diff --git a/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml b/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3dc11073
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
+  <id value="nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+  <text>
+    <status value="empty"/>
+    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div>
+  </text>
+  <url value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+  <name value="NlcoreHealthProfessionalPractitioner" />
+  <title value="nl core HealthProfessional Practitioner" />
+  <status value="draft" />
+  <publisher value="Nictiz" />
+  <contact>
+    <name value="Nictiz" />
+    <telecom>
+      <system value="url" />
+      <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" />
+      <use value="work" />
+    </telecom>
+  </contact>
+  <description value="A health professional is a person who is authorized to perform actions in the field of individual healthcare." />
+  <purpose value="A derived profile from [zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner](http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner) to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes. This profile augments the base profile with elements found in the various use cases that have adopted the zib." />
+  <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise." />
+  <fhirVersion value="4.0.1" />
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <kind value="resource" />
+  <abstract value="false" />
+  <type value="Practitioner" />
+  <baseDefinition value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+  <derivation value="constraint" />
+  <differential>
+    <element id="Practitioner">
+      <path value="Practitioner" />
+      <comment value="The zib HealthProfessional is mapped for all but one concept (HealthProfessionalRole) to this Practitioner profile and a profile on PractitionerRole (&lt;http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole&gt;). The PractitionerRole resource covers the recording of the location and types of services that HealthProfessionals are able to provide for a HealthcareProvider. The zib concepts Specialty and HealthcareProvider are therefore mapped onto PractitionerRole.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Although the zib concept name HealthProfessionalRole superficially seems to match the PractitionerRole resource, this is not the case based on the definition and values of that concept. In FHIR, the role that a HealthProfessional fulfills is captured as part of the clinical resource for that specific case, for example in the `Procedure.performer.role` element. This prevents the creation of duplicate HealthProfessional instances for each clinical situation where the HealthProfessional performs a different role in the process." />
+      <alias value="nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.name:nameInformation">
+      <path value="Practitioner.name" />
+      <sliceName value="nameInformation" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="HumanName" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-NameInformation" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.name:nameInformation-GivenName">
+      <path value="Practitioner.name" />
+      <sliceName value="nameInformation-GivenName" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="HumanName" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-NameInformation.GivenName" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.telecom:telephoneNumbers">
+      <path value="Practitioner.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="telephoneNumbers" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.telecom:emailAddresses">
+      <path value="Practitioner.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="emailAddresses" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.address">
+      <path value="Practitioner.address" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Address" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-AddressInformation" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+  </differential>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml b/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6ae6e90d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nl-core/StructureDefinitions/nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
+  <id value="nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+  <text>
+    <status value="empty"/>
+    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div>
+  </text>
+  <url value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+  <name value="NlcoreHealthProfessionalPractitionerRole" />
+  <title value="nl core HealthProfessional PractitionerRole" />
+  <status value="draft" />
+  <publisher value="Nictiz" />
+  <contact>
+    <name value="Nictiz" />
+    <telecom>
+      <system value="url" />
+      <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" />
+      <use value="work" />
+    </telecom>
+  </contact>
+  <description value="A health professional is a person who is authorized to perform actions in the field of individual healthcare." />
+  <purpose value="A derived profile from [zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole](http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole) to provide a version better suited for implementation purposes. This profile augments the base profile with elements found in the various use cases that have adopted the zib." />
+  <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise." />
+  <fhirVersion value="4.0.1" />
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <kind value="resource" />
+  <abstract value="false" />
+  <type value="PractitionerRole" />
+  <baseDefinition value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+  <derivation value="constraint" />
+  <differential>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole" />
+      <comment value="The zib HealthProfessional is mapped for all but one concept (HealthProfessionalRole) to a profile on Practitioner (&lt;http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner&gt;) and this PractitionerRole profile. The PractitionerRole resource covers the recording of the location and types of services that HealthProfessionals are able to provide for a HealthcareProvider. The zib concepts Specialty and HealthcareProvider are therefore mapped onto PractitionerRole.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Although the zib concept name HealthProfessionalRole superficially seems to match the PractitionerRole resource, this is not the case based on the definition and values of that concept. In FHIR, the role that a HealthProfessional fulfills is captured as part of the clinical resource for that specific case, for example in the `Procedure.performer.role` element. This prevents the creation of duplicate HealthProfessional instances for each clinical situation where the HealthProfessional performs a different role in the process." />
