Nictiz develops FHIR profiles (and related conformance resources) representing the zibs. These profiles undergo a validation process at HL7 Netherlands[^1], which checks them on aspects like alignment with international FHIR usage, re-usability, usage of terminology, etc. If one or more of these aspects are deemed incorrect, HL7 Netherlands asks Nictiz to adjust the profile accordingly. Only if all these aspects are deemed correct by HL7 Netherlands, the profile passes validation.
Profiles can be in one of four statuses:
- not submitted for validation: the profiles have not been developed yet, are still in development, or are being adjusted after rejection or withdrawal.
- in progress: the profiles have been submitted for validation and are awaiting the discussion at HL7 Netherlands.
- validated: the profiles have passed review at HL7 Netherlands.
- rejected: issues have been found with the profiles during review at HL7 Netherlands. Normally, this will result in adjustments of the profile and re-submission, with the accompanying statuses.
[^1] In terms of the NEN7522, HL7 Netherlands fulfills the roles of "expert" and "autorisator".
Profiles that have passed validation at HL7 Netherlands are published with a beta label to indicate that, although they have undergone thorough review, they have not been tested in production use. Users should be aware that production testing could introduce the need for adjustments and even breaking changes, although this is deemed unlikely.
- Profile: zib-AbilityToDressOneself
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-AbilityToDrink
- zib-AbilityToDrink.DrinkingLimitations
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-AbilityToEat
- zib-AbilityToEat.EatingLimitations
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-AbilityToGroom
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: A discussion is ongoing if the reference to zib NursingIntervention needs to be modeled, as this is deemed unnecessary on the zib level.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles:
- zib-AbilityToUseToilet
- zib-AbilityToUseToilet.MenstrualCare
- zib-AbilityToUseToilet.ToiletUse
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-AbilityToWashOneself
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-AddressInformation
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Profile: zib-AdvanceDirective
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-AlcoholUse
- Status: validated
- Remarks:
- Since validation, a new issue has come up regarding the relation between the AlcoholUseStatus and the ObservationOfUse container. This could result in the withdrawal of this profile and subsequent re-profiling of this zib.
- See ZIB-2212 for more information.
- Profile: zib-Alert
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-AllergyIntolerance
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-AnatomicalLocation
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-ApgarScore-1Minute
- zib-ApgarScore-5Minute
- zib-ApgarScore-10Minute
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-BarthelADLIndex
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-BladderFunction
- zib-Stoma
- zib-MedicalDevice
- zib-MedicalDevice.Product
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-BloodPressure
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-BodyHeight
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-BodyTemperature
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-BodyWeight
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-BowelFunction
- zib-BowelFunction.FecalContinence
- zib-BowelFunction.Frequency
- zib-BowelFunction.DefecationConsistency
- zib-BowelFunction.DefecationColor
- zib-MedicalDevice
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-Burnwound
- zib-Burnwound.Extent
- zib-wounds.WoundCharacteristics
- zib-wounds.DateOfLastDressingChange
- zib-wounds.WoundImage
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-CareTeam
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-ChecklistPainBehavior
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-ComfortScale
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses
- zib-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-ContactPerson
- zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Profiles:
- zib-DevelopmentChild
- zib-DevelopmentChild.AgeFirstMenstruation
- zib-DevelopmentChild.DevelopmentCognition
- zib-DevelopmentChild.DevelopmentLinguistics
- zib-DevelopmentChild.DevelopmentLocomotion
- zib-DevelopmentChild.DevelopmentSocial
- zib-DevelopmentChild.ToiletTrainednessFeces
- zib-DevelopmentChild.ToiletTrainednessUrine
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remarks:
- Originally, this zib was profiled using a single Observation resource, but the Validatieraad rejected this approach and asked to use multiple Observation resources. Since then, an issue with the underlying zib has come up which prevents the completion of the profiles according to this new approach.
- See ZIB-2262 for details.
- Profile: zib-DOSScore
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-DrugUse
- Status: validated
- Remarks:
- Since validation, a new issue has come up regarding the relation between the DrugUseStatus and the ObservationOfUse container. This could result in the withdrawal of this profile and subsequent re-profiling of this zib.
- See ZIB-2212 for more information.
- Profile: zib-Education
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-Encounter
- Status: in progress
- Remark: the profile had passed validation before, but afterwards the guidance is adjusted regarding start and stop dates.
- Profile: zib-EpisodeOfCare
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: There is a question regarding the intention of zib concept AgeAtDeath which prevents the creation of a profile for this zib. See ZIB-2262 for more information.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-FeedingPatternInfant
- Status: rejected
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: This zib has a dependency on zib MedicationAdministration2. For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, the profile is withheld from validation.
- Profile: zib-FLACCpainScale
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-FluidBalance
- zib-FluidBalance.FluidTotalIn
- zib-FluidBalance.FluidTotalOut
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-FreedomRestrictingIntervention
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-FunctionalOrMentalStatus
- zib-MedicalDevice
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-GlasgowComaScale
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-HeadCircumference
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-HealthcareProvider
- zib-HealthcareProvider-Organization
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner
- zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole
- zib-CareTeam
- zib-Encounter
- Status: rejected
- Remark: The concept HealthProfessionalRole defined by this zib is in FHIR not part of a Practitioner or PractitionerRole resource, but rather part of the resource referencing these resources. Pending development of all profiles, this concept has not been properly mapped to each situation. See this Github issue for more information.
