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+layout: post
+title: What's new in Angular 19.1?
+author: cexbrayat
+tags: ["Angular 19", "Angular"]
+description: "Angular 19.1 is out!"
+Angular 19.1.0 is here!
+This is a minor release with some nice features: let's dive in!
+## TypeScript 5.7 support
+Angular v19.1 now supports TypeScript 5.7.
+This means that you can use the latest version of TypeScript in your Angular applications.
+You can check out the [TypeScript 5.7 release notes](https://devblogs.microsoft.com/typescript/announcing-typescript-5-7/)
+to learn more about the new features.
+## Automatic removal of unused standalone entities
+Angular v19 introduced an extended diagnostic check for standalone entities (pipes, directives, and components)
+that are not used in the application.
+If you have the extended diagnostic checks enabled,
+you probably had to remove a bunch of them when you upgraded to v19.
+Angular v19.1 now provides an automatic removal of these entities
+thanks to the `ng generate @angular/core:cleanup-unused-imports` command!
+## NgComponentOutlet
+You know it's not a big release when one of the most interesting feature
+is a new property on a not-very-often-used directive.
+But here it is: the `ngComponentOutlet` directive now has a `componentInstance` property,
+allowing to access the instance of the component created by the directive.
+The directive is now also exposed as `ngComponentOutlet`, allowing to reference it in templates:
+## Devtools
+The devtools now have a router graph to view the routes that are loaded in the application.
+Some internal work has also been done to add a "tracing" service,
+that the framework calls to trace what triggers change detection.
+This could be leveraged by the devtools to provide more information
+about change detection in the future.
+Another addition in v19.1 is the ability to inspect the signal graph of the application.
+Currently, it is a private debug function called `ɵgetSignalGraph`
+that you can use via `window.ng.ɵgetSignalGraph()` in the console if you enable the debug tools.
+We can safely bet that this will be exposed in the devtools in the future
+with a nice graph showing the signals and their dependencies.
+## Angular CLI
+### Templates HMR
+As we hinted in our [v19 blog post](/2024/11/19/what-is-new-angular-19.0/),
+the CLI now has HMR for templates enabled by default!
+v19 enabled HMR for styles, and now it's also enabled for templates in v19.1,
+both for inline and external templates.
+As for the styles, this required some internal changes in the compiler.
+As it is still a fairly new feature,
+you may have to manually refresh the page sometimes
+or restart your server.
+The HMR feature itself can bail out and do a full rebuild,
+for example, if too many files were modified (currently 32).
+It can be disabled with `--hmr=false` or `--live-reload=false` in the `serve` command,
+or by using `NG_HMR_TEMPLATES=0`.
+### i18n subPath
+It is now easier to specify a customized URL segment for internationalized applications,
+like `/fr` for French or `/es` for Spanish.
+It was already possible to use `baseHref` in the `i18n` configuration,
+but it was still necessary to manually handle the generated files.
+The `baseHref` option is now deprecated in favor of `subPath`,
+which acts as a base href and the name of the folder where the localized version is built:
+"locales": {
+ "fr": {
+ "subPath": "fr", // can be omitted if it's the same as the locale
+ "translation": "src/i18n/messages.fr.json"
+ },
+ "es": {
+ "subPath": "es",
+ "translation": "src/i18n/messages.es.json"
+ }
+The generated files will be in `dist/my-app/browser/fr` and `dist/my-app/browser/es`.
+### SSR redirection to preferred locale
+If your application supports several languages,
+the server will now redirect your users to their preferred locales,
+based on their browser settings.
+This leverages the `Accept-Language` header to determine the preferred locales
+(ranked by their quality value)
+and redirect the user to the corresponding URL segment based on the supported locales.
+This works out of the box without needing to configure anything.
+### SSR preload lazy-loaded routes
+The CLI now preloads lazy-loaded routes during server-side rendering,
+by adding `modulepreload` links in the generated HTML.
+This is limited to 10 modules
+and does not work when the chunk optimization option is enabled
+(see our blog post about [Angular v18.1](/2024/07/10/what-is-new-angular-18.1/)).
+### ng-packagr builder
+The `ng-packagr` package is now available as a builder in the CLI (`@angular/build:ng-packagr`)
+and can now be used to build libraries.
+It is now used by default when you create a library with `ng generate library`
+and removes the need to have the `@angular-devkit/build-angular` package installed
+as you can see in our [angular-cli-lib-diff Github repo](https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-library-diff/compare/19.1.0-next.2...19.1.0-rc.0)
+that tracks changes in a generated library.
+Speaking about repositories helping to track differences between CLI versions,
+we created a new one for the CLI when generating an application with the `--ssr` option:
+[angular-cli-ssr-diff](https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-ssr-diff) 🚀
+(in addition to the one for [libraries](https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-lib-diff)
+and the most popular one for [basic CLI applications](https://github.com/cexbrayat/angular-cli-diff)).
+### Warning about bad localize import
+The CLI will now warn you if you import `@angular/localize/init` directly in your code:
+Direct import of '@angular/localize/init' detected. This may lead to undefined behavior.
+The proper way to add localize is to add it to your polyfills in `angular.json`
+(as `ng add @angular/localize` does).
+## Summary
+That's all for this release, stay tuned!
+All our materials ([ebook](https://books.ninja-squad.com/angular), [online training](https://angular-exercises.ninja-squad.com/) and [training](https://ninja-squad.com/training/angular)) are up-to-date with these changes if you want to learn more!