input, string expected)
+    {
+        // Act
+        var result = FuzzySearch.StripFileExtension(input);
+        // Assert
+        result.Should().Be(expected);
+    }
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/MockModFile.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/MockModFile.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e0ff77dd59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/MockModFile.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Traits;
+/// <summary>
+/// Represents a mock mod page for testing
+/// </summary>
+public class MockModPage
+    private readonly List<MockModFile> _files = new();
+    public IReadOnlyList<MockModFile> Files => _files;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Adds a new file to this mod page
+    /// </summary>
+    public MockModFile AddFile(string name, string version, DateTimeOffset uploadedAt)
+    {
+        var file = new MockModFile(name, version, uploadedAt, this);
+        _files.Add(file);
+        return file;
+    }
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Creates a new mod page with the specified files
+    /// </summary>
+    public static MockModPage Create(Action<MockModPage> configure)
+    {
+        var page = new MockModPage();
+        configure(page);
+        return page;
+    }
+/// <summary>
+/// A mock implementation of IAmAModFile for testing purposes
+/// </summary>
+public class MockModFile : IAmAModFile
+    public string Name { get; }
+    public string Version { get; }
+    public DateTimeOffset UploadedAt { get; }
+    public IEnumerable<IAmAModFile> OtherFilesInSameModPage => 
+        _modPage.Files.Where(f => f != this);
+    private readonly MockModPage _modPage;
+    internal MockModFile(string name, string version, DateTimeOffset uploadedAt, MockModPage modPage)
+    {
+        Name = name;
+        Version = version;
+        UploadedAt = uploadedAt;
+        _modPage = modPage;
+    }
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestItem.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestModFeedItem.cs
similarity index 78%
rename from tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestItem.cs
rename to tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestModFeedItem.cs
index 3317d01ef8..f9c96b0475 100644
--- a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestItem.cs
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/Helpers/TestModFeedItem.cs
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers;
 // Helper class to simulate updateable items
-public class TestItem : IModFeedItem
+public class TestModFeedItem : IModFeedItem
     public DateTime LastUpdated { get; set; }
     public UidForMod Uid { get; set; }
@@ -12,9 +12,9 @@ public class TestItem : IModFeedItem
     public UidForMod GetModPageId() => Uid;
     // Helper method to create a test item
-    public static TestItem Create(uint gameId, uint modId, DateTime lastUpdated)
+    public static TestModFeedItem Create(uint gameId, uint modId, DateTime lastUpdated)
-        return new TestItem
+        return new TestModFeedItem
             Uid = new UidForMod { GameId = GameId.From(gameId), ModId = ModId.From(modId) },
             LastUpdated = lastUpdated,
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
index 63a8b7749b..bc4fbdae42 100644
--- a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 using FluentAssertions;
 using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers;
-using static NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers.TestItem;
+using static NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers.TestModFeedItem;
 namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests;
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ public class MultiFeedCacheUpdaterTests
     public void Constructor_WithEmptyItems_ShouldNotThrow()
         // Arrange & Act
-        Action act = () => new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>([], TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        Action act = () => new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>([], TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         // Assert
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ public void Constructor_ShouldSetOldItemsToNeedUpdate()
         // Act
-        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var result = updater.BuildFlattened();
         // Assert
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ public void Update_ShouldMarkMissingItemsAsUndetermined()
             Create(2, 2, now.AddDays(-8)),
-        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ public void Update_ShouldMarkItemsAsUpToDateOrNeedingUpdateAcrossMultipleFeeds()
             Create(2, 2, now.AddDays(-7)),
-        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
             Create(1, 1, now.AddDays(-8)),  // Newer, needs update
@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ public void Update_HavingExtraItemsInUpdatePayloadHasNoSideEffects()
             Create(2, 2, now.AddDays(-7)),
-        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ public void Update_ShouldHandleUpdatesFromDifferentFeeds()
             Create(3, 1, now.AddDays(-15)),
-        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new MultiFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
index 7abcd9ad4a..414f54c41a 100644
--- a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests.cs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 using System.Diagnostics;
 using FluentAssertions;
 using NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers;
-using static NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers.TestItem;
+using static NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests.Helpers.TestModFeedItem;
 namespace NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests;
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ public class PerFeedCacheUpdaterTests
     public void Constructor_WithEmptyItems_ShouldNotThrow()
         // Arrange & Act
-        Action act = () => new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>([], TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        Action act = () => new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>([], TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         // Assert
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ public void Constructor_WithItemsFromDifferentGames_ShouldThrowArgumentException
         // Act
         // ReSharper disable once HeapView.ObjectAllocation.Evident
         // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement
-        Action act = () => new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        Action act = () => new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         // Assert
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ public void Constructor_ShouldSetOldItemsToNeedUpdate()
         // Act
-        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var result = updater.Build();
         // Assert
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ public void Update_ShouldMarkMissingItemsAsUndetermined()
             Create(1, 3, now.AddDays(-15)),
-        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ public void Update_ShouldMarkItemsAsUpToDateOrNeedingUpdate()
             Create(1, 2, now.AddDays(-5)),
-        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
             Create(1, 1, now.AddDays(-8)),  // Newer, needs update
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ public void Update_HavingExtraItemsInUpdatePayloadHasNoSideEffects()
             Create(1, 3, now.AddDays(-15)),
-        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
+        var updater = new PerFeedCacheUpdater<TestModFeedItem>(items, TimeSpan.FromDays(30));
         var updateItems = new[]
diff --git a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/RunUpdateCheckTests.cs b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/RunUpdateCheckTests.cs
index ba64b28477..bc802d5cd6 100644
--- a/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/RunUpdateCheckTests.cs
+++ b/tests/Networking/NexusMods.Networking.ModUpdates.Tests/RunUpdateCheckTests.cs
@@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ public async Task UpdatingModPageMetadata_ViaWebApi_ShouldWork()
         var loadout = await CreateLoadout();
         // Install a version of CET into the loadout.