- Profiles:
- zib-HearingFunction
- zib-HearingFunction.HearingAid
- zib-HearingFunction.HearingAid.Product
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles:
- zib-HeartRate
- zib-HeartRate.HeartbeatRegularity
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles:
- zib-IllnessPerception
- zib-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByFamily
- zib-IllnessPerception.CopingWithIllnessByPatient
- zib-IllnessPerception.PatientIllnessInsight
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: This zib has a dependency on zib MedicationAdministration2. For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, the profile is withheld from validation.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Profiles:
- zib-LaboratoryTestResult
- zib-LaboratoryTestResult.Specimen
- zib-LaboratoryTestResult.SpecimenSource
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles: zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Remark: This zib is modeled inline in the zib-Patient profile.
- Profiles:
- zib-LegalSituation-LegalStatus
- zib-LegalSituation-Representation
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-LifeStance
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Remark: This zib is modeled inline in the zib-Patient profile.
- Profiles:
- zib-MedicalDevice
- zib-MedicalDevice.Product
- zib-Procedure-event
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Profile: zib-MedicationContraIndication
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Remark: For the medication related zibs, there's an ongoing discussion if the profiles will be published as the zibs (and thus the profiles) are incompatible with the requirements of the MP9 program, which is the main use case for exchange of medication information in the Netherlands. Pending this discussion, these profiles are withheld from validation.
- Profiles:
- zib-Mobility
- zib-Mobility.ChangingPosition
- zib-Mobility.ClimbingStairs
- zib-Mobility.MaintainingPosition
- zib-Mobility.Transfer
- zib-Mobility.Walking
- Status: validated
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-MUSTScore
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-NameInformation
- zib-NameInformation.GivenName
- Status: in progress
- Profiles: zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Remark: This zib is modeled inline in the zib-Patient profile.
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-NutritionAdvice
- Status: rejected
- Profile: zib-O2Saturation
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-PainScore
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-ParticipationInSociety
- zib-ParticipationInSociety.Hobby
- zib-ParticipationInSociety.SocialNetwork
- zib-ParticipationInSociety.WorkSituation
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-Payer.PayerPerson
- zib-Payer.InsuranceCompany
- zib-Payer-Organization
- zib-ContactPerson
- zib-Patient
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-PharmaceuticalProduct
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-Pregnancy
- zib-Pregnancy.DateLastMenstruation
- zib-Pregnancy.EstimatedDateOfDelivery
- zib-Pregnancy.Gravidity
- zib-Pregnancy.Parity
- zib-Pregnancy.PregnancyDuration
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-PressureUlcer
- zib-wounds.WoundCharacteristics
- zib-wounds.DateOfLastDressingChange
- zib-wounds.WoundDepth
- zib-wounds.WoundImage
- zib-wounds.WoundLength
- zib-wounds.WoundWidth
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-Procedure-event
- zib-MedicalDevice
- zib-HearingFunction.HearingAid
- zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole
- Status: validated
- Profiles:
- zib-Procedure-request
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-Problem
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-PulseRate
- zib-PulseRate.PulseRegularity
- Status: rejected
- Status: validated
- Remark: No explicit profile of this partial zib is created, as this model is part of the resources which use this partial zib.
- Profile: zib-Refraction
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-SkinDisorder
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-SNAQ65plusScore
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-SNAQrcScore
- Status: in progress
- Profile: zib-SNAQScore
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-SOAPReport
- zib-SOAPReport.SOAPLine
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-Stoma
- zib-MedicalDevice
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-StrongKidsScore
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-TextResult
- zib-TextResult.VisualResult
- zib-Procedure-event
- Status: in progress
- Profiles:
- zib-TimeInterval
- ext-TimeInterval.Duration
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-TreatmentDirective2
- Status: in progress
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profile: zib-TobaccoUse
- Status: validated
- Remarks:
- Since validation, a new issue has come up regarding the relation between the TobaccoUseStatus and the ObservationOfUse container. This could result in the withdrawal of this profile and subsequent re-profiling of this zib.
- See ZIB-2212 for more information.
- Profile: zib-Vaccination-event
- Status: validated
- Profile: zib-Vaccination-request
- Status: rejected
- Remark: On the zib level, it is not entirely clear if future use means a concrete order, a clinical reminder, or both. Pending this discussion, further profiling efforts are withheld.
- Profiles:
- zib-VisualAcuity
- zib-VisualAcuity.VisualAcuityMeasurementDevice.xml
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles:
- zib-VisualFunction
- zib-VisualFunction.VisualAid
- Status: not submitted for validation
- Profiles:
- zib-Wound
- zib-Wound.Drain
- zib-Wound.WoundEdge
- zib-Wound.WoundInfection
- zib-Wound.WoundMoisture
- zib-Wound.WoundTissue
- zib-wounds.WoundCharacteristics
- zib-wounds.DateOfLastDressingChange
- zib-wounds.WoundDepth
- zib-wounds.WoundImage
- zib-wounds.WoundLength
- zib-wounds.WoundWidth
- zib-MedicalDevice
- Status: in progress