+      <alias value="nl-core-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.practitioner">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.practitioner" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Reference" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.organization">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.organization" />
+      <comment value="A HealthcareProvider in zib terms is primarily a location where care is provided, and so the zib concept HealthcareProvider (NL-CM:17.1.6) would normally be fulfilled using a reference to a Location resource (profile nl-core-HealthcareProvider). However, this particular context refers to the organizational aspects of a HealthcareProvider rather than its physical location:&#xD;&#xA;* the zib concept name is not preceded by a role indicator of the zib (like Location::HealthcareProvider, concept id NL-CM:14.1.5, in the zib Procedure).&#xD;&#xA;* the `PractitionerRole.location` cardinality (`0..*`) does not match the zib concept (`0..1`) and restricting it is not correct as a health professional could be working on multiple locations.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Therefore, this concept is fulfilled using a reference to the Organization resource (profile nl-core-HealthcareProvider-Organization) and mapped onto `PractitionerRole.organization` instead of `PractitionerRole.location`." />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Reference" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthcareProvider-Organization" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.location">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.location" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Reference" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Location" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-HealthcareProvider" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.telecom:telephoneNumbers">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="telephoneNumbers" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.telecom:emailAddresses">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="emailAddresses" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/nl-core-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+  </differential>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml b/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..77dca311
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
+  <id value="zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+  <text>
+    <status value="empty"/>
+    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div>
+  </text>
+  <url value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+  <name value="ZibHealthProfessionalPractitioner" />
+  <title value="zib HealthProfessional Practitioner" />
+  <status value="draft" />
+  <publisher value="Nictiz" />
+  <contact>
+    <name value="Nictiz" />
+    <telecom>
+      <system value="url" />
+      <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" />
+      <use value="work" />
+    </telecom>
+  </contact>
+  <description value="A health professional is a person who is authorized to perform actions in the field of individual healthcare." />
+  <purpose value="This Practitioner resource represents the Dutch [zib ('Zorginformatiebouwsteen', i.e. Health and Care Information Model) HealthProfessional v3.5 (2020)](https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN))." />
+  <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise." />
+  <fhirVersion value="4.0.1" />
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <kind value="resource" />
+  <abstract value="true" />
+  <type value="Practitioner" />
+  <baseDefinition value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner" />
+  <derivation value="constraint" />
+  <differential>
+    <element id="Practitioner">
+      <path value="Practitioner" />
+      <short value="HealthProfessional" />
+      <definition value="A health professional is a person who is authorized to perform actions in the field of individual healthcare." />
+      <comment value="The zib HealthProfessional is mapped for all but one concept (HealthProfessionalRole) to this Practitioner profile and a profile on PractitionerRole (&lt;http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole&gt;). The PractitionerRole resource covers the recording of the location and types of services that HealthProfessionals are able to provide for a HealthcareProvider. The zib concepts Specialty and HealthcareProvider are therefore mapped onto PractitionerRole.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Although the zib concept name HealthProfessionalRole superficially seems to match the PractitionerRole resource, this is not the case based on the definition and values of that concept. In FHIR, the role that a HealthProfessional fulfills is captured as part of the clinical resource for that specific case, for example in the `Procedure.performer.role` element. This prevents the creation of duplicate HealthProfessional instances for each clinical situation where the HealthProfessional performs a different role in the process." />
+      <alias value="Zorgverlener" />
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.1" />
+        <comment value="HealthProfessional" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.identifier">
+      <path value="Practitioner.identifier" />
+      <slicing>
+        <discriminator>
+          <type value="value" />
+          <path value="$this" />
+        </discriminator>
+        <rules value="open" />
+      </slicing>
+      <short value="HealthProfessionalIdentificationNumber" />
+      <definition value="The healthcare provider identification number is a number that uniquely identifies the healthcare provider. &#xD;&#xA;                        &#xD;The following numbers are used in the Netherlands: &#xD;1. UZI Health Professionals. Identification of health professionals (people) in the Dutch healthcare industry. &#xD;2. VEKTIS AGB-Z. Identifies health professionals and healthcare organizations &#xD;3. BIG-ID. The ID of the health professional listed in the BIG Register. &#xD;&#xA;                        &#xD;This information is not readily available for foreign health professionals." />
+      <alias value="ZorgverlenerIdentificatienummer" />
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.2" />
+        <comment value="HealthProfessionalIdentificationNumber" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.identifier:big">
+      <path value="Practitioner.identifier" />
+      <sliceName value="big" />
+      <patternIdentifier>
+        <system value="http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/big" />
+      </patternIdentifier>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.identifier:uzi">
+      <path value="Practitioner.identifier" />
+      <sliceName value="uzi" />
+      <patternIdentifier>
+        <system value="http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/uzi-nr-pers" />
+      </patternIdentifier>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.identifier:agb">