+        // Name: 'CET 1.23.0'
         var modId = ModId.From(107u); // CET
-        var fileId = FileId.From(18963u); // 1.18.1
+        var fileId = FileId.From(39639u); // 1.18.1
         await using var tempFile = TemporaryFileManager.CreateFile();
         var downloadJob = await _nexusModsLibrary.CreateDownloadJob(
@@ -71,6 +72,170 @@ public async Task UpdatingModPageMetadata_ViaWebApi_ShouldWork()
         // Get the collection of newer mods, there should at least be 43 at time of
         // collection. We're not filtering out archived, so this number can never change
         var newerMods = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(Connection.Db, outOfDateFileUid);
-        newerMods.Should().HaveCountGreaterThan(42);
+        newerMods.Should().HaveCountGreaterThan(7);
+        // Note: >=7 at time of writing.
+        // this is just a sanity test, there's a separate test against mocked
+        // data for the file picking logic
+    }
+/// <summary>
+/// Tests specific to selecting newer files for an existing files.
+/// This logic is part of <see cref="RunUpdateCheck"/> but placed in separate
+/// class for easier segregation.
+/// </summary>
+public class GetNewerFilesSelectorTests
+    private static DateTimeOffset BaseTime => new(2024, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, TimeSpan.Zero);
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldReturnEmpty_WhenNoOtherFiles()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "1.0", BaseTime);
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]);
+        result.Should().BeEmpty();
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldReturnEmpty_WhenOnlyOlderFiles()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("OldFile 1.0", "1.0", BaseTime.AddDays(-1));
+            page.AddFile("OldFile 2.0", "2.0", BaseTime);
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[1]);
+        result.Should().BeEmpty();
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldReturnNewerFiles_WhenMatchingNamesExist()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("", "3.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("2.0", "3.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldIgnoreDifferentNames()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("", "3.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(1);
+        result.Single().Version.Should().Be("3.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldHandleVersionsInNames()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("TestMod", "1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("TestMod", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("TestMod", "3.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("2.0", "3.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldHandleDifferentExtensions()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("TestMod.7z", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("TestMod.rar", "3.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("2.0", "3.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldHandleUnderscoresAndSpaces()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("Test", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("", "3.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("2.0", "3.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldHandleVersionPrefixes()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            page.AddFile("", "v1.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("", "v2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("", "2.0", BaseTime.AddDays(2));  // No prefix
+        });
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(modPage.Files[0]).ToArray();
+        // Note(sewer): This tests that our code can match with either.
+        // The fact it returns both 'v2.0' and '2.0' here is not assumed to be an error,
+        // as it is unlikely a mod author would publish a mod ***with the same name***
+        // and ***version*** with and without a prefix.
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("v2.0", "2.0");
+    }
+    [Fact]
+    public void GetNewerFilesForExistingFile_ShouldHandleComplexExample()
+    {
+        var modPage = MockModPage.Create(page =>
+        {
+            // Different parts with same version
+            page.AddFile("Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Architecture PART 1", "9.0", BaseTime);
+            page.AddFile("Skyrim 202X 9.0 - Landscape PART 2", "9.0", BaseTime);
+            // Updates to Part 1
+            page.AddFile("Skyrim 202X 10.0 - Architecture PART 1", "10.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+            page.AddFile("Skyrim_202X_10.0.1 - Architecture PART", "10.0.1", BaseTime.AddDays(2));
+            // Updates to Part 2 (should not be matched)
+            page.AddFile("Skyrim 202X 10.0 - Landscape PART 2", "10.0", BaseTime.AddDays(1));
+        });
+        var oldArchitecturePart = modPage.Files[0];
+        var result = RunUpdateCheck.GetNewerFilesForExistingFile(oldArchitecturePart).ToArray();
+        result.Should().HaveCount(2);
+        result.Select(f => f.Version).Should().BeEquivalentTo("10.0", "10.0.1");

From 03726dfc4136f79e3166e85771ad14a4e4a91d07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sewer56 <>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2025 10:13:53 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] Removed: Older/Obsolete Info around Picking Files

 .../decisions/backend/        | 14 +-------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/docs/developers/decisions/backend/ b/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
index 06895e6331..22fbc53a01 100644
--- a/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
+++ b/docs/developers/decisions/backend/
@@ -33,23 +33,11 @@ For now, we will:
 - [Use the 'fuzzy' search strategy](#fuzzy-search-strategy) to match files. (Phase 0)
 ***Once all other work around updates (UI, etc.)*** is complete, with a working prototype, we will
-improve on this by doing the following:
+improve on this by doing the following (Phase 1):
 - [Use the `file_updates` array from V1 API's Querying Mod Files][querying-mod-files]
     - Or an equivalent V2 API, if available.
-## Displaying Mod Updates
-!!! info "We display all files on a given mod page that are more recent (file upload time) than the user's file."
-Although uncommon this may include:
-- Files for other mods on same mod page.
-- Older files (if uploaded out of order).
-We will for now rely on *users' common sense* to identify whether a file is an 
-update to a previous file or not. Until site decides on future plans.
 ## Fuzzy Search Strategy
 !!! info "This is a 'cheap' strategy to try detect file updates in the presence of [missing update links][querying-mod-files]"