:h base-directories for information on nvim's config and data directories :h api for info on the neovim api
something that could be a pain in the bum: if telescopes ripgrep command is wrong, telescope fails silently.(it just displays no results)
Please Read That Friendly Manual. A number of times I have wasted lots of time on youtube searching for things like "how to make this plugin do this" only to eventually find that it is a very well documented(and simple) process when I eventually sit and dedicate some time to reading the manual. Note to self and perhaps a tip to fellow neovim enjoyers reading this, do
:help \<plugin whose behaviour I wish to modify>
much more often.:Telescope help_tags
is very useful here as it allows me to fuzzy search plugin manuals, allowing me to find specific things in the manuals when I don't know what they are precisely named -
Deep dives are super valuable. eg. Deeply learn about the diagnostics api over a weekend. I have found that this allows me to have fine grained control. I think about some cool thing I want my beautiful neovim to do, and I find that I have an idea of how to make that happen. Things I would have sought a whole plugin to fix for me, may be achievable with a few lines of lua if I understand what's going on better.