+      <path value="Practitioner.identifier" />
+      <sliceName value="agb" />
+      <patternIdentifier>
+        <system value="http://fhir.nl/fhir/NamingSystem/agb-z" />
+      </patternIdentifier>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.name">
+      <path value="Practitioner.name" />
+      <slicing>
+        <discriminator>
+          <type value="value" />
+          <path value="use" />
+        </discriminator>
+        <rules value="open" />
+      </slicing>
+      <short value="NameInformation" />
+      <definition value="Health professional’s full name. If a health professional identification number is entered, it will be the name as listed in UZI, AGB or by the healthcare center." />
+      <alias value="Naamgegevens" />
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.3" />
+        <comment value="NameInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.name:nameInformation">
+      <path value="Practitioner.name" />
+      <sliceName value="nameInformation" />
+      <max value="2" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="HumanName" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-NameInformation" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.name:nameInformation-GivenName">
+      <path value="Practitioner.name" />
+      <sliceName value="nameInformation-GivenName" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="HumanName" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-NameInformation.GivenName" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.telecom">
+      <path value="Practitioner.telecom" />
+      <slicing>
+        <discriminator>
+          <type value="profile" />
+          <path value="$this" />
+        </discriminator>
+        <rules value="open" />
+      </slicing>
+      <short value="ContactInformation" />
+      <definition value="Health professional’s telephone number(s) or e-mail address(es)." />
+      <comment value="The cardinality mismatch between the zib (`0..1`) and FHIR (`0..*`) is explained by the containers TelephoneNumbers (`0..*`) and EmailAddresses (`0..*`) inside the ContactInformation model. The FHIR datatype ContactPoint does not have these containers." />
+      <alias value="Contactgegevens" />
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.8" />
+        <comment value="ContactInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:20.6.1" />
+        <comment value="ContactInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.telecom:telephoneNumbers">
+      <path value="Practitioner.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="telephoneNumbers" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.telecom:emailAddresses">
+      <path value="Practitioner.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="emailAddresses" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.address">
+      <path value="Practitioner.address" />
+      <definition value="Health professional’s address information." />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Address" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-AddressInformation" />
+      </type>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.7" />
+        <comment value="AddressInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.gender">
+      <path value="Practitioner.gender" />
+      <short value="Gender" />
+      <definition value="Patient’s administrative gender." />
+      <alias value="Geslacht" />
+      <binding>
+        <strength value="required" />
+        <description value="Use ConceptMap GeslachtCodelijst-to-AdministrativeGender to translate terminology from the functional model to profile terminology in ValueSet AdministrativeGender. This ConceptMap is based on GeslachtCodelijst as defined in the zib Patient to avoid duplication of ConceptMaps. The GeslachtCodelijst of Patient and HealthProfessional are identical in terms of codes." />
+        <valueSet value="http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/administrative-gender|4.0.1">
+          <extension url="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/11179-permitted-value-conceptmap">
+            <valueCanonical value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/ConceptMap/GeslachtCodelijst-to-AdministrativeGender" />
+          </extension>
+        </valueSet>
+      </binding>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.9" />
+        <comment value="Gender" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.gender.extension:genderCodelist">
+      <path value="Practitioner.gender.extension" />
+      <sliceName value="genderCodelist" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Extension" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/ext-CodeSpecification" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="Practitioner.gender.extension:genderCodelist.value[x]">
+      <path value="Practitioner.gender.extension.value[x]" />
+      <binding>
+        <strength value="required" />
+        <valueSet value="http://decor.nictiz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883." />
+      </binding>
+    </element>
+  </differential>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml b/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..44d10f1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/zib/StructureDefinitions/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<StructureDefinition xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir">
+  <id value="zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+  <text>
+    <status value="empty"/>
+    <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">No narrative is provided for definitional resources. A human-readable rendering can be found in the implementation guide(s) where this resource is used.</div>
+  </text>
+  <url value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-PractitionerRole" />
+  <name value="ZibHealthProfessionalPractitionerRole" />
+  <title value="zib HealthProfessional PractitionerRole" />
+  <status value="draft" />
+  <publisher value="Nictiz" />
+  <contact>
+    <name value="Nictiz" />
+    <telecom>
+      <system value="url" />
+      <value value="https://www.nictiz.nl" />
+      <use value="work" />
+    </telecom>
+  </contact>
+  <description value="A health professional is a person who is authorized to perform actions in the field of individual healthcare." />
+  <purpose value="This PractitionerRole resource represents the Dutch [zib ('Zorginformatiebouwsteen', i.e. Health and Care Information Model) HealthProfessional v3.5 (2020)](https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN))." />
+  <copyright value="Copyright and related rights waived via CC0, https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/. This does not apply to information from third parties, for example a medical terminology system. The implementer alone is responsible for identifying and obtaining any necessary licenses or authorizations to utilize third party IP in connection with the specification or otherwise." />
+  <fhirVersion value="4.0.1" />
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib HealthProfessional-v3.5(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <mapping>
+    <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+    <uri value="https://zibs.nl/wiki/ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+    <name value="zib ContactInformation-v1.2(2020EN)" />
+  </mapping>
+  <kind value="resource" />
+  <abstract value="true" />
+  <type value="PractitionerRole" />
+  <baseDefinition value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/PractitionerRole" />
+  <derivation value="constraint" />
+  <differential>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole" />
+      <comment value="The zib HealthProfessional is mapped for all but one concept (HealthProfessionalRole) to a profile on Practitioner (&lt;http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner&gt;) and this PractitionerRole profile. The PractitionerRole resource covers the recording of the location and types of services that HealthProfessionals are able to provide for a HealthcareProvider. The zib concepts Specialty and HealthcareProvider are therefore mapped onto PractitionerRole.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Although the zib concept name HealthProfessionalRole superficially seems to match the PractitionerRole resource, this is not the case based on the definition and values of that concept. In FHIR, the role that a HealthProfessional fulfills is captured as part of the clinical resource for that specific case, for example in the `Procedure.performer.role` element. This prevents the creation of duplicate HealthProfessional instances for each clinical situation where the HealthProfessional performs a different role in the process." />
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.practitioner">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.practitioner" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Reference" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Practitioner" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthProfessional-Practitioner" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.organization">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.organization" />
+      <short value="HealthcareProvider" />
+      <definition value="The organization the health professional works for." />
+      <comment value="A HealthcareProvider in zib terms is primarily a location where care is provided, and so the zib concept HealthcareProvider (NL-CM:17.1.6) would normally be fulfilled using a reference to a Location resource (profile zib-HealthcareProvider). However, this particular context refers to the organizational aspects of a HealthcareProvider rather than its physical location:&#xD;&#xA;* the zib concept name is not preceded by a role indicator of the zib (like Location::HealthcareProvider, concept id NL-CM:14.1.5, in the zib Procedure).&#xD;&#xA;* the `PractitionerRole.location` cardinality (`0..*`) does not match the zib concept (`0..1`) and restricting it is not correct as a health professional could be working on multiple locations.&#xD;&#xA;&#xD;&#xA;Therefore, this concept is fulfilled using a reference to the Organization resource (profile zib-HealthcareProvider-Organization) and mapped onto `PractitionerRole.organization` instead of `PractitionerRole.location`." />
+      <alias value="Zorgaanbieder" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="Reference" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://hl7.org/fhir/StructureDefinition/Organization" />
+        <targetProfile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-HealthcareProvider-Organization" />
+      </type>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.6" />
+        <comment value="HealthcareProvider" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.specialty">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.specialty" />
+      <slicing>
+        <discriminator>
+          <type value="value" />
+          <path value="$this" />
+        </discriminator>
+        <rules value="open" />
+      </slicing>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.specialty:specialty">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.specialty" />
+      <sliceName value="specialty" />
+      <short value="Specialty" />
+      <definition value="Health professional’s medical specialty. This refers to the recognized medical specialties as stated in the BIG Act. For example general practitioner or cardiologist." />
+      <comment value="The zib concept Specialty is mapped to a slice on the `.specialty` element instead of the element itself so that other terminology can be used next to the terminology required by the zib." />
+      <alias value="Specialisme" />
+      <max value="1" />
+      <binding>
+        <strength value="required" />
+        <valueSet value="http://decor.nictiz.nl/fhir/ValueSet/2.16.840.1.113883." />
+      </binding>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.4" />
+        <comment value="Specialty" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.telecom">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.telecom" />
+      <slicing>
+        <discriminator>
+          <type value="profile" />
+          <path value="$this" />
+        </discriminator>
+        <rules value="open" />
+      </slicing>
+      <short value="ContactInformation" />
+      <definition value="Health professional’s telephone number(s) or e-mail address(es) that are specific to the role/location/service." />
+      <comment value="The cardinality mismatch between the zib (`0..1`) and FHIR (`0..*`) is explained by the containers TelephoneNumbers (`0..*`) and EmailAddresses (`0..*`) inside the ContactInformation model. The FHIR datatype ContactPoint does not have these containers." />
+      <alias value="Contactgegevens" />
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-healthprofessional-v3.5-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:17.1.8" />
+        <comment value="ContactInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+      <mapping>
+        <identity value="zib-contactinformation-v1.2-2020EN" />
+        <map value="NL-CM:20.6.1" />
+        <comment value="ContactInformation" />
+      </mapping>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.telecom:telephoneNumbers">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="telephoneNumbers" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-ContactInformation-TelephoneNumbers" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+    <element id="PractitionerRole.telecom:emailAddresses">
+      <path value="PractitionerRole.telecom" />
+      <sliceName value="emailAddresses" />
+      <type>
+        <code value="ContactPoint" />
+        <profile value="http://nictiz.nl/fhir/StructureDefinition/zib-ContactInformation-EmailAddresses" />
+      </type>
+    </element>
+  </differential>
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